New Trend for Gold?

Price of gold seems to be struggling to push higher above $645. The U.S. Dollar may make a substantial rebound, thereby pressuring gold further. If you want a way to bet against gold (or hedge your gold holdings) with less risk from shorting or buying puts on gold itself, go long in NADX. The company supplies crowns, dentures, and dental implants. Gold (used in crowns, etc) and energy prices (shipping product) have been pressuring earnings and the stock. NADX trades at a tad over book value, and will likely benefit from Baby-Boomers. The stock trades at just under $18, and should move to $23-24 within 6 months or so (especially if gold prices drop nicely). NADX is very thinly traded, so you must have a strong stomach...
Big turn to down-side for gold today. Metal is really struggling to break $650, and stay above that level. The chart looks to have formed a head and shoulders top. Get ready for further pressure on gold. Buy NADX as a safe gold hedge that should move higher after earnings in a month or so...
Gold can' t seem to make a meaningful move higher or lower. This side-ways move should set up for a big move up or down soon (option players should buy straddles). I expect the big move to be downward, but who knows if investors will agree with me in the short-run?

The chart for gold is not very encouraging, especially when you consider that the price has much more down-side risk versus up-side reward...

(Click my homepage icon below for my blog if you give a rat's a$$)
Omg! !

😱 Haven't been on here in a awhile, and only posted once to be ridiculed by some rookie! The bottom line is this. Econ. 101 = The more you produce, the less it's worth. E.G. The more you spend, the more you have to print (U.S. Dollar printing press). Thus thy relation to gold being inverted means what???? Hmmm, gold goes up = inflation = devaluation, and less buying power of your hard earned money. Why? Freedom is expensive! Do I agree with current fiscal policies? Hmmm, not a chance. A deflating dollar, deflating manufacturing, & now housing turned. What now? Hold on for a ride your not gonna like! ! Unless your smart because you can capitalise in ANY market condition. Remember the trend is your friend. It's not about the top or bottom, it's about the TREND! ! Put your financial ego aside, and get back to the basics! Check this report just released by Merrill Lynch, even I was surprised!
My email.... mail to:"[email protected]"
hbsrfsocal said:
😱 Haven't been on here in a awhile, and only posted once to be ridiculed by some rookie! The bottom line is this. Econ. 101 = The more you produce, the less it's worth. E.G. The more you spend, the more you have to print (U.S. Dollar printing press). Thus thy relation to gold being inverted means what???? Hmmm, gold goes up = inflation = devaluation, and less buying power of your hard earned money. Why? Freedom is expensive! Do I agree with current fiscal policies? Hmmm, not a chance. A deflating dollar, deflating manufacturing, & now housing turned. What now? Hold on for a ride your not gonna like! ! Unless your smart because you can capitalise in ANY market condition. Remember the trend is your friend. It's not about the top or bottom, it's about the TREND! ! Put your financial ego aside, and get back to the basics! Check this report just released by Merrill Lynch, even I was surprised!
My email.... mail to:"[email protected]"
drew, it woudn't open
Gold losing steam. If it continues to peter in the $670's, there is a large risk that the bulls will give in and pressure prices considerably. The risk to the down-side is not worth potential gains...

Good Luck
There is no change in the Gold story. Still a market to be long but, as ever, and as I have mentioned many times, there will be pullback and some will be deep and fast. There will only be buying on the dips and if you want to make money in this market you want to be part of that crowd. Together with Silver it's been one of the easiest plays in commodities this year. Until you see any reason for the US$ to begin a sustained period of appreciation this trend will continue.
TWI, if u dont have to say anything, simply dont say it

your laste poste is the perfect example of what rookies r doing the whole day long.
talk talk talk ... is it what u want ?

"There is no change in the Gold story.
Still a market to be long but, ... there will be pullback and some will be deep and fast.
There will only be buying on the dips ...
Together with Silver it's been one of the easiest plays in commodities this year. "
BS 0931 Gold at:678.7 t:673 today

this is a perfect example on every request on gold.

and by the way, I ve absolutely no idea what makes u bullish in gold.
this chart is telling every1 that gold is range bounded and far away from any breakout in any direction


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If you say so pssonice. Sorry you are unable to see my intention was to counter the bearish comments about Gold that preceded my post.
As for your chart, it looks like a succession of higher lows and higher highs since Oct06 which I believe is the definition of an uptrend. Your arrow at the end is mere speculation and I suspect your position which made me smile, better if you leave the scribbles off, most people would see thing more clearly then.
Must be a boring morning.
Possible pullback here but only good to load up the wagon.
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Zurich Cantonal Bank (ZKB) is adding a further
three ETFs (exchange-traded funds) on precious metals to its
product range: ZKB Silver ETF, ZKB Platinum ETF and ZKB
Palladium ETF...... trading is scheduled to start on 10 May
2007. their gold etf standards at around CHF 460 million.

Like it. Not much PL or PA about , may not be enough to sustain an ETF. This is potentially v.bullish the PGM's

And another thing...where have all the bears gone???