New Trend for Gold?

maybe this thread should be renamed Guga's (or Homer Simpson's) stock tips............either that, or start a new thread?
gugaplex said:
Bought NADX today at $18.80. Very small company that makes dental implants, fillings, etc. Company has been profitable and has been growing profits and revenues for years. Trades at a big discount to competitors at 1.25 x's Book Value. I see stock trading in the low-mid $20's with 6 months or so.
what is your risk it could pop but looks like more down to me

Pippppin said:
maybe this thread should be renamed Guga's (or Homer Simpson's) stock tips............either that, or start a new thread?
i suppose if this company does gold fillings then its kind of in a roundabout way

Hey guys Guga gave us a golden chipstock called broadcom which has gone ballistic - well done Guga!!

Now back to Gold ........or ishould it be Golf..........haha
Sorry guys for straying from the topic. Hook and I were trading some stock tips and felt I could get a direct reponse from him (and you guys) if I posted on this thread (where the stock tips started).

Funny relation to gold fillings!
Just joined this site..... People, People, People... Be very BULLISH on gold. We just exited a 6-7 month consildation period of a market that started its trend in 2001. The fundamentals have not changed, rather market manipulation has been key! Bottom line is this. With the twin deficits at record levels.. Simple economics 101... the more product you create (U.S. Dollar printing press), the more it's devalued...Thus creating inflation, and is the devaluation of your U.S. Dollar. It's basic fundamentals. I could go into numerous other reasons such as wars, china, disease, & instability that will catapult ALL commodities into a parabolic rise. We have just simply entered into "phase 2".. .. and will last another 7-10 years. You haven't seen anything yet!
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Hi All,

My indicators have been showing Gold as neutral/short since beginning of October.

But what do I know - I'm a stock trader !


Fundamentals is an integral part of the markets unfortunately it does not work the way most would like it.
gold may be a long term bull but at this juncture there is nothing that i see from a technical perspective giving me buy signals.
gold has moved up in a parabolic manner the move down appears corrective
but i dont think its over just yet
if i was to trade the news as it appears i would have gone broke a long time ago, some fact of the economy are just that, what counts is the perception of the markets and what the powers at be would like you to think no conspiracies
you only have to know US Bonds, Grains, Crude, NG and most commodities to realise the market does not follow news as many believe but it is there as an 'appropriate explanation' (well thats the way i see it)
TWI said:
hbsrfsocal - Good to have another true believer
..Ride it.

Gold is one of the last places you want to be right now. If you want some picks that will perform better than gold over the next few years, click the link on my signature.

Gold is dead, and will not be resurrected until 2010-ish....

I appreciate your advice and had a look at your site. Thanks. Looks good. Unfortunately the products you show are not within my remit as I trade specifically commodities with a little fx and indices thrown in.
The comment about "The bursting of the commodity bubble" in your last entry is something I do not agree with however and I think you are rather misguided if you think we are entering a protracted bear phase in these markets.
My comments you quote refer not to gold specifically but to commodities as a sector. Check out base metals. This is not a flash in the pan rally it has real and robust underlying support from the rapidly increasing global demand on the back of a gross lack of infrastructure investment.
this year I have done very well out of playing gold from the long side, actually it one of the largest PnL generators for me YTD, so I will continue to do so. It is certainly not dead in my book, you just have to be dynamic about your entires and exits, it is not a buy and hold play anymore. The only thing that would put me off the idea of Gold would be a new bull trend in the dollar...I will not hold my breath on that one.

Totally agree with Andycan re: following the news, the only good information comes from reliable contacts in the commercial business. In commodity markets, unless you are algorithmic, it is essential to understand the products from a physical , commercial perspective.
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TWI said:
The only thing that would put me off the idea of Gold would be a new bull trend in the dollar...I will not hold my breath on that one
eyeballing the dollar index a drop to a tad bellow 82 could see the possibility of a rally
need to watch that one
Gold bulls having a field day today.

I have done well shorting the dollar and I am not about to stop until I see a good argument for the trend to stop rather than accelerate. Dollar rallies mean the same thing to me now as they have all year (see other threads), Selling opportunities.
TWI said:
Gold bulls having a field day today.

I have done well shorting the dollar and I am not about to stop until I see a good argument for the trend to stop rather than accelerate. Dollar rallies mean the same thing to me now as they have all year (see other threads), Selling opportunities.
and there is no reason at this stage
but i will look into it to see if there is a possibility
as i said i was eyeballing it
Gold/Crude ratio has really shifted this morning. I had suspicions this may happen. Gold finally decided to ignore crude and follow dollar, which it should rightfully do. Not sure how things will hold up if this crude price destruction continues.
gold is attracted to that gap
structurally it can go a bit more (as i said before, a pop above the resistance line) i maybe wrong but i think this is a sucker play bulls are going to get caught with their trousers down
crude is looking for a temporary low NG hit my continues target i suspect we drop hard maybe new lows undecided as yet
but we shall see