Black Swan
You'd probably learn more about trading and definitley about yourself by loading £5k in to a spreadbet account rather than paying some guru to "teach" you.
For the avoidance of doubt, given that someone has 'reported' my answer to the mods 🙄 I totally agree that putting 5K into a SB account and trading with it is a far better spend of money than giving it as a charitable donation to a slick marketing operation. However, I am not and would never suggest that someone 'brand new' to trading simply bangs in 5K and alternatively donates it as a charitable donation to, for example, IG.
I've never budged from the opinion that you should do the IG 'trade sense' approach; 10p per pip bets up to 50p per pip over a four-six week period. Then, once convinced you have a chance at making it, you could fund the account with perhaps £1,000 and trade no more than £1 per pip risking no more than 3% - £30 per trade including stop and cost of spread...and please no legions telling me only risk 1%...at this 'learning' level 3% is right and acceptable for a multitude of reasons...IMO the 1-2% risk is far more important/relevant once trading for bigger stakes..
IMHO you will not create a decent equity curve out of this £1K, when/if you witness it reduce by 25% you should stop and evaluate your mistakes etc. Making that £1k last perhaps a year, whilst you make/learn from just about every possible initial mistake will form the basis of a sound market education...a far better market education than you could possibly achieve from a 2 day residential course.