People who are affected by the UK Land Investment SCAM!! Please post here....

I had a chap phone me from holland trying to sell me agricultural plots in susex!!!!!
He was from some glossy over the top company. I talked to his for ages but never gave him my money. Finally I asked him if he wanted to sell land to my friend from the russian mafia who were looking for investements in the UK. He nearly dropped the phone and fumbeled some excues and dare I say never phoned me again!
PS: I dont know any russians let alone criminals but it goes to show that when you confront these operators with something they normally back off and disappear.
if you paid over the odds for a spanish time share in the 90s or invested in some dodgy AIM company you'd still have 'something'. It doesn't take away from the fact its complete spank & you'll have been ripped off.

well lets do some numbers here, land investments are typically a mid to long term investment. lets assume an average annual growth rate for a land investment at 10% over 20 years.

and lets say the land was purchased for 3k, (3k*10%)^20years = gbp18,347.73

if the provider put a 400% markup on the land (sold at 15k) this does not give enough viability to profit if you sell it on to someone who percieves it at this value also, not for 20 years anyway, but as the seller has complete control over it they can ask a premium for themselves. It depends who wants it more and for what really.....obviously someone fresh will come on the scene with a new outlook and understanding and estimate planning given in the next ten years and take it for 25K, to them it is a good investment.

but the point is to get planning to boost its value to around 100K , so this is just a nice safety..

good quality land in the right location is reliable, a good asset.....
I had a chap phone me from holland trying to sell me agricultural plots in susex!!!!!
He was from some glossy over the top company. I talked to his for ages but never gave him my money. Finally I asked him if he wanted to sell land to my friend from the russian mafia who were looking for investements in the UK. He nearly dropped the phone and fumbeled some excues and dare I say never phoned me again!
PS: I dont know any russians let alone criminals but it goes to show that when you confront these operators with something they normally back off and disappear.

what did you confront him with????, maybe he was a legitamate provider looking to do honest business but was afraid to get involved in dealings with the mafia, maybe he thought you and your Kronies were extortionate spankers and wanted nothing to do with you.......:clap:
what did you confront him with????, maybe he was a legitamate provider looking to do honest business but was afraid to get involved in dealings with the mafia, maybe he thought you and your Kronies were extortionate spankers and wanted nothing to do with you.......:clap:

No - these guys kept phoning me from holland. When I asked for their phone numbers they refused saying they would call me back. I might add that I have a private land line for my work and its not a number widely availabe in directories etc. I can confidentlty say these guys were up to no good.
What did I confront them with? Nothing except I played their game. Sort of fighting fire with fire.
No - these guys kept phoning me from holland. When I asked for their phone numbers they refused saying they would call me back. I might add that I have a private land line for my work and its not a number widely availabe in directories etc. I can confidentlty say these guys were up to no good.

dam rotten crooks, this is not how you do business...
Dubai Property


Yes you are right, UK isn't really the place at the moment to invest in properties. If you need any help in purchasing flats in Dubai, let me know. I can help as I already have few flats in Dubai and can assist you. If you want, we can talk it over a cup of tea.



Shahid I think you should know whats going on if you bought land though UKLI I have been uodated by post recently, but maybe you could lok at recent update to investors on
I reckon Baljinder Chohan has been made a scapegoat by the FSA who are masters at their own wrong doing,(Mortgages mis sold, pensions mis sold, credit crunch, etc etc) I bought land through UKLI and am happy to keep the plots long term for returns, if this does not happen I will sell the plots on, I DO have full freehold title and did research and i am entirely happy with the sites i chose, as far as the court case against UKLI s concerned the company has been wound up by the FSA for operating a collective investment scheme. There will be a meeing of creditoers on the 25th June and all will be told then. I am in the process of looking at off plan property in the much saught after area of Ajman near Dubai. anyone able to offer their ideas or opinions, Much appreciated. The UK aint worth investing in, its too naughty at present.
The Land Scammers seem to have moved offshore. For example, one 'firm' was recently in Singapore selling UK plots. Maybe they've found a loophole where if they sell to non-uk citizens they don't have to be registered. Or, perhaps they don't care and think that the FSA or anyone else in the UK won't come after them if they don't sell to the UK. A bit like the offshore boiler rooms who know that pretty much everyone passes the buck and says 'we can't help because the crime and the people are based offshore'.
Severn Beach

Hi, this is my first time on this (or any) forum.
I have only just discovered the situation with UKLI. I purchased a plot on Severn Beach just 12 months ago and have the title deeds. I have read most of what the liquidator has posted along with some of the comments on this forum.
I did go into this 'investment' with my eyes partly open - the sell to me was the pro-active approach being sold by UKLI in their intent to press for PP on their retained land. Being a 1st timer to land investment I hadn't heard of Collective Investment regulations.
The reason that I am writing now is to see if anyone knows of any further development in relation to Regents Land Ltd., in particular, has anyone heard what is likely to happen to the 2.5 acres of land on this site still owned (if that's the word) by Regents Land?
I understand that there is nothing that can be done collectively to promote the site but has anyone come up with any other ideas?

I dont think it is a scam, all the other scaremongers think it is; Paul you may have misunderstood my initial input, I bought it after seeing the area & reckon it stands a very good chance of being allocated into the local framework of that area., I do have full freehold title & wimpey have a 15% profit share once planning permission has been it was a Wimpey site previously.(In their bank of sites)
I am pleased to hold onto the land for as long as it takes & my children will benefit in the long term. Investments are at such a perilous high at the moment, property colapse pensions, Shares etc, All doing dany😆 I feel land is a good investment, God aint making any more of it.
Very ANgry

Hi All

As you know, UK Land Investment (a very well known company) has scamed ALOT of people all over the world and I'm one of those. I had 3 plots in total with them and now they all gone.

I'm trying to get as many people as I can (who have been scammed by UK Land Investment) and together I'm sure we can do some sort of legal action against them.

I really don't get it, I mean one of the Directors Baljinder Chohan (of UKLI) was involved in a scam before then why was he allowed to direct again? He ended up scaming again. Also, if anyone knows anything about any of the three directors of UK Land Investment, please do let me know. That will really help.

Also if anyone knows what happened on the court hearing on 26th May 2008....

Thank you

Much Appreciated


Shahid we have already taken an action, we are lobbying with MPs etc and are in total 150 who have paid £50 to hire solicitor and have taken a legal action to recover our money. I just wish, somehow I can get hold of Bally, then see what I will do to him.
They are selling a dream! One day the piece of land that you have “bought” will be granted planning permission and will be worth X amount more than you paid for it. In theory this could happen but in reality you have “bought” an over priced piece of land.

It’s a great business idea from their point of view. Buy a piece of land buy it close to a recent development. Even better buy it off a building company like Taylor Wimpey. The only reason they have sold it is because they can’t get planning permission them selves. (If a company that size can’t get planning permission then individuals have no chance). Split the land up into small plots and sell each plot with the dream and double their money.

The other problem you have is everyone who owns the plots need to work as a collective. Even if you could get planning permission (unlikely) you need to go through all the processes of getting everyone to agree to spend more money on various fees to get the planning permission. Even if you owned all the land it’s not a straightforward or cheap process to go through. No one is going to do this for you. All it takes is for one individual who owns a strategic plot to say “no” I don’t have the money or I like my piece of green grass and everyone else is buggered.

People then start moaning when they realise that the dream is unlikely to come true.
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Yes it is a dream they bought. No matter which way you look at it, they have been had. I think the most of the victims are too embarrased to say how they have been taken. In some scams, they display nice brochures, websites, offer a payment plan, send you the title (this phony copy looks real), and wait for you to keep making the monthly payments. The land is usually in another country and the victims cannot afford a flight to go look at it or use the professional legal route to purchase, so they choose the easy way and send montly payments to these scammers. In the end, they get nothing but a fancy piece of paper that would leave them too embarrassed to talk about it.
This is a case of trusting a company because it is well established. I have worked with my FIL over here and the time in the council's offices, looking at plots of land, was time well spent, believe me.

It is all there, potential road widening, green protection areas, maximum heights, etc for years ahead. All is in the planning permission department over here. Surely the same is for the UK?
Please can someone update me whats happening at severen beach site. I bought 3 plots from UKLI in 2007 at little green lane, Severen beach but then UKLI disolved. I am not sure what happens after that. I got the title deed of plots but will any progress take place for planing permission in future or not?
I got the title deed of plots but will any progress take place for planing permission in future or not?

Highly unlikely as this was the whole basis of the "Land Banking" model and why they were mostly shut down by the government.

Please can someone update me whats happening at severen beach site. I bought 3 plots from UKLI in 2007 at little green lane, Severen beach but then UKLI disolved. I am not sure what happens after that. I got the title deed of plots but will any progress take place for planing permission in future or not?

It's unlikey. You might own the land but there's a 99% chance it's worth 5% of what you paid.

The mistake you made was getting involved with things youy don't understand and dealing with people you hadn't properly researched. A uninformed buyer normally always gets a bad price at best or gets ripped off at worst.

Please don't take this personally as I'm being cruel to be kind. So learn from your mistakes and in future understand the more research you do into what you're buying the better protected your cash will be and the easier it will be to spot the con, in this case a legal con.
Please can someone update me whats happening at severen beach site. I bought 3 plots from UKLI in 2007 at little green lane, Severen beach but then UKLI disolved. I am not sure what happens after that. I got the title deed of plots but will any progress take place for planing permission in future or not?

you own the land, you are responsible for it.

it should never have been sold to you as a collective investment scheme, by way of all the investors on a particular site going for planning permission with UKLI orchastrating it. This is why UKLI got shut down. but you have the deeds to the plot its yours.

its very uinliekly you will get planning permission on it in my opinion, especially if you sit back and wait for someone or something to do it for you. The process of planning peermission and costs involved are long and high and require you to be proactive.

It is also unlikely you will may a return from its capital appreciation over the next 15 years becuase the 'spread' you paid to the broker 'ukli' was far too high.

they probably made 10x ROI on the 'field', you have just one plot. they made the long term gain on the land right there and then when they sold it to you, you are now left holding the bag.

sorry to be the one to tell you this, I may be wrong, but on the face of it, the investment sounds good, but behind the curtain, the numbers dont add up.

you did not get scammed, you paid an overinflated price for an investment that has little probability of yielding a return. there is nothing new here.
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Hi All

As you know, UK Land Investment (a very well known company) has scamed ALOT of people all over the world and I'm one of those. I had 3 plots in total with them and now they all gone.

I'm trying to get as many people as I can (who have been scammed by UK Land Investment) and together I'm sure we can do some sort of legal action against them.

I really don't get it, I mean one of the Directors Baljinder Chohan (of UKLI) was involved in a scam before then why was he allowed to direct again? He ended up scaming again. Also, if anyone knows anything about any of the three directors of UK Land Investment, please do let me know. That will really help.

Also if anyone knows what happened on the court hearing on 26th May 2008....

Thank you

Much Appreciated


I am one of those affected by the UKLI scam. Can anyone brief me on what is the latest on this.
