OTEC Systems


Ocean’s power is one of the best ways of generating renewable energy. Renewable energy is increasingly attracting the world attention owing to its zero contribution towards air, water and land pollution. Ocean power energy is present inside the ocean in the form of tides, waves and ocean’s thermal energy.
Ocean’s thermal energy is developed when the sun heats up the surface water of the ocean. In some regions, the temperature of the surface water can be as high as 40 degrees. The OTEC is the method of generating electricity using the temperature difference between the water above and below the ocean surface. There are three ways to use OTEC: open cycle, closed cycle and hybrid cycle.
A closed-cycle system uses a fluid with a low boiling point to rotate a turbine. When the warm surface ocean water is pumped in, it cause the inside fluid to evaporate and form vapor, which turns the generator. Cold ocean water is pumped through the other side, causing the fluid to become liquid again. This enables the cycle to start all over again.
An open-cycle uses the ocean's warm surface temperature to make energy. When the warm seawater is placed inside a low pressure container, it starts boiling. The steam turns the low-pressure turbine, which in turn moves the generator. The cold seawater again transforms the steam back into water.
A hybrid-cycle contains features of both systems. In the hybrid system, warm water is flash vaporized causing the steam to vaporize the low-boiling point fluid. The vapors turn the turbine and create energy. The steam is condensed back into water with the cold temperature.
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What are the formulas for calculating the extractable energy from a wave? 😱