One year officialy day trading

So can give a quick post explaining what the point I have missed is please?

I agree with kwickwool. Don't worry about the point! Just go out, get drunk and forget all about that DMA think it's not that important and that's all that matters.
Oh, it's only a rogue finger ? That's alright then. At least I find it more convincing than t2w's rogue junior explaination when they had their problems. Though, the bets weren't null and void until people started crying on the interwebs.

There was no evidence there were people facing the other way, or they would be coming here to cry about their lost winnings. I doubt the bucketshop would make a spike without first checking the net effect of the move was in their favour. But, can you not see the danger when the bucketshop chooses to not shadow the real market at selective moments ? Who know which finger is doing what at when ? Isn't it scary they can create spikes with the press of a button ? What other amazing things can they do ?

Mr Woozel, that is the point and when you think of it like that it opens up a huge can of worms...........

but instead of a can of worms, open up a can of beer 🙂
Oh, it's only a rogue finger ? That's alright then. At least I find it more convincing than t2w's rogue junior explaination when they had their problems. Though, the bets weren't null and void until people started crying on the interwebs.

There was no evidence there were people facing the other way, or they would be coming here to cry about their lost winnings. I doubt the bucketshop would make a spike without first checking the net effect of the move was in their favour. But, can you not see the danger when the bucketshop chooses to not shadow the real market at selective moments ? Who know which finger is doing what at when ? Isn't it scary they can create spikes with the press of a button ? What other amazing things can they do ?

Instead of worrying about conspiracies etc., maybe should learn HOW TO READ A CHART properly..cos it is after all in the charts
Who's charts though? I can draw you some charts of the FTSE100 to trade if you like, all data is indicative of course. I'll even include some pin bars as well.
Instead of worrying about conspiracies etc., maybe should learn HOW TO READ A CHART properly..cos it is after all in the charts

No conspiracies here just fact, take from it what you want to, and if i read in between the lines of what you are saying then yes it is in the charts, and understanding that can be useful yes.......
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This is why bucketshop prices can have inhuman spikes in them while no such thing exists in the real market. But in special situations, the bucket shop has the nuclear option while a normal broker wouldn't.

So where do these massive weekend gaps come from and the tree-shakes often seen in small cap stock's ?

Market Maker intervention or is the bucketshops responsible for them to ?
Oh, it's only a rogue finger ? That's alright then. At least I find it more convincing than t2w's rogue junior explaination when they had their problems. Though, the bets weren't null and void until people started crying on the interwebs.

There was no evidence there were people facing the other way, or they would be coming here to cry about their lost winnings. I doubt the bucketshop would make a spike without first checking the net effect of the move was in their favour. But, can you not see the danger when the bucketshop chooses to not shadow the real market at selective moments ? Who know which finger is doing what at when ? Isn't it scary they can create spikes with the press of a button ? What other amazing things can they do ?


You have been asked on another thread to provide your real name and you will be proved wrong.

Either put up, or STFU.
I did what you said and opened a few beers but it can bring out the worst in me...
Your post sounds deluded for a few reasons:

1st bold: With an SB company, there is no market for them to manipulate so I assume (know you don't like me using that word) you mean their own prices. Even if they used an algorithm to do that on every trader, wouldn't their prices look very strange if you think about how many orders they actually have.

2nd bold: So the reason the market didn't move the way you expected must be because they moved it in the other direction and not because you got it wrong? Maybe you couldn't make money as didn't know what you were doing or just had a bad run.

Mr Woozel

you are taking what he is saying literally but he is taking the michael totally, to sum up in a nutshell he is saying is that he was poor at trading at the start and blamed the SB but was his poor trading, now he can trade he is making money and the SB cannot touch him.

He is correct in that if you can trade you can make money with a SB as well as a DMA broker, but he is also wrong on other levels that have already been stated, but if it works for him then so be it.

He is also missing the point, this is not about anyone blaming the SB's for trades going against them, this is about the business model they work with that ultimately is a conflict of interest.
He is correct in that if you can trade you can make money with a SB as well as a DMA broker, but he is also wrong on other levels that have already been stated, but if it works for him then so be it.

Wrong? Where?

And just to clarify, I didn't start making any money SB until I traded DMA and learnt wot is wot and wot is not. Since then I have never made a SB trade using SB data. DMA will always be my guide.
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Mr Woozel

you are taking what he is saying literally but he is taking the michael totally, to sum up in a nutshell he is saying is that he was poor at trading at the start and blamed the SB but was his poor trading, now he can trade he is making money and the SB cannot touch him.

He is correct in that if you can trade you can make money with a SB as well as a DMA broker, but he is also wrong on other levels that have already been stated, but if it works for him then so be it.

ok, I missed that one, right over my head, thought she was serious. Apologies
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So where do these massive weekend gaps come from and the tree-shakes often seen in small cap stock's ?

Market Maker intervention or is the bucketshops responsible for them to ?

Bucketshops shadow the real market. Other than within their own imaginary market where the push of a button can cause a huge spike, I don't see how they can affect the real market. To cause a similar spike in the real market will take an amount of money that would be beyond their means.

Bucketshops maybe kings for the retail Joes. But if they try their luck in the real market, they'd get kicked in the balls by the big boys.
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You have been asked on another thread to provide your real name and you will be proved wrong.

Either put up, or STFU.

I am in this thread. Why are people talking me in another thread ? Why don't you STFU. What I say or do has nothing to do with you.
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