not understanding


I have a spreadbet account in uk with tdwaterhouse think they are linked to ig index tryed to close a position on the dow but couldnt firstly given a price they said it had moved so i was given a new price with a time limit of 2 min to close position so i again tryed to close again no joy shortly after that position went against me so i ended up losing on trade 🙁: My question is when they requate you with a price and you accept it but trade is not done is there any way of finding out why trade didnt get executed sorry if i sound stupid ned to this I would appreciate any help

Hi michael - I don't SB with TD's but haven't had this issue elsewhere. Common enough (but still annoying) to get re-quoted due to fast price movements but if platform accepted instruction I don't see why (or even how) trade not carried out. It can take some seconds for trades to show on the platform but not experienced accepted instruction not acted on. Are you on manual dealing because your positions very large?

Also, its good idea to have two SB accounts, so if one platform or service fails, you can hedge risk with opposing trades via the other platform. Wouldn't have helped here I think but good insurance.