Paying for trading tuition

It has come to my attention that some people are selling what I have spent the last year teaching on here.

Don't try and make money off people desperate to get ahead in this game by regurgitating almost word for word, work that other people have put time and effort in to make sure that people can get an education for free.

And don't think I don't know who you are.

This is not the only forum I watch.

I've got spies everywhere.


What you describe is disgusting. While some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs have capitalised on other people's ideas (legal) to plagiarise or unashamedly to infringe copyright and profit from it, is something else and there are remedies at law (including internet jurisdiction) which I am sure you will investigate. Good advice from Mr Gecko IMO.

Whatever has been written on this thread since you made this post, and whatever the opinions of the morality / legality of selling your work, nothing will detract from the fact that you are a decent, honest bloke who has "been through the mill" and is willing to give a (big) hand up to those who are struggling or need some good tuition.

You shouldn't really be surprised that there are sh*ts about in this world - they are everywhere but aslo don't forget that the great majority of people are just like yourself but don't have your trading ability! Also, you mostly won't hear from the silent majority - it's often only the complainers that take the trouble to express their views.

So however hard it is to do, you have to take all this philosophically (notwithstanding any action you may consider - wrongdoers just hate being exposed for what they are) and rest assured that most people, like me, will respect you greatly and only wish they had the same patience, skill and dedication that you have shown in your threads. I have picked up your tips and thank you sincerely.

All the best - don't let the bast*rds grind you down!

You've lost me somewhat in your subsequent posts. You have stated publicly that you are not happy that someone (or more than one) have taken your teachings and are now selling them. If you wanted to give these people another chance then why not send a PM to them instead of publicly posting what you have ?

This was bound to get the responses that you have got.


What you describe is disgusting. While some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs have capitalised on other people's ideas (legal) to plagiarise or unashamedly to infringe copyright and profit from it, is something else and there are remedies at law (including internet jurisdiction) which I am sure you will investigate. Good advice from Mr Gecko IMO.

Whatever has been written on this thread since you made this post, and whatever the opinions of the morality / legality of selling your work, nothing will detract from the fact that you are a decent, honest bloke who has "been through the mill" and is willing to give a (big) hand up to those who are struggling or need some good tuition.

You shouldn't really be surprised that there are sh*ts about in this world - they are everywhere but aslo don't forget that the great majority of people are just like yourself but don't have your trading ability! Also, you mostly won't hear from the silent majority - it's often only the complainers that take the trouble to express their views.

So however hard it is to do, you have to take all this philosophically (notwithstanding any action you may consider - wrongdoers just hate being exposed for what they are) and rest assured that most people, like me, will respect you greatly and only wish they had the same patience, skill and dedication that you have shown in your threads. I have picked up your tips and thank you sincerely.

All the best - don't let the bast*rds grind you down!

Traders don't produce, we don't offer a service to the community, we just take....other peoples money. It's all about grinding the bast*rds into the ground, and not the other way around.

Hope this makes sense.
Traders don't produce, we don't offer a service to the community, we just take....other peoples money. It's all about grinding the bast*rds into the ground, and not the other way around.

Hope this makes sense.

Fair comment ! :)
Some people are just gits. What can you do though... Can't all be generous like your good self


  • free.gif
    180.4 KB · Views: 278
what ever happened to free enterprise ?

If new traders want to pay for tuition and benifits from this then what is the problem ?

We all have choices, mine is not to use the spell checker ;0
what ever happened to free enterprise ?

If new traders want to pay for tuition and benifits from this then what is the problem ?

We all have choices, mine is not to use the spell checker ;0

Well the only reason the traders want to pay for it is that they don't realize that the same information is available for free.
what ever happened to free enterprise ?

If new traders want to pay for tuition and benifits from this then what is the problem ?

We all have choices, mine is not to use the spell checker ;0

I wasn't aware that "Free Enterprise" was an excuse for plaigerism, fraud, theft or ripping off the vulnerable (Novice traders) but if that is your moral code then you must swim in that sewer since that is your choice.
And while we're on the subjects of copycats, anyone that wanted to get this "priceless system": need look no further than my "Making Money Trading" thread.

Yes it is exactly the same strategy. As far as I know at least he isn't charging for it but it seems like he is collecting emails and giving a lot of false hope none the less.

Let me make it clear: I'm not casting any doubt on his trading ability and I know the stratey works and yes, the strategy is really nothing new - I have no claim to it - it's not like I created a magic indicator. But if he WAS charging - IF - I wonder how many people would have parted with money without knowing that on the same forum there was the same (and a whole lot more) given for free...

Just look at the number of people asking for it...
And while we're on the subjects of copycats, anyone that wanted to get this "priceless system": need look no further than my "Making Money Trading" thread.

Yes it is exactly the same strategy. As far as I know at least he isn't charging for it but it seems like he is collecting emails and giving a lot of false hope none the less.

Let me make it clear: I'm not casting any doubt on his trading ability and I know the stratey works and yes, the strategy is really nothing new - I have no claim to it - it's not like I created a magic indicator. But if he WAS charging - IF - I wonder how many people would have parted with money without knowing that on the same forum there was the same (and a whole lot more) given for free...

Just look at the number of people asking for it...

Do you know anything about, Yokiro?
It has come to my attention that some people are selling what I have spent the last year teaching on here.

Don't try and make money off people desperate to get ahead in this game by regurgitating almost word for word, work that other people have put time and effort in to make sure that people can get an education for free.

And don't think I don't know who you are.

This is not the only forum I watch.

I've got spies everywhere.
dante, i really appreciate your lessons.
I am still trying to understand more before i throw myself back into the market.
Keep up the good work.
Everywhere you turn at the moment there is someone talking about "pin bars": Forex Price Action Strategies - Traders Laboratory

I take this as a disturbing sign for those that trade them.

As Niederhoffer wrote in Education of a Speculator:

The...speculator notices that the trend followers just had a great run. They're all sitting on lots of cash, just waiting for the next trend. But when too much easy money is made, speculators look to make a fast buck by imitating the big boys, and dealers who study the points know that a change of trend will occur if certain key points are triggered. They start moving prices up to these points in anticipation. THe probability of a successful trend-following trade is reduced.

The public can never catch up to the changes in cycles. Just when they're ready to follow a system, it's the wrong time.

If a strong hand realises that the break of a pin will enter enough amateurs into the market then breaking the pin becomes a quick play. And in these times, when liquidity is low across the board, it becomes even easier. A lot of players are hitting market at the moment rather than sitting on bids and offers and many of the computers have been turned off. I'm not sure if anyone has been watching the Cable Futures but liquidity is dropping off fast - if price got within 10-20 pips of breaking a pin I could probably push it through with a 1 lot (£3 a tick) just by hitting an offer when the spread widens which I have seen it do by as much as 15 pips when the computers are off.

A good trader must stay ahead of the game and not rely heavily on one thing.

You have to be wiser than simply looking for pin bars or you will always be behind the game.

This is why I have felt (and still feel) dismayed when I get people spouting out about 15m pins here, 5m pin there. It's not about the pin. The pin is about as important as having a pen is to play the lottery. If you want to win the lottery the only thing that will do it for you is PICKING THE RIGHT NUMBERS.

I hoped that eventually some of the people that read my posts would read between the lines and realise that if the price is the key to the strategy then one can trade where they would want a pin bar to form, to both reduce risk and increase reward.

A new problem would present itself - will the market continue or reverse? Is there a squeeze taking place? And these two problems would concentrate a traders focus in a new direction: levels would then be watched with regard to volume and order flow - the size and speed of transactions in order to keep abreast of the weak hands.

The introduction I gave in my original thread will, I hope, teach new traders several key things among others:

1) Basic technical analysis can be profitable

2) Price discovery is always taking place but by defining the high probability reversal or continuation pivots, the trader can look understand the concept of defining an optimum entry into a swing

3) One can read the price action to make profitable trades. The simple setups illustrate the markets movements - pin bars show temporary price rejection. Inside bars show temporary price consolidation.

4) Patience is key. The patience to wait for setups and the patience to stay with winning positions.

But you must always stay ahead of the game.

Sooner or later I may another thread teaching what I have learnt but this time I will probably make it a private forum for followers of my original that want to trade with tighter stops and want to learn how to read the tape (the order flow) to refine their entries. That way it keeps out those that read but never post and those that take but never give.

But in the meantime, study the market. Keep it simple but know the limitations of any strategy you trade and always work to improve yourself.
It has come to my attention that some people are selling what I have spent the last year teaching on here.

Don't try and make money off people desperate to get ahead in this game by regurgitating almost word for word, work that other people have put time and effort in to make sure that people can get an education for free.

That is really incredibly cheap and disgusting !
Hey Niel,
What is your problem ?
People can chouse to pay for tuition or not cant they ?
One must remember before paying for any service its up to the custermer to make sure they are getting the required levels of service/goods before parting with any cash.

So for thinking that why do you sugest that I swim in the sewer ?
I wondered why I smell of **** though LOL must of been all that curry and kebabs I eat I thought but as Niel mentioned I could be due to my swiming habits LOL :) :)