I didn't see anything of major concern. You may already have said but can you say what the full spec of the pc is ?
Dual core-3.40 Ghz (3.40times 2)
4 GB Ram
500G Hard drive
Widows XP
I didn't see anything of major concern. You may already have said but can you say what the full spec of the pc is ?
Dual core-3.40 Ghz (3.40times 2)
4 GB Ram
500G Hard drive
Widows XP
No- this computer just runs the prosuite-nothing else
Hi Raj
How many symbols in your radar screens are being updated every tick ?
I guess all of them get updated every tick
Are you using Globalvariables ?
Yes- for the Iraj MACCI o/b o/s
How many different radar indicators are you using per symbol ?
4 for the intraday radar screen; I have about 6 RS open at any given time; 5 of them have just INDU in different TFs and one has the Intraday stocks-22 of them
One thing to try is to progressively delete symbols from Radars and watch the Task Manager to see how much difference that makes.
I'll give this a try-but at the moment I have only 22 symbols on the RS-is this too many?
Copy all your symbols into Notepad first so you can just paste them back into the radars afterwards.
If all else fails you could try a clean or non-clean re-install ot TS2ki .
I'll give this a try if all fails 🙁 Thanks
Its possible you may have some corrupt data which is causing the cpu to overwork,
I assume that this is a recent event? if youve installed some software recently that maybe the source, ie, grey1 code's etc.....( I 'm not suggesting that its doggy ), but software does get corrupted, if possible take it off and reinstall the software from a completly different source, not the one you have! I can email you some if I have the same, let me know...or pm me......
Do you mean the EL codes? In which case I have used a few of them new recently. I'll try to remove and reuse them and see- Thanks.
Can anyone please tell me if 'Diskeeper pro' is a good software to keep up the computer performance?
Thanks Glenn
Can anyone please tell me if 'Diskeeper pro' is a good software to keep up the computer performance?
I still use it and in my view it definitely helps
Hi Gents,
Just another thing occurred to me-my internet speed is 2mb-could this be the reason why the CPU is struggling at peak times?
Hi Gents,
Just another thing occurred to me-my internet speed is 2mb-could this be the reason why the CPU is struggling at peak times?
Have you seen this:
It may help with your pc issues.
Thanks a lot Paul- I'll give it a try and post my experience in this BB. Actually, from the time I have installed Diskeeper, the cpu seems to be performing better (although the computer seems to 'work' at all times-but the cpu now only momentarily goes to 100%, whenever it does).
Thanks and best wishes.