The Pearl Fisher said:
Compounding. I don’t trade to win or lose 10 points at a time. I trade to win or lose 100’s of points at a time.
See unlike you I am (on the trading equivalent) much, much higher up the evolutionary scale. And the Human scale.
Neither do I
🙂. You see, I trade what the market is
giving me at the moment. It could be 10, 20, 35, or 50 pips. I
day trade remember that. That means usually trades taken within a 24hr period. I don't swing trade. Frankly, the kind of trading your doing just
cost too much. It cost in
time, in
money, and in
frequency. I don't trade "trends" like you. I trade the
strands (or trajectories what another trader called them) that constitute the trend. If you understood this you would be a
much better trader.
I observed the market from your frame of reference (1hr, daily chart) to see where your 1st trade might have ended up, and I explain what
I saw. I could have been right, or I could have been wrong. I told you precisely what I belived the market would have thrown your way as far as pips go. I said it would have given you a max of 30, but it threw you about 40-45 and it
never looked back. That was the
best you could have gotten from that 1.9910 trade.
I could trade swing if I wanted. My drawndowns would increase from an average of about 10pips to about 30-50, and I would make about 50-100-400 pips per trade, but the cost behind that is
time, and my time is money. And I just can't afford that.