PC Spec - For Information...

Dual core-3.40 Ghz (3.40times 2)
4 GB Ram
500G Hard drive
Widows XP

Hi Raj
How many symbols in your radar screens are being updated every tick ?
Are you using Globalvariables ?
How many different radar indicators are you using per symbol ?

One thing to try is to progressively delete symbols from Radars and watch the Task Manager to see how much difference that makes.
Copy all your symbols into Notepad first so you can just paste them back into the radars afterwards.

If all else fails you could try a clean or non-clean re-install ot TS2ki .

No- this computer just runs the prosuite-nothing else

Its possible you may have some corrupt data which is causing the cpu to overwork,
I assume that this is a recent event? if youve installed some software recently that maybe the source, ie, grey1 code's etc.....( I 'm not suggesting that its doggy ), but software does get corrupted, if possible take it off and reinstall the software from a completly different source, not the one you have! I can email you some if I have the same, let me know...or pm me......
Hi Raj
How many symbols in your radar screens are being updated every tick ?
I guess all of them get updated every tick
Are you using Globalvariables ?
Yes- for the Iraj MACCI o/b o/s
How many different radar indicators are you using per symbol ?
4 for the intraday radar screen; I have about 6 RS open at any given time; 5 of them have just INDU in different TFs and one has the Intraday stocks-22 of them

One thing to try is to progressively delete symbols from Radars and watch the Task Manager to see how much difference that makes.
I'll give this a try-but at the moment I have only 22 symbols on the RS-is this too many?
Copy all your symbols into Notepad first so you can just paste them back into the radars afterwards.

If all else fails you could try a clean or non-clean re-install ot TS2ki .
I'll give this a try if all fails 🙁 Thanks


Thanks Glenn
Its possible you may have some corrupt data which is causing the cpu to overwork,
I assume that this is a recent event? if youve installed some software recently that maybe the source, ie, grey1 code's etc.....( I 'm not suggesting that its doggy ), but software does get corrupted, if possible take it off and reinstall the software from a completly different source, not the one you have! I can email you some if I have the same, let me know...or pm me......

Do you mean the EL codes? In which case I have used a few of them new recently. I'll try to remove and reuse them and see- Thanks.
Can anyone please tell me if 'Diskeeper pro' is a good software to keep up the computer performance?
Do you mean the EL codes? In which case I have used a few of them new recently. I'll try to remove and reuse them and see- Thanks.
Can anyone please tell me if 'Diskeeper pro' is a good software to keep up the computer performance?

Raj, can you recall when this problem started, was it around the time when you installed any software or made any change in your pc's configuration's ,
if you take off any software try to install a different one? as the copy you have,
maybe corrupt,
Do you use a registry cleaner?
Thanks Glenn

Ok - well you don't see to be doing much processing there. I wondered if you had another 1000 symbols tucked away somewhere.

Might be worth looking in the Event Viewer to see if there are any red-flagged problems lurking.

Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Event Viewer.
Look in Applications, Security and System for anything red flagged.
Double click on it to see the details.
Most details are gobbledygook to me and I have to google for some info.

Agree with Wheezergeezer's suggestions too.
Thanks wheezergeezer & Glenn-I'll give the ideas a try and post back.

Best wishes

I still use it and in my view it definitely helps


Hi Paul-does the diskeeper do functions not handled by 'CCI Cleaner' -? ie. the CCI cleaner carries out disk cleaning & registry cleaning functions-it is not clear from the diskkeeper web what other functions it does ...(apart from the live defrag function) I've also found 'windows tweak' another free (& ad free) program which carries out boot defrag - just wondering if you are happy with its (Diskeeper) performance keeping the cost in mind....

Hi Gents,

Just another thing occurred to me-my internet speed is 2mb-could this be the reason why the CPU is struggling at peak times?

Hi Gents,

Just another thing occurred to me-my internet speed is 2mb-could this be the reason why the CPU is struggling at peak times?


More than adequate for what you are doing. 500k would be enough imo.
I only use Defrag for defragmenting and it does not do the other functions you have asked about in the version that I have.

Also there is no reason why your CPU would be running at 100% as a result of having a less than optimum internet speed. I agree with Glenn that 2MB is fine and the only effect of it not being fast enough would most likely be delayed updating of quotes.

Hi Glenn, Wheezergeser and Paul- thanks for your replies. I have removed the symbols for the Swing trading RS today and the computer CPU was better-it did reach 100% on a few ocassions but immeiately came back to under 60%.
Appears to be Omega software issue-maybe a reload in the future might help.

Thanks a lot Paul- I'll give it a try and post my experience in this BB. Actually, from the time I have installed Diskeeper, the cpu seems to be performing better (although the computer seems to 'work' at all times-but the cpu now only momentarily goes to 100%, whenever it does).

Thanks and best wishes.

Thanks a lot Paul- I'll give it a try and post my experience in this BB. Actually, from the time I have installed Diskeeper, the cpu seems to be performing better (although the computer seems to 'work' at all times-but the cpu now only momentarily goes to 100%, whenever it does).

Thanks and best wishes.



Are you running XP or Xp pro?? I may have a solution for you.

not sure if what I have to offer has been alrready discussed or not have not read all post on thrread so forgive me.

pm me or post here.