Onward And Upward!


Experienced member
Hey folks!
Got the key of the new place today!! :clap:

I tried to get a bed today in a few B and M's but no luck.
Seems like I'll be sleeping on a kid sized air bed until a reasonably priced bed and mattress makes itself available.

I did however make my first purchase toward setting up a trading station :)
And might I say... what a purchase!

Will have a very average used home desktop tomorrow hopefully and who knows... maybe I can suss out a desk!

I'll upgrade as and when I can.

I'm being made take 2 weeks holiday after next week, so looking forward to spending it trading!


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well done N .........

personally i gave up sitting at desks years ago as i have a bad back ...also i strut around to much so have higher desks and platforms for that purpose....

well done N .........

personally i gave up sitting at desks years ago as i have a bad back ...also i strut around to much so have higher desks and platforms for that purpose....


Cheers mo chara!

Yeah, I like to stand in work as the chairs are woeful and the nature of the job could have me leaning forward and hunched over for quite a while. I've read that one should stand for 20mins ever hour or so as sitting for a long period of time is quite bad.

When doing cerebral work I do love to fidget and a rotating chair scratches that itch. I love to recline back and ponder.

Out of interest, how many monitors do you trade from for your style? I'm thinking 3 will do what I need
One step at a time amigo, before you know it you'll be thinking back at these days smiling.
Cheers mo chara!

Yeah, I like to stand in work as the chairs are woeful and the nature of the job could have me leaning forward and hunched over for quite a while. I've read that one should stand for 20mins ever hour or so as sitting for a long period of time is quite bad.

When doing cerebral work I do love to fidget and a rotating chair scratches that itch. I love to recline back and ponder.

Out of interest, how many monitors do you trade from for your style? I'm thinking 3 will do what I need

ive been up to 6 large TV screens at times ...........these days 3 large TV screens will do ..........plus 2 laptops for execution and fiddling / posting

at the moment the house is still a wreck so im on 2 laptops and a tv screen as most stuff still in storage ...........and ive also had to lend tvs out to family whos Tvs have broken .........:innocent:
Cheers mo chara!

Yeah, I like to stand in work as the chairs are woeful and the nature of the job could have me leaning forward and hunched over for quite a while. I've read that one should stand for 20mins ever hour or so as sitting for a long period of time is quite bad.

When doing cerebral work I do love to fidget and a rotating chair scratches that itch. I love to recline back and ponder.

Out of interest, how many monitors do you trade from for your style? I'm thinking 3 will do what I need

keep it as minimal as possible .........the more screens you have the more trades you will miss .........if you were trading 1 instrument a laptop and a TV screen would theoretically do the job ......theoretically !!!
Advice taken on board.

In the beginning, it'll just be the 1 small monitor.
I'll grab a second one somewhere and then use my phone too. That should be plenty until I develop a more solid approach to trading. I'm currently getting away with just my phone. Limping, but it's just about working.
I may or may not have went a little overboard with the bed situation...

I went with a last minute decision to get a king sized bed, rather than a double.

Lads... the bed is almost the same size as the room! :LOL:
I've made my bed - or rather, in the process of making my bed - so I'll have to sleep in it.
Excuse the pun :smart:

I'm still optimistic that I can get a desk, chair, and narrow wardrobe in here though.

However, the phrase to measure twice and cut once feels very important from now on...


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jees N.....that’s a hell of a bed !!

think about a stand up desk ?.....can be tighter to wall and standing up is better for you anyway
i can get away with about a 40mm width high desk at a push to just have amlaptop with on it with tvs at sides ....

jees N.....that’s a hell of a bed !!

think about a stand up desk ?.....can be tighter to wall and standing up is better for you anyway
i can get away with about a 40mm width high desk at a push to just have amlaptop with on it with tvs at sides ....


It certainly is!
I'm going to have to start bringing some women home I'd say. So as not to be wasteful. Plenty of room for extracurricular activities on that bad boy! Mattress arrives on Tuesday.

I'll have to put a standing station on the back burner for a while. I've dropped a lot of money on the house and whatnot in the last week, and I'm feeling a little violated. Like fingers popping through the toilet paper type violation :eek:

My sister is going to give me a table that I think might do the job until I get my finances back on track. It has two folding ends, so I reckon if I keep one side down I'll be able to fit it in, along with a wardrobe. It's not pretty, but it should serve it's purpose relatively well.

Watch this space!

I've set up a sub account for my trading.
I'm not disregarding my performance from when I began, but in terms of my MyFxBook trading stats, and having a fresh start post-beginner, I think it is a positive and will encourage my development.
Shudda gone down the Sofa bed route nowler. The ones we use on holiday are so comfy with memory foam mattresses and very easy to fold away..
Shudda gone down the Sofa bed route nowler. The ones we use on holiday are so comfy with memory foam mattresses and very easy to fold away..

Why didn't I think of that?
I'm all about being creative and thinking outside the box.
Oh well... at least I know I'll have a good night's sleep. I did get the bed and mattress for £388, delivered. Which is a bargain!

Onward and upward!
I think I'm there!
Mattress arrived yesterday after 3 days of chasing it around... got the table/desk for free, and put the chair together. Spent a little more than I would normally on pillows, but totally worth it! Single bed duvet will do the job til the correct sized one arrived in a few days.

Just need to put the bedside locker together and put my stuff away so I can get in at the computer to plug in the wireless adapter. Hopefully up and running then for the remainder of my annual leave from work :)

The last 2 weeks have cost me a small fortune! But a lot of the stuff was a bargain, so could have hurt me far more.


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Ladies and gentlemen... we have arrived!

What needs to be put together is put together, and the trading station is up and running! She ain't pretty, but she's mine.

No more money am I spending on this place!
I'm going to wash myself with wire wool and attempt to forget this financially traumatic experience :D

In my attempt to put the bedside locker together, I discovered I am fair to moderately retarded. Twice I had to take it apart again because things were the wrong way around. But... I got there in the end.

Now to download what I need onto the desktop and pull up some por... charts! Pull up some charts!

Nowler out!