It is difficult to know exactly what is going on but I never believe what I read in the press from any single source. The news eventually seaps out like stinky pooh. Here are possible motives and I confess there are no facts just suspicions.
1. Tit for tat response from Indian intelligence to Mumbai bombings (posibility who know?)
2. CIA & Pakistan military trying to coerce power back from the politicians by instigating a state of emergency. ie. Regime change effectively. (Mumbai bombings could have been purely a decoy incident as a precursor to the main objective - 2!)
3. Al-Qaida trying to destabilise and influence Pakistan and Afghanistan (unlikely imo)
4. Tamil Tiger separatists and Sri Lankan connection could play a part here too but not too sure how / why? Similar offensive to Mumbai attack could be a new offensive strategy perhaps?
Pick your choice.
I'm surprised given the audacity of the attack during daylight there was very little response or information on the attackers. Looks like officials were all having a fiesta or something.
Not good at all.
none of them are the likly scanario. lets look at your points.
1. Tit for tat response from Indian intelligence to Mumbai bombings (posibility who know?)
its allready been proved mumbai attack was an inside,
YouTube - BrassTacks 108.1 - Rebuttal of India Dossier - Zaid Hamid
now it can be that the same people who did it are behind this attack
2. CIA & Pakistan military trying to coerce power back from the politicians by instigating a state of emergency. ie. Regime change effectively. (Mumbai bombings could have been purely a decoy incident as a precursor to the main objective - 2!)
CIA and pak miliatary, you must be joking, they are on each others necks since over a year now.
and no pak military is no interested at this moment in emergancy, if they wanted they would have done it ages ago and not allowed democracy to prevail but it was the pak army who brought it.
3. Al-Qaida trying to destabilise and influence Pakistan and Afghanistan (unlikely imo)
not possible, they would have used other ways to do it.
4. Tamil Tiger separatists and Sri Lankan connection could play a part here too but not too sure how / why? Similar offensive to Mumbai attack could be a new offensive strategy perhaps?
same as first as tamil tigers were a product of indian intelligance agency 'RAW' and they protected and help their leader prubakan escape in a helicopter to india when he was gona get caught.
then you have pakistan military who is supporting the sri lankan goverment with its army to wipe out the tamil tigers, so the likly suspect goes back to RAW as tamils are to weak to do such an operation all the way in pakistan.
considering they had dry fruits and water bottles with them, most likly they wanted to hijak the bus and demand pakistan stop supporting the sri lankan gov. in wiping out the tamil tigers.