on-line poker

Many many thanks for the above - most helpful.
I have ordered Internet Texas Hold'em and will let you know how I get on once I have mastered the art of playing.
Pat494 said:
Did you see that programme last night on BBC2 about the new poker phenomen on the internet ??
An average housewife made 8*s her starting wedge ( in controlled conditions - so no cheating ) in only about 2 weeks !!
Maybe we are in the wrong business ?
I should have taped it.
There's a pack of dog-eared cards here somewhere

Just read a post by her on another forum. She wasn't that impressed by the money she made. She only plays tournaments, so I think her results were excellent. She mentions using poker tracker, so I will have to give that a go. www.pokertracker.com
I haven't played at pacific poker for about a year, so I thought I would enter a free roll, just to get used to the software. Bit of a surprise that I finished 3rd out of 2482 :) . Shame it was only a $50 freeroll and I wont have much of a problem spending the $5 winnings but it is good to get something for nothing.


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Congrats BB
Amazon have finally posted my new book, I should get it within a few days
Pat494 said:
Congrats BB
Amazon have finally posted my new book, I should get it within a few days

Hope the book is a good read.

I am starting to like the pacific poker site. I had a nice run on a cash table and decided to enter a $50 tournament. Only my second one played at pacific and I came 3rd out of 56 players. Bit annoyed that I didn't win, as the standard of the players was dreadful but at least I have another $366 to add to my poker pot :)


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Bigbusiness said:
I am starting to like the pacific poker site. I had a nice run on a cash table and decided to enter a $50 tournament. Only my second one played at pacific and I came 3rd out of 56 players. Bit annoyed that I didn't win, as the standard of the players was dreadful but at least I have another $366 to add to my poker pot :)

Just had a free go on Pacific with a nominal $1000. Great for a beginner like me to practice. Even made a profit ?? Must be beginners luck as I hadn't much of a clue as to what I was doing.
I am a bit suspicious. I've been on the free practice side 4 times now and made a profit everytime!!
Well either the others are even worse players than a beginner or it's rigged to let the newbie think he has some talent or something ?? and should jump into the real money section.
Think I will keep practicing a bit more. Anyone know if the real money side is a lot tougher ???
too late. As I thought.
Sadly I plunged impulsively into Party Poker and lost $20.
Back to the book.
See you in the New Year
If its any consulation, most of the hands are not worth playing 80% IMHO, sometimes lady luck smiles on you and its almost to easy, not so long ago I had AA to start followed by AAK, yes I won easily, it was effortless..........good luck
Just had another go on the free money section, after taking a beating in the real money dept.. Would you believe it a Royal Straight Flush in diamonds !! and profits galore nearly $1,700 up now. The real money section is definately a lot tougher than freebie land.
Well it would be I suppose. The book is bl**dy boring, but sensible stuff if only I could remember it all.
DEFINATELY read the book. 3 sessions on the real tables yesterday and 3 profits !! Only at a very small level but some of the stuff from the book has sunk in. Not much, but enough apparently for the ultra small bets ( $0.50/$1.00 ) section.
Onwards and upwards
P.S. I did try but I couldn't get the Analyser to work ? It downloaded. Perhaps because I had already signed on with the recommended Poker site so they didn't get the $50. Anyway not to worry.
Pat494 said:
DEFINATELY read the book. 3 sessions on the real tables yesterday and 3 profits !! Only at a very small level but some of the stuff from the book has sunk in. Not much, but enough apparently for the ultra small bets ( $0.50/$1.00 ) section.
Onwards and upwards
P.S. I did try but I couldn't get the Analyser to work ? It downloaded. Perhaps because I had already signed on with the recommended Poker site so they didn't get the $50. Anyway not to worry.

That's more like it. It is hard to know if you can make money from just a few sessions but if you can make enough to withdraw your first deposit and play with OPM (other people's money), it gets a lot easier :)

Was pokertracker the analyser you tried? I have just started using it and had to use a program called handgrabber to get the hands from the pacific site. There is a 1,000 hands free trial but i paid the registration fee, as i can see it is worth it. It is good to be able to replay any hand I have played and once I have collected enough data, I should be able to see where I can improve my game. It also collects data for every player I play, so it will be easier to spot the fish from the sharks :)
Bigbusiness said:
That's more like it. It is hard to know if you can make money from just a few sessions but if you can make enough to withdraw your first deposit and play with OPM (other people's money), it gets a lot easier :)

Was pokertracker the analyser you tried? I have just started using it and had to use a program called handgrabber to get the hands from the pacific site. There is a 1,000 hands free trial but i paid the registration fee, as i can see it is worth it. It is good to be able to replay any hand I have played and once I have collected enough data, I should be able to see where I can improve my game. It also collects data for every player I play, so it will be easier to spot the fish from the sharks :)

The one I couldn't get to work is called Universal-poker.com.
I spoke too soon and lost a bit this morning. Back to the drawing board as they say. It's all so quick. By the time one has worked out one's position and if there have been any other callers/raisers it's got the countdown going. More practice on the freebie site ?
I have tried pokertracker. If one is lucky it will produce loads of stats. Quite what they all mean is another matter.
Pat494 said:
The one I couldn't get to work is called Universal-poker.com.
I spoke too soon and lost a bit this morning. Back to the drawing board as they say. It's all so quick. By the time one has worked out one's position and if there have been any other callers/raisers it's got the countdown going. More practice on the freebie site ?
I have tried pokertracker. If one is lucky it will produce loads of stats. Quite what they all mean is another matter.

I am not sure what all the stats mean either yet :) There is a good guide on the bet-the-pot website that I will have to spend some time reading. Something I did notice is that as soon as I started to monitor my play with pokertracker, I stopped playing hands that I shouldn't and tried to stick to a solid game. Just hope I can keep the nice green numbers in my stats and avoid the red ones.
Hi Pat,

I've got a friend who won a big tournie on ladbrokes site last year. He had been playing online a fair bit and won free entry to some big tournaments through qualifiers. Got knocked out the first one in the first round was very tough. Was out drinking with him night before, he nearly missed the bigger tournie. Think he started with a couple of hands timed out. Ended up playing 8 or 9 hours and won the tournie 250,000 USD. He phoned me in the morning and told me , I told him to ?"$% off thought he was winding me up. Hes off on a cruise in America next week which was also a prize.
He's now doing quite a lot of share investing on the FTSE and seems to be doing quite well with his shares.

Got some other mates who win 1k or 2k quite regular. but I don't know how much they have to spend to get there.

Good luck with your poker playing.

Hi Pat,

I've got a friend who won a big tournie on ladbrokes site last year. He had been playing online a fair bit and won free entry to some big tournaments through qualifiers. Got knocked out the first one in the first round was very tough. Was out drinking with him night before, he nearly missed the bigger tournie. Think he started with a couple of hands timed out. Ended up playing 8 or 9 hours and won the tournie 250,000 USD. He phoned me in the morning and told me , I told him to ?"$% off thought he was winding me up. Hes off on a cruise in America next week which was also a prize.
He's now doing quite a lot of share investing on the FTSE and seems to be doing quite well with his shares.

Got some other mates who win 1k or 2k quite regular. but I don't know how much they have to spend to get there.

Good luck with your poker playing.


Hi Dan,
Thx for your post. During the learning curve days its handy to have some encouraging stories from others. I did rather rush in and lost a bit ( only a few dollars ) before coming to a sensible decision to try and learn a bit more before having another go. Looks an easy game but isn't I think. I am finding it quite hard work actually learning the correct bidding etc. but it should pay off. Noble poker are offering a bonus of 100% to anyone who puts a deposit there. I've got a friend to sign up to a couple more for a few extra bucks.