Old Updata Customers

I agree with you. I decided to give up on Updata's TA. I found I was spending my time trying to get it to work, emailing, waiting for calls. It's just too much. You need to concentrate on what you're trading not worrying whether your charts are correct....they weren't by the way. I pointed out that they missed trades. It was never resolved.
I'll have another look in a couple of months.
to jonnyt
please explain "trading in the zone".
have you ever bought shares then lost data feed,through bad software or tv signal? you are in effect blind to what is happening .more than once i bought shares and was unable to track them for long periods,in some cases losing sizable amounts.
the whole point of updata is to show real time data reliably thats why people buy it!
Hi Dunlop,

Use stops. Remember there are other sites where you can get live quotes for free, so your point isn't valid. You could still have managed a trade without incurring large loss's. If you had internet or phone access then you could have traded direct with your broker.

Alternatively have an SB account with Deal4Free and use there charts as a backup. Raw but better than nothing.

Don't blame your tools for your loss's and buy the book 'Trading in the Zone' by Mark Douglas. You must take responsibility for your trades, good or bad.

Hi Johnny,

Your missing the point. If you are looking to have back ups then you cannot possibly anywhere near being in the 'zone'.

To do this you need 100% concentration, so therefore you don't trade when your software is playing up or you soldier on & do the best you can, the end result you probably loose money- Remember this is a steep learning curve for all of us. & to have software that is continously playing up followed by intermittent bouts of good behaviour that enables you to do 6 weeks trading , the company then produce an upgrade & low & behold your back to square one, problems, bugs fixes, telephone calls, e-mails. There is NO WAY you can trade properly under these circumstances.

I agree with your stop loss, only to get you out of the market, but we are talking about software that's being defective on & off for the 4 years I have had the displeasure to use it & most likely a lot longer than that. You could ask why do you persist. Good question. In the vein hope that one day they get it right.Or they appear to get it just about right- then bang comes up another upgrade that hasn't been tested sufficiently & it's the users who have to properly beta test it for them.

So that brings us to the second option Not trading. Okay preservation of funds, but over time if that pile isn't increasing in my book it's the same as loosing money, that's unless you're sat on a pot load of money & don't need to earn a living. So that's where time comes into play.
I'm not missing the point.

You are blaming your tools, when the real blame is squarely with yourselves.

You could have changed data provider.
You could have chosen not to trade.
You could have placed stops.

Did you buy and hold Marconi shares?

Look in the mirror.

Sorry to be so blunt.

Perhaps I have missed the point recently, but surely if it is so prone to failure, and hence causing the prospect of money losses, why do you all persist in using it. Is it not more profitable in the longer term to accept it is flawed, find a decent replacement (and they do exist) and move on. Trading is a business after all, and sometimes in any business wrong decisions are made. They have to be rectified as fast as possible to enable the business to continue. This often causes a short term loss of profitability, but at least allows the prospect of returning to profit. In my experience the Updata products I have attempted to use are thoroughly useless. As long as people keep paying them and put up with it, what reason have they to bother sorting it (although I doubt they could anyway). Simple solution - vote with your feet - go elsewhere, be treated like a valued customer, have support lines that are answered and support you, have a system that works consistently, but most importantly, be able to trade again.
Hi Johnny,

There with in lies the crux of the matter.

a) People don't like change.

b) People generally stick with a product ( better the devil you know etc.

c) Most people that use Updata know that it has the potential to be an excellent trading platform & is always nearly- just that.

d) A lot of people don't want to go to the bother of changing software & who says the changing of a product is going to improv e the situation? Looking on here there is nothing conclusive about any of Updata's rivals- from the feed back reports they all seem to be flawed in some manor.

e) I think your jumping to the conclusion-wrongly- that i have personally lost a lot through using Updata. I actually said that I know of many that have & fully empathasise with their frustrations

f) If your computer crashes when the INDU crashes your in a long position. Do you put it down to a personal mistake?

g) I think Updata has the potential to be the best out there & so many of us are stuck between a rock & a hard place until they prove it. Always on the brink- you're right at some point you have to cut & run with something else- but that then reverts back to th e time factor.....

h) Not trading preserves capital- but in the end that money will be needed elsewhere and so dwindles- result find another occupation.

i) It's too easy to glibly say that you can never blame the tools of the trade eg; Fomula 1 driver- engines blows up.

Answer: Go get another team.
f) If you are serious about trading you will not only have one Computer. If you have then who do you blame? My trading computer/s do not crash because I use the correct OS and do not download all and sundry on those machines. The last time I had any PC crash was probably two years ago.

i) Formula 1 engines do blow, but like trading the winners accept that and try and fix the problem for the future and aim for consistancy. Try listening to Michael Schumaker, he accepts these events and then wins the next race...

...so now all who complain about Updata do not ue correct OS and download sunderis..???...I get the impression that JonnyT is implying that he uses original software and others who have problems use hookie versions..!!

No to trade it is not necessary to have star trek console or two computers..only that software should work properly and not have repeated breakdown and data gaps...

I use all original software...bought with new computer that I change evry 2 years...unlike others I have network in my home computer room and nothing in my system is hookie or sundries...but I have had huge problems with updata....and that is the fact...
I'm talking about a stable Operating System such as Windows 2000 or XP.

Not Windows 98/ME

Updata works ONLY with 2000 and XP...people who tried to use 98/ME soon learned their lesson....

most users use, or have moved to 2000 or XP..as XP was offered as part of the package by Updata...

I have ran that in both XP pro and 2000...and ran into difficulties...
JonnyT its not the OS you use. Updata is extremely badly coded,
full of bugs.

I don't know which language they've used but its obvious that it is not compatible with any OS.

One of many reasons why you have to wait up to 40min before you get through to support.

Under David Linton's leadership I can't see much hope for TA which I believe is a great product in concept.

I think hanging onto Updata is like hanging onto a bad trade, you hope soon it'll turn for the better.
A friend of mine has Marconi at 43p and was waiting for it to go up. I am surprised he does not also use Updata and is waiting for it to realise its' potential. Personally I reckon Marconi has more hope. Not so much a question of barking up the wrong tree - more one of not even being in the right forest.
Why do people make their lives hard by refusing to accept reality ?
Thanks catsdad.

Bang on the mark.

The OS is stable but if you have a crap app ditch it...

Don't blame anyone but yourselves, you made the decision to stick with UpData so live with it,

Hello guys

This may be a late reply to this thread - but I thought I'd post it anyway.

Like the postings earlier - I was seduced by Updata's Marketing. David Linton - used us - Early entrants into his Pet Project, and we financed this for him by purchasing his software - ALL Beta Products - though HE SAID - they were tested professional packages & the best in UK.

No problem with this so far.

When he got HIS project off the ground - he changed his Marketing and left his "Investors" - (The people who bought his Beta Products) high and dry.

I've tried telephoning his company asking for a software patch to link Updata to a DDE feed (which they say they have developed) and am YET to hear from them.

MR DAVID LINTON - Shame on you.

From an irate fund - investor of UPDATA.
