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The non-muslim population would probably celebrate heartily and call for more of the same.

Unfortunately that is probably correct. All our governments are doing is drawing indirect increasing support for far right fascist groups the BNP. Nazi Uk may not be so far away and I just gotta make sure I'm outta here in time.
I agree suhaib, sooner people evolve their minds from these fantasy tales we may all yet get along.

ofcourse if there were no extremists and media did not promote them so much then there will not be people like forex999 and so much hatred
ofcourse if there were no extremists and media did not promote them so much then there will not be people like forex999 and so much hatred

Your right, and that's a big problem. I'm just sick of hearing about Islam, I spent my life growing up with Christian fundamentalists and I don't want to spend my adult life hearing all about Islam. Too be honest if people want to pray to Jesus or Allah I couldn't care less I just don't want to constantly hear about it.

But I am just a little punk with a big opinion and seemingly addicted to voicing it over internet forums, something to kick for the New Year me thinks. 👍
Too be honest if people want to pray to Jesus or Allah I couldn't care less I just don't want to constantly hear about it.

Good job you don't live in the Middle East then isn't it where they blast out their prayers 5 times a day on the mosque loudspeakers turned up to full volume.

I had the misfortune to live for a short while about 3 doors away from the local mosque in Saudi Arabia when I lived and worked in that region.

Years later I moved to Bahrain where I lived happily for many years but I always made sure my house was nowhere near a mosque.

At least the Jesus freaks don't attach loudspeakers to their churches.
Good job you don't live in the Middle East then isn't it where they blast out their prayers 5 times a day on the mosque loudspeakers turned up to full volume.

I had the misfortune to live for a short while about 3 doors away from the local mosque in Saudi Arabia when I lived and worked in that region.

Years later I moved to Bahrain where I lived happily for many years but I always made sure my house was nowhere near a mosque.

At least the Jesus freaks don't attach loudspeakers to their churches.

Jesus freaks are equally bad... come knocking at your door with load of sh1tty pamplets in their hands...

I gave one group a right piece of my mind when they knocked around 21:00

Fu*king muppets!!!
Jesus freaks are equally bad... come knocking at your door with load of sh1tty pamplets in their hands...

That would be the Jehovah's Witnesses who are some of the worst religious freaks around.

Just tell em that their comics are not a patch on The Beano and politely request them to f*** off.
2 month away from this forum did me good 🙂
but hey what you think of the poor sri lankans, the twats who tried to be brave to go to the pakiland
they got so close to being slaughtered!

Well I am sure Suhaib will say that it was India who did it.

The sooner we see the end of Pakistan the better for all
it Was Gorden brown who said that 75% of all terror cases they look at, the trail of it is in pakiland
The sooner we see the end of Pakistan the better for all

I think we have seen the end of Pakistan as an integral part of the International community and I don't think anyone is shedding any tears.

The place is a hellhole but the danger is that this dump is a breeding ground for international terrorism.

How do we handle that ?

I think the answers to that question could be incorporated on the back of a postage stamp. ie. there probably aren't any effective answers.
errrm, they've got nukes haven't they ?

Yes, and if they are not careful they may soon fall into the hands of the Taliban or other unsavoury nutter-groups.
2 month away from this forum did me good 🙂
but hey what you think of the poor sri lankans, the twats who tried to be brave to go to the pakiland
they got so close to being slaughtered!

Well I am sure Suhaib will say that it was India who did it.

The sooner we see the end of Pakistan the better for all
it Was Gorden brown who said that 75% of all terror cases they look at, the trail of it is in pakiland

😆😆 yes you had to open the post with it 'india did it'. well its obvious aint it, stop being a fool will you. srilanka has even claimed it now, and even the biggest hindu extremists from india said its a job of indian intelligence services.

check these reports out and open your eyes, sri lanka and pakistan are both enemys of india, they had targeted both in one place, cos pakistan had kicked their butts by supporting and funding sri lankan army to wipe out indian backed tamil tigers.
Pakistan’s Munich: The Enemy’s Fingerprints

The Indian fingerprints in the attack on the Sri Lankan team cannot be ignored. New Delhi has been at war with both Islamabad and Colombo for decades. Hitting both in one place is a masterstroke. Indian military and its agents should brace for retaliation.


Tuesday, 3 March 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—You can’t ignore the symbolism: Commando-style trained young men with backpacks, carrying automatic machine guns and armed with grenades and rocket launchers, bearing a shocking resemblance to the video footage released by the Indian government of the Mumbai attackers in November.

The Indian connection, even if indirect and unintentional, cannot be ignored:

Lahore is the same city where Pakistani antiterrorism police arrested several Indian citizens and their Pakistani accomplices in the past few weeks and paraded them in public with evidence linking them to India’s spy agency Research & Analysis Wing, or RAW. Lahore lies a few kilometers away from the Indian border and has bore the brunt of India’s covert operations in the 1970s and 1980s, mostly randomly planted bombs in public places designed to spread terror.

Pakistani security officials had received a report that at least ten Indian operatives have crossed the border into Lahore 48 hours before the attacks.

India spearheaded a campaign to convince several countries to sever sports relations with Pakistan and put tremendous pressure on Sri Lanka not to send its cricket team to play here.

India has a history of supporting the terrorist LTTE group and arming it with sophisticated weapons to fight the Sri Lankan government and army. Pakistan, on the other hand, has been supporting Sri Lanka against this terrorism. India has long been disturbed by the close relationship between Colombo and Islamabad. In this connection, Sri Lanka’s foreign minister’s statement is important. He said he won’t point fingers but said ‘terrorism has no borders’, an implied suggestion that the Sri Lankans believe the perpetrators came from outside Pakistan.

The timing of the attack shows the professional planning. Lahore administration was in a flux after the change of provincial government. Lahore was also the last Pakistani city that has not yet been affected by the fallout from America’s failed and disastrous war in Afghanistan. This incident effectively brings chaos to Lahore as well. The rest of Pakistan is already being destabilized by foreign intelligence operatives working from the Afghan soil, inserting professional saboteurs and flushing the country with money to recruit criminals and activating them under the guise of religious extremists.

An important point to note here is that whoever planned this attack made sure that the terrorists look similar to Mumbai attackers. This can be an attempt to spark more conflict between Pakistan and India. In this case, if evidence is found, it might be interesting to probe the possibility of a third party trying to push both countries to war. And it’s not just religious elements in Pakistan that want this. There is an organized terrorist infrastructure inside India, manned by Hindu terrorist groups with recruits from Indian military intelligence. The same Indian elements are also active in Kabul and other Afghan cities, using the Afghan soil to export terrorism inside Pakistan. American reports have also linked these Indian elements to attacks on U.S. and NATO soldiers and blame them on Pakistan.

There is enough circumstantial and physical evidence that involves India’s intelligence agencies in terrorism inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani military must realize that this is an organized and not a guerrilla war that is being waged against Pakistan. This terrorism is deceptively hiding itself behind the label of religious extremism, and has links with those countries that are actively destabilizing Pakistan from the inside.

It is time now that patriotic Pakistanis and the Pakistani military sit up and take notice of the apologetic statements of this U.S.-installed government in Islamabad which, like the Indians, wasted no time in linking the Lahore attack to the Mumbai attacks, which means linking it to Pakistanis (which is not proven except in the minds of India, their American backers and their backers in Pakistan, i.e. President Zardari, Rehman Malik, Sherry Rehman, and the former advisor Mehmud Durrani.) In this case, if the Zardari government is accusing ‘Mumbai attackers’ of this latest attack, then this government is indirectly accusing the Pakistani military and our intelligence of attacking the Sri Lankans in Lahore. This is in continuation of the covert efforts by elements in this government to cause a confrontation between the Pakistani military and the world at large.

Pakistan’s response must be methodical. This is the time to expose Indian terrorism. There is stunning evidence available with Pakistani authorities about Indian activities in Afghanistan, inside Pakistan’s tribal and border areas and inside the rest of Pakistan. The Zardari government will not bring this evidence forward. It is the responsibility of the Pakistani military and its spy agencies to force this government to unmask the Indian activities. Enough of this apologetic attitude toward India. We urge Pakistan to publicly demand that Indian’s sponsorship of terrorism be curbed.

The Indians should also brace for retaliation. If Indian military and security forces are using terrorism against Pakistan in multiple places, then Indians from these organizations should be a fair game for retaliation.

© 2007-2009. All rights reserved. & PakNationalists

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium

without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
I do not listen to Fox or CNN or any other propaganda agency.

And the Pakistani government are incapable of holding the sh1*te-hole of a country together so it is conceivable that the place could fall apart.
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Tamil rebels claim India is behind Lahore attack
Updated at: 1322 PST, Friday, March 06, 2009

COLOMBO: Tamil rebels have claimed Indian involvement in attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore. The rebels’ news website claimed India is behind Lahore attack to keep Sri Lanka at distance from Pakistan and China. The statement said that the attack on Pakistan ambassador in Colombo was also planned by the Indian spy agency “ RAW”

Geo TV Pakistan - Breaking News, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment, & Video News
stop beliving all the propaganda you hear about taliban taking over pakistan. nukes are safer then us or china nukes.,

And what's your name ?

Ali Bhutto the fricking 3rd ? 😴😴
Neigh 😆

Guessed wrongly I'm afraid matey.

As you can see from my profile it is Angus Catterick-Ascot. :clap:

Anyway, bolloc*ks to Pakistan. It's not worth wasting valuable drinking time over.
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