New Traders With Raw passion in the Financial Markets...Possible meetup in the future


Junior member
Good evening Everyone,

To introduce myself I am a statistics graduate, working as an accountant but have always had a passion for the financial markets.
My experience as a Trader/Investor has been short so far but successful.
Taking positions in a variety of ETF'S ranging from Long/short Index trackers globally, commodities, individual equity investments.
I have also had some experience in a prop firm doing futures trading (S&P VS DJIA).
Generally I have a fairly solid understanding of most of the products that are available to invest in.
In terms of financial literature and knowledge... I have read a number of books regarding the types of hedge funds and their strategies(market neutral, global macro, fixed income arbitrage, event driven, long-short, pairs trading), top down and bottoms up investing written by a number of authors including graham, fisher, warren buffett and soros themselves the list is endless 🙂. Along with this I read moneyweek religiously.
I have seen many finance videos on youtube and keep upto date with short view in particular on I also watch bloomberg TV every day, and read bloomberg daily. Occassionally I read articles on too.

I would be interested in having discussions who are very open in their approach to investing, and see big picture views of how the global economy work and where we are going in the future.
People who have an absolute raw passion for the markets, and would literally give up everything and possibly every1 to become successful in this potentially dangerous and adrenaline fuelled world where precision, analysis, and emotional control are required to be successful are the people I encourage to write on this thread.

I am not interested in extreme short term trades..... this thread is more for the 1 month to 30year time horizons.
To start with I would like people who have a similar mindset to me....who are looking to make investing as their full time job one day and would do anything to be as successful as they possibly can to post on this thread.

If you could all start by introducing yourselves in detail? I and other members would appreciate that.
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