Not allowed to celebrate Christmas

Wow ! the markets must be really dead today for this Ludicrous hate filled Xenophobic post to receive so much attention.As a brit who now lives abroad I hope and pray there are no people like the originator of this post where I am at now.

As a brit who now lives abroad I hope and pray there are no people like the originator of this post where I am at now

What about the scum who are giving Lewis Hamilton a hard time right now ?

They're from your general neck of the woods aren't they ?
It's fairly obvious that an island of our size can only hold so much population without creating problems with housing, traffic, demand on public services. I'm not sure where you're from Zambuck, but back on planet earth, there's a country called Britain that's struggling with these issues right now😉

...I am from plant is based in Orion nebula..!!....Britain is not the only country that has issues with immigration, it's just that there is a rabid fear being generated of it....many European countries actually take more immigrants than UK does....and benefits from it eventually.....

As for the ridiculous rules that come out re nursery rhymes, the use of the word Christmas, the banning of public servants wearing the st george cross etc etc, - don't tell me you wouldn't describe that as political correctness gone mad?

I have not witnessed this nor any of my friends either...It may have occured somewhere in a corner but has been given huge prominance by Daily Bile....And people hang on to it as if this is hapening in every street and corners....

Again, if you think this isn't happening and is just Daily mail talk, you must make a hop over to our planet some time.

Well I hope over to many places/continents on this plant....Much more than you may have been to....It's only in UK it seems that there is national pasttime about imigration....I do not have any problems with people coming here from Europe or anywhere as long as they adhere to customs here and are not a burden on the State....and are doing jobs that you would not want to do..!

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What about the scum who are giving Lewis Hamilton a hard time right now ?

They're from your general neck of the woods aren't they ?

...Aren't they related to scum who give black British fotballers hard time..?

I'm sure you're missing my point. It's not one of "immigration" as such. I've no doubt, in itself, it has brought benefits. My Brother is Law in Indian and I've no doubt he's an asset to our country.

It surely isn't debatable that we have a shortage of housing / land / roads for the population we have? Forget the immotive attachments raised as soon as immigration is mentioned. I'm only making the point about population density, and future immigration is one of the only ways in which we can control this.

The PC debate is another story - either way that is fuelled by white, middle class public servants who have no clue about the damage they do. It is real, however. Ask my prison officer friend, who was banned from wearing the George cross by the pathetic minister for prisons - for example.

When will the government tell us its not allowed for people living in the United Kingdom to celebrate Christmas.......?

This country is becoming a joke. WE are NOT allowed the nursery rhyme "Three little pigs" because its offensive to muslims. What the bloody hell next.

Some storys from RUPERT bear are not allowed to be repeated as its says "coon island". So what, if its that much of a problem EDIT it then, what are they going to tell people that have the books.......burn them or take them to a police station to be officially destroyed.

If NON-MUSLIM speople tarted to live in a muslim country, and started to say that some of there traditions were offensive to us, what do you think would happen? I do not think they would stop doing what they were doing........we would be shown the door. I have nothing against Muslims what so ever, they have very good standards on the whole, better than most english people, who have no standards on the whole. Its just the Three little pigs story got to me on that one.
In alot of companies now you are not allowed Christmas decorations. WHY!!!.........I know why, its the Health and safety joke. In case a bit of tinsle falls off and trips you up you fall over and break your neck. The christmas lights may be too bright and cause blindness.

I worked for a company and there was a Polish couple. Of course they were only here visiting and outstayed there welcome, so what did they do..........have a baby here. OF course they had to stay here then. They gave that baby up as they were here living now.

A indian girl working for a Major bank in the city. Complete slapper but the managers could not tell her to put clothes on as she screamed "Your being racist" at them, then cried. We cannot even tell a woman who is not dressed properly to put some clothes on.

This country is just becoming the pits. There is no freedom of speech anymore, you cant even tell people to dress properly.

WE are not GREAT Britian anymore we are just Britain, please drop the GREAT bit of it.

I could go on, but wont as someone will take offence and complain. I do not come on here very much now as some people are just thick in there replies. I welcome replies so thats not a problem at all, please reply by all means.

This country will not survive much longer. Burgalry is not a crime anymore. If you stab them or smash there face in when they are in your house the GOVERNMENT will throw the book at you and put you in prison, then you can be sued for damages.

Human rights is a joke. This country is run by the Scottish because we are so thick and vote them in. Thats why Scotland gets so much money from us, and we are being taxed more and more.

England sucks

Alan P

Alan try some of this you might find it helps...👍
As a pom who has moved overseas and has lived in NZ for a couple of years, I miss England every day and being away makes you appreciate it more IMO.

Sure there are stupid human rights laws, the weather sucks at times but the grass ain't always greener and stop being negative, think of the positive. Its the British way to moan and that does not help. Stop thinking about the bad factors and relish in everything that makes England great!

Its a unique country and will always be somewhere I will enjoy coming home too and whilst I once moaned too, whenever I land I'm glad to be home.........

A homesick pom!
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As a pom who has moved overseas and has lived in NZ for a couple of years, I miss England every day and being away makes you appreciate it more IMO.

Sure there are stupid human rights laws, the weather sucks at times but the grass ain't always greener and stop being negative, think of the positive. Its the British way to moan and that does not help. Stop thinking about the bad factors and relish in everything that makes England great!

Its a unique country and will always be somewhere I will enjoy coming home too and whilst I once moaned too, whenever I land I'm glad to be home.........

A homesick pom!

Yes, good points well made.

For every negative regarding the UK, i can name a positive. Also, a lot of the negatives are a result of looking at some things with a negative attitude. Turning the viewpoint on its head, looking at it in a positive way, can often turn what you viewed as a negative into a positive.

Sure, there may be nicer places elsewhere in the world, but what is given by one hand is taken with another. eg. England has limited wilderness to engage in outdoor stuff perhaps. The solution might be to go & live in Yosemite. But then you are stuck with a very quiet way of life, with lack of social facilities - sports centres, sports leagues, night clubs, lap-dancing clubs, theatres etc. At least England is good with the latter stuff.

Bottom line - if you don't like the way of life somewhere enough, move onto pastures new. If you don't dislike a place enough to move away, for your own sake, try & look on the bright side, finding the positives. Because the worse a persons attitude becomes towards something, the harder life becomes.
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A-Z Guide of British Life and Culture

Oh, and of course... Monty Python and British humour and wit which very few other nations really get! ... and music, from the Who to current day, never a mix as great than from our fair isle........

If not for immigration..........

You'd never known curries or a Chinese. Nor tasted Stella Artois or celebrated with Champagne. Plus these things both ways so I couldn't live in NZ, no one would know the pleasures of the Polish stag party with cheap beer and fit women..... All your quick shopping would be in town centres as the local corner shop wouldn't be there for you virtually 24/7.

The Romans.... With their roads and sanitation and education......... (Monty python education you see!)
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A lesson in geography would be very advisable!

Sorry, thought it was the guy from Andalucia in Spain who made the comment.

Bad luck about Romania have my sympathies.

Are you in prison there or have you volunteered to live there as some sort of masochistic indulgence ?
Sorry, thought it was the guy from Andalucia in Spain who made the comment.

Bad luck about Romania have my sympathies.

Are you in prison there or have you volunteered to live there as some sort of masochistic indulgence ?

Your ignorance and lack of common manners gives one and all that read this post a very good insight into your character.
Please don’t ever leave the U.K. You will embarrass us abroad.
And make us ashamed of being British.

But good luck with your trading anyway.
Ouch...touched a nerve have I ?

I have been to Romania - once was more than ample - and have lived in many more countries than yourself I am sure.

I feel it rather sad that you lack a sense of humour but since you do suffer from this condition, then I would suggest that you are living in the right place.

So is it prison or voluntary ?

BTW, Toscana is not in the UK.......basic geography.
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Ouch...touched a nerve have I ?

I have been to Romania - once was more than ample - and have lived in many more countries than yourself I am sure.

I feel it rather sad that you lack a sense of humour but since you do suffer from this condition, then I would suggest that you are living in the right place.

So is it prison or voluntary ?

BTW, Toscana is not in the UK.......basic geography.
Sorry did not bother studying your profile, to see where you are located.
You obviously have not been to Brasov (Transylvania) or you would know that Prince Charles has a residence here and raves about the place.

However enough of this slinging match I know we can go off at a tangent over silly remarks,I hope our next disagreement will be over something more useful like the direction of the euro, dow or whatever.
I see from your posts that you make valuable contributions.
For man to step forwards he firsts needs to Leap

Love- To love others he first needs ro love himself
Embrace- To embrace others he first needs to embrace himself
Accept - To accept others he first needs to accept himself
Peace - To be at peace with others he first needs to be at peace with himself.

Come on lets leap forwards, its normal......


Now, then, now then..... as it happens a while back i thought, hang on maybe its normal for man to dislike difference? skin colours, religions, beliefs. I mean all this social accpetance, is that abnormal in the context of instinctive man and his own nature.

Should we in fact be and remain, very, very, divided ?