I've been discussing with a few traders on this issue but I still can't find a reasonable solution.
1. Set daily max losses and winnings (1:1 ratio)
2. Set daily max losses and winnings (2:1 ratio) -> Allow 2 losses to reach 1 win per day
3. Set daily max losses and winnings (3:1 ratio) -> Allow 3 losses to reach 1 win per day
4. Unlimited trades from 8.30am to 10.30am and 1.00pm to 2.30pm (CST) for Dow Jones.
I'm currently interested in #4.
I want to allow the probability of 70% accuracy to take place. For any trade, we have 50/50 chance of winning. Combine with a sound methodology, we can increase the odds to our side to 70% or higher.
Take casino operation for example (not from a gambling point of view), they know that they can keep gamblers on the table, the more they are going to giveaway all their money. That's because in any casino games, the odds are on their side. Eg. In single zero roulette, the house edge is 2.7%. Meaning for every $100, they expect to make $2.70. Mathematically the casinos are winning in the long run for sure EVEN WITH a mere 2.7% edge (assuming no mistakes by the croupiers or any cheating involved).
Since casinos (which has math wizards on their side) make full use of the concept of probability to make their living, why can't we do the same?
The more we trade (with a sound methodology that's better than 50/50), the more we are going to AVERAGE OUT the losses to get an overall profit in the end. Assuming we have a decent account balance, why should we limit our daily number of trades if we are cracking the probabilities?
I'm aware of the danger of OVERTRADING thus becoming emotional and NOT executing our methodology as we should. That happens when we are concern on the result of each trade. Nowadays, the mindset I have is "It doesn't matter whether it's a winning or losing trade this time, I know I'm going to be in profit at the end of the month with a 70% accuracy." 😉
That way, my focus is on executing each trade the way I should and let the beauty of MATHEMATICS to decide on my account balance at the end of the month.
You see, even if you are trading just 1 or 2 trades per day, you can't run away from the truth. If your trading methodology sucks, it doesn't matter how many trades you make because you are going to lose money over a period of time anyway...
I must admit I'm not a math genius or anything like that. I don't believe in luck either. Luck is for gamblers, I'm a trader. In fact, I'm NOT even a trader, I'm just a student of applied mathematics. 😀
Just my 2 cent and I'm open to know what professional trades like you guys have in mind...
Happy trading guys!
I've been discussing with a few traders on this issue but I still can't find a reasonable solution.
1. Set daily max losses and winnings (1:1 ratio)
2. Set daily max losses and winnings (2:1 ratio) -> Allow 2 losses to reach 1 win per day
3. Set daily max losses and winnings (3:1 ratio) -> Allow 3 losses to reach 1 win per day
4. Unlimited trades from 8.30am to 10.30am and 1.00pm to 2.30pm (CST) for Dow Jones.
I'm currently interested in #4.
I want to allow the probability of 70% accuracy to take place. For any trade, we have 50/50 chance of winning. Combine with a sound methodology, we can increase the odds to our side to 70% or higher.
Take casino operation for example (not from a gambling point of view), they know that they can keep gamblers on the table, the more they are going to giveaway all their money. That's because in any casino games, the odds are on their side. Eg. In single zero roulette, the house edge is 2.7%. Meaning for every $100, they expect to make $2.70. Mathematically the casinos are winning in the long run for sure EVEN WITH a mere 2.7% edge (assuming no mistakes by the croupiers or any cheating involved).
Since casinos (which has math wizards on their side) make full use of the concept of probability to make their living, why can't we do the same?
The more we trade (with a sound methodology that's better than 50/50), the more we are going to AVERAGE OUT the losses to get an overall profit in the end. Assuming we have a decent account balance, why should we limit our daily number of trades if we are cracking the probabilities?
I'm aware of the danger of OVERTRADING thus becoming emotional and NOT executing our methodology as we should. That happens when we are concern on the result of each trade. Nowadays, the mindset I have is "It doesn't matter whether it's a winning or losing trade this time, I know I'm going to be in profit at the end of the month with a 70% accuracy." 😉
That way, my focus is on executing each trade the way I should and let the beauty of MATHEMATICS to decide on my account balance at the end of the month.
You see, even if you are trading just 1 or 2 trades per day, you can't run away from the truth. If your trading methodology sucks, it doesn't matter how many trades you make because you are going to lose money over a period of time anyway...
I must admit I'm not a math genius or anything like that. I don't believe in luck either. Luck is for gamblers, I'm a trader. In fact, I'm NOT even a trader, I'm just a student of applied mathematics. 😀
Just my 2 cent and I'm open to know what professional trades like you guys have in mind...
Happy trading guys!