OpenAI - ChatGPT

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ChatGPT goes woke! AI sensation is accused of having a left-wing bias after refusing to praise Donald Trump, tell a joke about women or argue in favour of fossil fuels
  • Users posted screenshots of responses from the AI bot that show left-wing bias
  • It praised Joe Biden but wouldn't comment when asked the same about Trump
  • It follows the launch of an AI chatbot competitor from rival Google called 'Bard'
Introducing your copilot for the web: AI-powered Bing and Microsoft Edge
The AI doctor will see you now: ChatGPT passes gold-standard US medical exam — as researchers hail moment as 'milestone for artificial intelligence'
  • The language-based AI bot outperformed PubMedGPT, a counterpart model
  • Future uses may include medical education and in clinical practice
  • ChatGPT has passed exams at business and law schools
Rogue artificial intelligence chatbot declares love for user, tells him to leave his wife and says it wants to steal nuclear codes
  • Microsoft have launched their new artificial intelligence-powered chat bot
  • It is based of the same technology as ChatGPT and is meant to be conversational
Paedophiles are using AI to create child abuse images: National Crime Agency warns artificial intelligence is being harnessed to make pictures and 'deep fake' videos of real-life victims
  • EXCLUSIVE: Perverts are using AI software to make indecent images of children
  • Some images created were so abhorrent they left seasoned detectives appalled
  • The National Crime Agency is reviewing the threat posed by new AI technology
Every US president as a Pixar character: Baseball writer uses AI to generate America's 46 leaders as cartoon characters
  • Dan Szymborski spent his holiday using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate all 46 US presidents as Pixar characters
  • His creations vary from an ultra-realistic Lyndon B. Johnson to current President Joe Biden sporting a large forehead and a receding hairline
  • 'As it was Presidents Day weekend, I simply thought I'd goof around and generate some presidential AI art,' he told