"I understand Level II is being replaced with something new and sexy later this year, but for now ........."
Soulsong would you like to exapnd on this? What do you understand the effects of change to be?
hi Tess, yuo sound like one sexy babe 😀 Welcome to the board. I'm a newbie here myself and i can assure yuo that yuo've come to the right place. All the people here are real friendly and knowledgable and as yuo've already seen, they are more than capable of answering all yuor questions
and yuo're doing the right thing, forget about being a code monkey in the States, almost everyone is outsourcing to India. I know a ton of Code tards especially in the Bay Area. One of my buddies, Hair Color Boi, now drives a truck for a living! and the rest of them hang outside Taco Bell begging for loose change 🙁