Introducing the USD-IDX and the AUD-IDX. The first image shows the USD-IDX overlayed with the USD and the second image is the USD-IDX overlayed with the AUD-IDX. Next steps are to work through each economy as I now have the tooling to rapidly build and assess the correlations. The image with the indexes overlayed is going to be the main view I will use for trading. I also need to now pay for fx data where i can overlay these with currency pairs. Right now I have a 20-year dump of fx data but i want to be able to chart it in realtime. Luckily I found a source for relatively cheap. Total costs for data is about £300 a month and when i setup the azure architecture we probably looking at 400 a month - It will no doubt pay for itself.
Still, early days but i am closer to having a solid tool for trading allowing me to ease off on the volume of research i do and move more towards automated trading.
Still, early days but i am closer to having a solid tool for trading allowing me to ease off on the volume of research i do and move more towards automated trading.