Tidal Power


Oceans form a great reservoir of world’s untapped, renewable energy resource. It is believed that only 0.2% of the ocean's untapped energy could power the entire world. Tides in ocean are caused on a regular basis and can be predicted based on lunar orbits. These tides are capable of generating a large volume of energy. Tidal power is created in two ways, which is the Tidal dams and ocean current. In Tidal Dams, power is generated using a barrage that creates a significant head of water like a hydroelectric dam. Tidal turbines take advantage of fast-flowing ocean currents to create energy.

Ocean current is measured through waves. Waves, which are caused by wind blowing over the surface of the ocean, carry tremendous energy. The total power of waves breaking around the world's coastlines is estimated at 2-3 million megawatts, which hold the capacity to power 10% of the world’s total energy demand.

Sun’s heat warms the surface water, while the deep ocean water remains cold and this way, Ocean thermal energy is created. The surface water can be more than 40 degrees warmer than the deep water in some areas, especially tropical areas. The ocean energy thus created is used to generate electricity by taking advantage of this vast temperature difference. Ocean energy investment is becoming a safe and sure option for scores of investors across the world.