ODL Markets


These are ongoing issues. They don't happen all at once. You find it's either/or on a lot of them. This afternoon I had an unprompted log out and then could't get back on to the platform for about 20-30 minutes. It was at this point I called them and closed my account.

I think you make a very salient point about the 0 point FTSE. The USP's this outfit have are minimal. Wider spreads/Same spreads as established players in the market with far better platforms and NONE of the issues I mention above. The 0 point spread was the hook for me. Now it's not there might as well use GFT or Capital Spreads.

2 point Dow spread with GFT or a 4 point with ODL....hmmmm No brainer really

Yep - GFT easily the best platform, and the spreads are good now.

are you day trading ?
If you day trading on ODL MT4 platform I see no way you wouldn`t have noticed what the guys here are talking about.

I am still looking for decent spread bet platform to trade FTSE 100 on 1 point spread ( maybe with low initial stake) . Anyone can help me to find one?
If you read my post again, you will notice I said, I have not been trading with ODL.
I'm curious why daytraders just don't use a platforms like FuturesBetting that's designed to handle daytraders.

Since I don't daytrade anymore I'm obversely missing something..
Why should I trade with futuresbetting.com (other than tax related isssues) when trading futures is much cheaper? The stake is too high trading the FTSE future.
Why should I trade with futurebetting.com (other than tax related isssues) when trading futures is much cheaper? The stakes is to high trading the FTSE future.

I was commenting on spreadbetters, I was getting 1.95 per side 300.00MM emini when I was daytrading, really fast platform that NEVER disconnected, not once in 3 years!!

IMO SB daytrading is for much braver traders than I..
I was commenting on spreadbetters, I was getting 1.95 per side 300.00MM emini when I was daytrading, really fast platform that NEVER disconnected, not once in 3 years!!

IMO SB daytrading is for much braver traders than I..
Yes you are right. One must absolutely be aware of the risk trading SB and be covered with different scenarios.

I take it then you were not a winner, or I think you would not be protesting as much.. funny that !! Their platform has had some issues with it and is not as stable as say IG. But compared to City Index over the last couple of weeks it is like a rock ! As for the spreads, if you can't make money on a 1 point footsie spread in these markets then perhaps you should call it a day !
I take it then you were not a winner, or I think you would not be protesting as much.. funny that !! Their platform has had some issues with it and is not as stable as say IG. But compared to City Index over the last couple of weeks it is like a rock ! As for the spreads, if you can't make money on a 1 point footsie spread in these markets then perhaps you should call it a day !

Well I'm glad you can trade with hindsight as their MT4 feed stops for a few hours completely and then backfills later on in the day. I kinda need to see the price to trade!
I agree with Marlintrdg, I would not touch another platform after using Futuresbetting. Yes I know some of the spreads are wider, but I would rather pay more for a system that is stable. Not once in last weeks crazy markets did it freeze, and the execution was a quick as any other day.
Its like driving a BMW compared to a Skoda. Yes more expensive but a much more enjoyable experience!
Yep - GFT easily the best platform, and the spreads are good now.
Phil, what about re-quotes or trade rejections in a volatile market? I have recently had problems with CS. And what about re-quotes or trade rejections with ODL? I would appreciate if anybody who is trading frequently with ODL could fill me in on this.
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Phil, what about re-quotes or trade rejections in a volatile market? I have recently had problems with CS. And what about re-quotes or trade rejections with ODL? I would appreciate if anybody who is trading frequently with ODL could fill me in on this.

Tried ODL when they first started, and the platform just didn't work properly. Tempted by their zero spread offer, I had another go a few months ago. All was fine at first, then the fills started to slow down, so when the offer ended there was really no point (pun not intended) in carrying on.
Tried ODL when they first started, and the platform just didn't work properly. Tempted by their zero spread offer, I had another go a few months ago. All was fine at first, then the fills started to slow down, so when the offer ended there was really no point (pun not intended) in carrying on.
Thanks, what about GFT when it comes to re-quote in a volatile market? Sorry, I know this thread is not dedicated to GFT, but I'll have a go anyway.
I take it then you were not a winner, or I think you would not be protesting as much.. funny that !! Their platform has had some issues with it and is not as stable as say IG. But compared to City Index over the last couple of weeks it is like a rock ! As for the spreads, if you can't make money on a 1 point footsie spread in these markets then perhaps you should call it a day !

I think you're missing the point George Soros. Why trade with them on a 1 point spread with a crap platform, when you can trade with other companies that are far more stable and pay the same price (spread). I would also add that GFT and Worldspreads beat them hands down on spreads and platform functionality. That's the point being made, nothing to do with winners and losers and 1 point spread.
Thanks, what about GFT when it comes to re-quote in a volatile market? Sorry, I know this thread is not dedicated to GFT, but I'll have a go anyway.

Requote ??? If only I could stay logged on long enough to get one !!
Requote ??? If only I could stay logged on long enough to get one !!
Yes I understand, but there is probably others who have a different opinion about trading with ODL. Did you try to log in from another computer and ISP? If so did you experience the same problem?
Yes I understand, but there is probably others who have a different opinion about trading with ODL. Did you try to log in from another computer and ISP? If so did you experience the same problem?

Yes. On two different laptops, running XP and Vista. Using a BT Broadband connection and a Vodafone 3G data card. Exactly the same problems.

From my understanding people are leaving in droves. The guys I know anyways bar 1 have left. The one who remains is contemplating GFT.
Although I had 'log off' problems when ODL first started, it was mostly OK last time I tried, using various XP and Vista computers. You sure it's not some sort of firewall issue?
Although I had 'log off' problems when ODL first started, it was mostly OK last time I tried, using various XP and Vista computers. You sure it's not some sort of firewall issue?

Definitley not. I have no problems with any othe SB Firm. I may be over doing the log off's. It probably happens once or twice a night still frustrating all the same.
Definitley not. I have no problems with any othe SB Firm. I may be over doing the log off's. It probably happens once or twice a night still frustrating all the same.
Yes, then it is not as big a problem as you first mentioned it to be. Very good that you finally gave the correct information on this issue, it would have been impossible to consider trading with them otherwise. I repeat my question, what about re-quotes or trade rejections in a volatile market?

Tried ODL when they first started, and the platform just didn't work properly. Tempted by their zero spread offer, I had another go a few months ago. All was fine at first, then the fills started to slow down, so when the offer ended there was really no point (pun not intended) in carrying on.

its funny isnt it. low spreads become immaterial if orders cant be executed FAST !!!
im all for paying a slightly higher spread so long as its filled quickly.
All to often they look after you initially and then the rot slips in.