Not allowed to celebrate Christmas

What on earth is he going on about???

Dr Rowan Williams said the UK had to "face up to the fact" some citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

He said adopting parts of Islamic Sharia law could help social cohesion.

What on earth is the Archbishop going on about?

And who will apply the Sharia law the courts or brain washed dim wits who are only a law onto them selves. 😡

They can't even apply the Sharia in muslim countries so how on earth do they think they can apply it here. :whistling

Gordon Bennett!!! All the muslims who leave their Sharia led countries to come and live here will be leaving to go and live in some Atheist country.

What is the World coming to???

We have gone to fight againt twits in Afghanistan who think they rule over the Sharia law only to consider it's adoptation here??? 😡 I thought we were delivering democracy and freedom not importing the zeallots... 😡😡

Am I missing something. 😡😡

The end is nigh... 😆
What a gift handed to the Daily Mail on a silver platter. It's a complete non-starter, so not worth getting worked up about.

Maybe he's introducing some evolutionary pressure to remove xenophobic traits from the gene pool. Raise the blood pressure of DM readers so much they expire prematurely, some before reproducing, the net effect being a proportional increase of tolerant attitudes in the population over time. Ahh, now I see his plan.
er.. I see more scantily clad "local english girls" than any from the ethnic minorities.

That surely is not a problem is it? Also its becoming normal for teenage girls to become pregnant in order to get council flats. At least the girl in your office is working!

btw whats this rubbish about not allowing Xmas decos in your office? This is the first I have heard!

When will the government tell us its not allowed for people living in the United Kingdom to celebrate Christmas.......?

This country is becoming a joke. WE are NOT allowed the nursery rhyme "Three little pigs" because its offensive to muslims. What the bloody hell next.

Some storys from RUPERT bear are not allowed to be repeated as its says "coon island". So what, if its that much of a problem EDIT it then, what are they going to tell people that have the books.......burn them or take them to a police station to be officially destroyed.

If NON-MUSLIM speople tarted to live in a muslim country, and started to say that some of there traditions were offensive to us, what do you think would happen? I do not think they would stop doing what they were doing........we would be shown the door. I have nothing against Muslims what so ever, they have very good standards on the whole, better than most english people, who have no standards on the whole. Its just the Three little pigs story got to me on that one.
In alot of companies now you are not allowed Christmas decorations. WHY!!!.........I know why, its the Health and safety joke. In case a bit of tinsle falls off and trips you up you fall over and break your neck. The christmas lights may be too bright and cause blindness.

I worked for a company and there was a Polish couple. Of course they were only here visiting and outstayed there welcome, so what did they do..........have a baby here. OF course they had to stay here then. They gave that baby up as they were here living now.

A indian girl working for a Major bank in the city. Complete slapper but the managers could not tell her to put clothes on as she screamed "Your being racist" at them, then cried. We cannot even tell a woman who is not dressed properly to put some clothes on.

This country is just becoming the pits. There is no freedom of speech anymore, you cant even tell people to dress properly.

WE are not GREAT Britian anymore we are just Britain, please drop the GREAT bit of it.

I could go on, but wont as someone will take offence and complain. I do not come on here very much now as some people are just thick in there replies. I welcome replies so thats not a problem at all, please reply by all means.

This country will not survive much longer. Burgalry is not a crime anymore. If you stab them or smash there face in when they are in your house the GOVERNMENT will throw the book at you and put you in prison, then you can be sued for damages.

Human rights is a joke. This country is run by the Scottish because we are so thick and vote them in. Thats why Scotland gets so much money from us, and we are being taxed more and more.

England sucks

Alan P
Dr Rowan Williams said the UK had to "face up to the fact" some citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

That must be me then.

I have never had any time for petty rules.
That must be me then.

I have never had any time for petty rules.
What pisses me off is the special privileges given to people who irrationally, and against all evidence, believe that one or other of a set of fairytales knocking around for a few hundred years is literally true. I don't mind about the small stuff like motorbike helmets and a few minutes off work to pray, but it's galling when you're bringing up children and are faced with the situation:

* You're rational and accept evidence -- the local state school which is likely to be academically below-average

* You're irrational and insist that teddy bears made the universe -- the local state school OR a faith school which is likely to be academically above-average

It's simply a reward for ignorance. Where are the special atheist schools that have high academic attaintment levels that I'm privileged to send my children to, and superstitious twaddle-believers are forbidden from sending their children to, to redress the balance?

I'm sure everyone doesn't relate to parts of the British legal system in some meaningful, non-petty way, I certainly don't, but why should an infantile infatuation with a make-believe substitute parent figure that has its roots in medieval barbarism or fanatical cult of personality be a requirement for any kind of exemption or special treatment today?

I could go on.

So I think I shall.

I truly, madly, deeply believe that the world was created by a princess, the daughter of the Undeniable King who in some sort of vague way lives in all of us and, cryptically, is the World itself. I have read, and written, many books on the subject, and live my life according to the holy scriptures expounded in the sacred text, the Agh'zkhwq-hhjersd. I am absolutely unshakeable in my beliefs despite the fact that science since the 17th century has shown every one of those beliefs to be unfounded and fantastical. So. I want my own state-funded school please.

Sorry for the rant but I had a few minutes to spare.
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What pisses me off is the special privileges given to people who irrationally, and against all evidence, believe that one or other of a set of fairytales knocking around for a few hundred years is literally true. I don't mind about the small stuff like motorbike helmets and a few minutes off work to pray, but it's galling when you're bringing up children and are faced with the situation:

* You're rational and accept evidence -- the local state school which is likely to be academically below-average

* You're irrational and insist that teddy bears made the universe -- the local state school OR a faith school which is likely to be academically above-average

It's simply a reward for ignorance. Where are the special atheist schools that have high academic attaintment levels that I'm privileged to send my children to, and superstitious twaddle-believers are forbidden from sending their children to, to redress the balance?

I'm sure everyone doesn't relate to parts of the British legal system in some meaningful, non-petty way, I certainly don't, but why should an infantile infatuation with a make-believe substitute parent figure that has its roots in medieval barbarism or fanatical cult of personality be a requirement for any kind of exemption or special treatment today?

I could go on.

So I think I shall.

I truly, madly, deeply believe that the world was created by a princess, the daughter of the Undeniable King who in some sort of vague way lives in all of us and, cryptically, is the World itself. I have read, and written, many books on the subject, and live my life according to the holy scriptures expounded in the sacred text, the Agh'zkhwq-hhjersd. I am absolutely unshakeable in my beliefs despite the fact that science since the 17th century has shown every one of those beliefs to be unfounded and fantastical. So. I want my own state-funded school please.

Sorry for the rant but I had a few minutes to spare.

Not really sure what your point is - that becuase someone doesn't believe what you do, they must be stupid and must somehow receive special privileges and rights? Or is it that you want to send your children to a faith school because the school is better, but don't want them learning about points of view other than your own?
One country, one set of laws for all.

If certain religious ( or other ) groups do not like it, then they should go to a place where their flavour of the law is practised.

I have lived extensively overseas ( Europe, Asia, Australasia ) and spent many years in the Middle East.

When I was hauled into court for speeding on multiple occasions in Bahrain, I did not demand to be dealt with according to UK law.

If I had, I would have been dealt with more severely, lol.

One country, one set of laws for all.

If certain religious ( or other ) groups do not like it, then they should go to a place where their flavour of the law is practised.

I have lived extensively overseas ( Europe, Asia, Australasia ) and spent many years in the Middle East.

When I was hauled into court for speeding on multiple occasions in Bahrain, I did not demand to be dealt with according to UK law.

If I had, I would have been dealt with more severely, lol.

I walked by the Ministry of Justice building (or whatever it's called) in Bahrain last year and it didn't look like somewhere I'd want to be interrogated.

Now I'm picturing rows of speed cameras on the road, one for Christians, one for Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc., all set to go off at different speeds. LOL.
I walked by the Ministry of Justice building (or whatever it's called) in Bahrain last year and it didn't look like somewhere I'd want to be interrogated.

The place is pretty free and easy and the laws are there to be treated with great flexibility.

I truly, madly, deeply believe that the world was created by a princess, the daughter of the Undeniable King who in some sort of vague way lives in all of us and, cryptically, is the World itself. I have read, and written, many books on the subject, and live my life according to the holy scriptures expounded in the sacred text, the Agh'zkhwq-hhjersd. I am absolutely unshakeable in my beliefs despite the fact that science since the 17th century has shown every one of those beliefs to be unfounded and fantastical. So. I want my own state-funded school please.

Sorry for the rant but I had a few minutes to spare.

pagan! infidel!
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you should be boiled in tomato sauce for eternity, until just al-dente, and then whipped with the eternally-beatific spaghetti until you correct your sins.
and served with mint-tea poured from the hallowed Russells teapot.

Amen. and awomen. or apersons.