Pearl Fisher’s Currency Bum Steers

Compounding. I don’t trade to win or lose 10 points at a time. I trade to win or lose 100’s of points at a time.

See unlike you I am (on the trading equivalent) much, much higher up the evolutionary scale. And the Human scale.
Compounding said:
Learn how to trade properly before you come reply to me. Big difference there, bub. Now, let this journal remain clean. Please don't make useless post, and don't insult me because I will reply.

Reply all you want - I wont see it. You just made my Ignore list
The Pearl Fisher said:
Compounding. I don’t trade to win or lose 10 points at a time. I trade to win or lose 100’s of points at a time.

See unlike you I am (on the trading equivalent) much, much higher up the evolutionary scale. And the Human scale.

Neither do I 🙂. You see, I trade what the market is giving me at the moment. It could be 10, 20, 35, or 50 pips. I day trade remember that. That means usually trades taken within a 24hr period. I don't swing trade. Frankly, the kind of trading your doing just cost too much. It cost in time, in money, and in frequency. I don't trade "trends" like you. I trade the strands (or trajectories what another trader called them) that constitute the trend. If you understood this you would be a much better trader.

I observed the market from your frame of reference (1hr, daily chart) to see where your 1st trade might have ended up, and I explain what I saw. I could have been right, or I could have been wrong. I told you precisely what I belived the market would have thrown your way as far as pips go. I said it would have given you a max of 30, but it threw you about 40-45 and it never looked back. That was the best you could have gotten from that 1.9910 trade.

I could trade swing if I wanted. My drawndowns would increase from an average of about 10pips to about 30-50, and I would make about 50-100-400 pips per trade, but the cost behind that is time, and my time is money. And I just can't afford that.
Compounding said:
I could trade swing if I wanted. My drawndowns would increase from an average of about 10pips to about 30-50, and I would make about 50-100-400 pips per trade, but the cost behind that is time, and my time is money. And I just can't afford that.

You trade scared. You scavenge for the leftovers. Grab at, with great surprise and glee, a meagre and pitiful 10 or 15 points.

You preposterous worm, Has anybody, in your entire life, remembered anything you’ve said for more than 10 minutes?
The Pearl Fisher said:
You trade scared. You scavenge for the leftovers. Grab at, with great surprise and glee, a meagre and pitiful 10 or 15 points.

You preposterous worm, Has anybody, in your entire life, remembered anything you’ve said for more than 10 minutes?

Of course this is what I expect from you 🙂. And you know why? Go figure it out 😉. Thanks.
Compounding said:
Of course this is what I expect from you 🙂. And you know why? Go figure it out 😉. Thanks.

You are an intellectual dwarf.

Who in their right mind would gloat at, Quote: “WOW 22 pips in only 20 minutes”

22 points, That is a real enormity for you, I think.
The Pearl Fisher said:
You are an intellectual dwarf.

Who in their right mind would gloat at, Quote: “WOW 22 pips in only 20 minutes”

22 points, That is a real enormity for you, I think.

Read that post again in context to understand what was being described. You speak on the way I trade....but what you don't know is that I trade like this because I want to, not because I have to. I can trade any currency pair I so please in any time frame..Lol. So, quiet down over there before I have to "step up" to your "level" of trading and still blow you out the water.

Look bub, there is more money and less risk in the way I trade. Period. And If you can't figure that out, then your just not that intelligent.