ODL Markets

Well, I would slightly disagree.

Take a look at MT4 platform on the 5 min UK 100 chart (candles). At about 12.05 GMT the price just dissapear for about an hour (back at 13.29).
I dont know if it has to do anything with Interest rates news. However for 1 hour the customer service tried to convince me that my internet connection is down.
How it can be down on 20 computers connected to 2 providers via several servers.
If that is not enough, I have been using at the same time GFT platform on the same desktop and the price was moving while on ODL didnt.

My point is not to discredit the broker as I recommended it to my employer and I have to trade on it. My point is how am I going to trade on it??????

What other ODL platform did you say ?

Kind Regards

Wow, that's really quite serious, I got nothing on that one.. Many times with my forex MT4 brokers the data disappears or worst, spikes all over the place.

I just end of day trade now it all became to much for maybe a few dollars more at the end of the month..

I still think that's a MT4 DATA server problem and not directly related to ODL, however they should fix it.. Not sure why cust' serv gave you that story though, that's not good..

Have a look at this link: Download ODL CFD Trader

It's for the demo
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Well all the indice feeds stopped nearly 30 mins ago now and my real time charts are just fine. Do ODL have any tech people or just rubbish customer service because I'm quite sure while I write and post this that my broadband is just fine!
Well all the indice feeds stopped nearly 30 mins ago now and my real time charts are just fine. Do ODL have any tech people or just rubbish customer service because I'm quite sure while I write and post this that my broadband is just fine!


It is the same everyday... some people suggest the platform MT4 is faulty, and it looks like it is. Unless they will "bribe" me with a proper incentive(like 1 point spread 🙂 I will not even think about trading on this platform. It rubbish. Always losing connection.

Take care

It is the same everyday... some people suggest the platform MT4 is faulty, and it looks like it is. Unless they will "bribe" me with a proper incentive(like 1 point spread 🙂 I will not even think about trading on this platform. It rubbish. Always losing connection.

Take care

Not even 1 pip spread would entice me now 😆
Are you still trying to get MT4 to work with CFD'S or is this the ODLMarkets SpreadBetting platform your fighting with??
Did you give the FuturesBetting people a try or is that the wrong market?

I am still looking for good free charting, that is why looking at ODL CFD`s but you know how that one works yourself. Haven`t tried FutturesBetting yet. Is this for Scalping too?
I am still looking for good free charting, that is why looking at ODL CFD`s but you know how that one works yourself. Haven`t tried FutturesBetting yet. Is this for Scalping too?

For charting your going to have to get a third party charting package like an eSignal, tradestataion etc, I know of no way around this. I like Quote.com charting the best, if you just want the basics, try livecharts from quote.com

Yes FuturesBetting is for scalping they have level II as well which I think anyone daytrading has to have..BTW: I'm told FB is very fast like the real ECN platforms, not the usual toy SB platforms, be careful..
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Waste of time.....

Just closed my account with ODL Markets.

Their platform is simply not fit for purpose. Fed up of listening to drivel from people who obviously know nothing about IT trying to shift the blame on to my computer and my web browser. Yes I use Firefox, Yes I have cleared the cookies, no I'm not running IG charts on the same browser. It's like a BT call centre in India but worse.

In a nutshell I have both an XP and a Vista machine One has AVG the other has Norton. I have tried their sorry excuse for a platform on both Firefox, Internet Explorer. I have tried to connect via a Vodafone 3G datacard and my BT Broadband connection (wireless and hardwired to the router). Still I have the following issues (that have yet to be corrected...despite big talk and cheap rhetoric on here from ODL)

Below are the reasons why I have left and also why you need to either A: have been smoking something illegal or B: have NO IDEA what you are doing to sign up to this bunch of cowboys.

1. Log Outs without warning (by this I mean nothing pops up and tells you that you are disconnected. The prices freeze and it's goodnight vienna.

2. Log Outs with warning (a pop up window tells you that you have been logged out)

3. The "H has no properties" log out (pop up window gives this error message....this really had them befuddled)

4. Slow moving (skewed prices) I trade using IG charts and speaking for the dow they look like different markets...Following th IG Chart and the ODL Price.

5. Platform updates slowly (the P&L showing is often 20 seconds behind your actual P&L also it can take up to 30 seconds for your position to appear)

6. Freezing Platform (Log in and all you get are the markets and no prices....sit there and wait for 5 minutes then toss a coin. Heads the prices appear tails they don't)

7. The Blank Screen ( Log in through the main page, this is a 2 stage process. Once your password/username are recognised you need to click to launch a second browser window that contains the platform. The only problem is that quite a lot of the time this second screen does nothing. All you get is a progress bar and NO PLATFORM at all.)

IF you manage to Log in and stay logged in....

8. THEY aren't cheap. Dow spread 4 points. Everyone does it at this price. Margin requirements...well Capital Spreads are cheaper. Furthermore a lot of their FX spreads are not tight, IG offer better spreads.

9. Range of markets...They offer hardly any.

Anyways, I closed my account. Sick to the back teeth of them. You get the same feeble excuses from the same people when you phone with the same issues. I have quit calling them about it because normally you get fed the same spiel about Firefox blah blah blah from someone who knows as much about PC's as my 84 year old grandmother.

At first I gave them the benefit of the doubt as a new provider. But there comes a time when it gets a bit silly. They expect you to swallow this crock of crap about Firefox, Firewalls and how only 2% of people have problems. Well everyone I know has had these problems !! So how they get the 2% I have no idea.

Well IF you are having these problems, vote with your feet. All this Firefox, PC connection, IG on a different browser rubbish is a smokescreen to hide the fact that their platform is Crap. The more people that leave them because of their crap service the more chance that they fix it. While people keep swallowing these feeble excuses from ODL why bother fixing it.

I am sure there will be someone from ODL coming on here and telling us how much they've spent upgrading...blah blah blah. Well it's not working. Your platform is as bad now as when you launched.

Has anyone else had/having these problems I cannot believe this lot are still in business.
I notice the vendor no longer posts here, i wonder if he still woks their a my last two contacts while applying for an account "are no longer with the company"

I've given up trying to get a account after reading other traders experience.

Maybe in a year or so I'll check back and see if theirs any improvement..
Just closed my account with ODL Markets.

Their platform is simply not fit for purpose. Fed up of listening to drivel from people who obviously know nothing about IT trying to shift the blame on to my computer and my web browser. Yes I use Firefox, Yes I have cleared the cookies, no I'm not running IG charts on the same browser. It's like a BT call centre in India but worse.

In a nutshell I have both an XP and a Vista machine One has AVG the other has Norton. I have tried their sorry excuse for a platform on both Firefox, Internet Explorer. I have tried to connect via a Vodafone 3G datacard and my BT Broadband connection (wireless and hardwired to the router). Still I have the following issues (that have yet to be corrected...despite big talk and cheap rhetoric on here from ODL)

Below are the reasons why I have left and also why you need to either A: have been smoking something illegal or B: have NO IDEA what you are doing to sign up to this bunch of cowboys.

1. Log Outs without warning (by this I mean nothing pops up and tells you that you are disconnected. The prices freeze and it's goodnight vienna.

2. Log Outs with warning (a pop up window tells you that you have been logged out)

3. The "H has no properties" log out (pop up window gives this error message....this really had them befuddled)

4. Slow moving (skewed prices) I trade using IG charts and speaking for the dow they look like different markets...Following th IG Chart and the ODL Price.

5. Platform updates slowly (the P&L showing is often 20 seconds behind your actual P&L also it can take up to 30 seconds for your position to appear)

6. Freezing Platform (Log in and all you get are the markets and no prices....sit there and wait for 5 minutes then toss a coin. Heads the prices appear tails they don't)

7. The Blank Screen ( Log in through the main page, this is a 2 stage process. Once your password/username are recognised you need to click to launch a second browser window that contains the platform. The only problem is that quite a lot of the time this second screen does nothing. All you get is a progress bar and NO PLATFORM at all.)

IF you manage to Log in and stay logged in....

8. THEY aren't cheap. Dow spread 4 points. Everyone does it at this price. Margin requirements...well Capital Spreads are cheaper. Furthermore a lot of their FX spreads are not tight, IG offer better spreads.

9. Range of markets...They offer hardly any.

Anyways, I closed my account. Sick to the back teeth of them. You get the same feeble excuses from the same people when you phone with the same issues. I have quit calling them about it because normally you get fed the same spiel about Firefox blah blah blah from someone who knows as much about PC's as my 84 year old grandmother.

At first I gave them the benefit of the doubt as a new provider. But there comes a time when it gets a bit silly. They expect you to swallow this crock of crap about Firefox, Firewalls and how only 2% of people have problems. Well everyone I know has had these problems !! So how they get the 2% I have no idea.

Well IF you are having these problems, vote with your feet. All this Firefox, PC connection, IG on a different browser rubbish is a smokescreen to hide the fact that their platform is Crap. The more people that leave them because of their crap service the more chance that they fix it. While people keep swallowing these feeble excuses from ODL why bother fixing it.

I am sure there will be someone from ODL coming on here and telling us how much they've spent upgrading...blah blah blah. Well it's not working. Your platform is as bad now as when you launched.

Has anyone else had/having these problems I cannot believe this lot are still in business.
Yes one have to be careful not signing up to early with a new vendor. This is what to be expected in the first year of running the platform. Hopefully they will also make an attempt in launching a MT4 SB platform. I definitely think ODL will be more successful in this area.
Although the platform still had a few problems last time I tried, it certainly wasn't as bad as you describe, ceydababy. Still, once they dropped the zero spread offer on FTSE I found it wasn't worth trying any more.
Yes one have to be careful not signing up to early with a new vendor. This is what to be expected in the first year of running the platform. Hopefully they will also make an attempt in launching a MT4 SB platform. I definitely think ODL will be more successful in this area.
The MT4 for CFD's is not working out to well for the posts I've seen here.

I've used MT3 & 4 forex trading 3 years now and I really see no way CFD's/SB can work with it without a major re-wright.
The MT4 for CFD's is not working out to well for the posts I've seen here.

I've used MT3 & 4 forex trading 3 years now and I really see no way CFD's/SB can work with it without a major re-wright.
I have tried CFDs on MT4, trading indices, without having any big issues. What problems are you reffering to? I have not been trading with ODL I might add.
I have tried CFDs on MT4, trading indices, without having any big issues. What problems are you reffering to?

I only trade shares and stocks mainly ftse350 shares end of day only.

Indexes and forex will work fine.

Look at how the prices are quoted for shares, also you can't enter orders after hours.
Although the platform still had a few problems last time I tried, it certainly wasn't as bad as you describe, ceydababy. Still, once they dropped the zero spread offer on FTSE I found it wasn't worth trying any more.


These are ongoing issues. They don't happen all at once. You find it's either/or on a lot of them. This afternoon I had an unprompted log out and then could't get back on to the platform for about 20-30 minutes. It was at this point I called them and closed my account.

I think you make a very salient point about the 0 point FTSE. The USP's this outfit have are minimal. Wider spreads/Same spreads as established players in the market with far better platforms and NONE of the issues I mention above. The 0 point spread was the hook for me. Now it's not there might as well use GFT or Capital Spreads.

2 point Dow spread with GFT or a 4 point with ODL....hmmmm No brainer really
I have tried CFDs on MT4, trading indices, without having any big issues. What problems are you reffering to? I have not been trading with ODL I might add.


are you day trading ?
If you day trading on ODL MT4 platform I see no way you wouldn`t have noticed what the guys here are talking about.

I am still looking for decent spread bet platform to trade FTSE 100 on 1 point spread ( maybe with low initial stake) . Anyone can help me to find one?
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are you day trading ?
If you day trading on ODL MT4 platform I see no way you wouldn`t have noticed what the guys here are talking about.
I'm curious why daytraders just don't use a platforms like FuturesBetting that's designed to handle daytraders.

Since I don't daytrade anymore I'm obversely missing something..