Oh NO another lets make it big journal


Hi All,
Right lets get this straight right from the beginning, the reasons that I'm starting this thread are many, so here we go, I have seen many threads on here which state how their going from X amount to Y amount "watch this" and then after a couple of months if your lucky the thread ends abruptly!!! I assume targets not achieved, well this thread is only different, although getting to "Y" would be very nice, because I will not only use it to post results, Good or bad, but also when I've entered a "bet" , I will not be calling it a trade because its not trading its spreadbetting, I would ideally like this thread to become social as well insomuch as I will post comments as and when during the day that probably have little to do with positions but are more like taking the worry out of an open position whilst I'm waiting for green figures.
So if your looking for a place just to chat whilst "trading " this could be it . Its up to you.

So without further ado , I guess I'm a bit of a trend better, I use mt4 as my platform for charts using a moving average line on a candle stick chart with CCI, RSI, MACD, STOCH and ADX indicators, At present I only bet on the EUR/GBP forex and my general aim is to achieve 20 pips a day. I would like to think that this is modest compared to others claims that I've seen, however in reality my average is probably somewhere between 7 and 40.

My history is that I have tinkered on and off with this for the last six years on demo accounts but work and other things have kept it at arms length, but guess what I'm now a man of leisure so its time to see if I "can walk the walk" so with a small starting bank we'll see what occurs.

In conclusion I must add that I don't expect anybody to take any of my postings as gospel and I certainly do not expect anyone to copy my "bets" you must always do what you think is right not what I or anybody else thinks is right.
Sorry I didn't expand on yesterdays post, but here goes, firstly I had no trade yesterday ( oh no I've used the trade word) I had an accident which resulted in some dental work having to be done this morning ( and return next friday for further treatment) I digress, anyhow I'm looking for an entry at the moment the basis of which will be as follows:- looking for a cross over of macd, stoch and ADX with a trend indicator of 20+ on the ADX also a rising RSI and CCI using a 15m chart
Well all was well except for the ADX so still no entry maybe even a reverse of the above the Euro looks relatively strong against what is a weak pound
Well they do say patience is a virtue but finally got the signal I wanted and placed a £1 per pip bet with a spread of 1.8 at 2.45pm british time, so £1/pip to rise 50 pip stop no take profit placed
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It would be more interesting to read if you would post a chart of what you are doing. The instrument
tht you are using, too,

I'm trying to be helpful. 🙂