Financial adviser...


Experienced member
I've been dabbling with what to do pretty much, my as levels at the moment are economics maths biology and geography....

I want to to an economics degree,im fairly sure i don't want to be a full time trader and want to trade alongside a job which is tied in with investments/markets somewhat, but one where my job and financial security does not entirely depend upon my ability to predict markets.

I was thinking financial law , but obviously that entails a law degree and not economics, with an economics degree i can apparently progress to become a financial adviser.

Anyway, i've googled about ' day in the life of...' etc and i'd just like to see if there are any such professionals who would PM me and i'd like to have some in depth discussion about the job....

My attraction to the job is NOT based on potential salary, i plan to make a good chunk of my income from my own trading, the money seems pretty good and is obviously a bonus!. As i've said i want to work around investment/markets as it's an area i've invested thousands of hours into, i'm VERY hard working, not bad with talking to people, and have a genuine passion in this industry....

Please give me a PM :cheesy:
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Given you're an annoying retard who fails to understand simple concepts after they've been rammed down your throat repeatedly, yet is capable of regurgitating just enough to pass by, I think you'd be an ideal financial advisor chartsy.

Why not read up on the benefits of structured products now? Your victims... sorry, clients... will love those! Anything for 7% interest...
Given you're an annoying retard who fails to understand simple concepts after they've been rammed down your throat repeatedly, yet is capable of regurgitating just enough to pass by, I think you'd be an ideal financial advisor chartsy.

You little charmer you!
Given you're an annoying retard who fails to understand simple concepts after they've been rammed down your throat repeatedly, yet is capable of regurgitating just enough to pass by, I think you'd be an ideal financial advisor chartsy.

Why not read up on the benefits of structured products now? Your victims... sorry, clients... will love those! Anything for 7% interest...

An IFA sells pensions, mortgages, life assurance products etc; basically, a salesman with relevant qualifications. It sounds more impressive than it really is; you can sell someone a **** product and take commission for the rest of your life. Eschew the study and just pretend you know how to trade, learn to talk robotically about indicators to overwhelm the layman and then just become a trading coach. 😀
An IFA sells pensions, mortgages, life assurance products etc; basically, a salesman with relevant qualifications. It sounds more impressive than it really is; you can sell someone a **** product and take commission for the rest of your life. Eschew the study and just pretend you know how to trade, learn to talk robotically about indicators to overwhelm the layman and then just become a trading coach. 😀
Yeh, that's kind of what i've gathered from google. I don't particularly like being a salesman given that i've got **** negotiation skills and putting someone's pension in a buy and hold scheme is a bit of a gamble.

Might just do law
I have a feeling if you do law, you will be cutting ALOT of time out for trading for yourself
Mutual client have made me aware of IFA millionaires. Good money if you're good and can bag the big wallets.
anyone have anything to say about the government legal service vs private sector ?

Realising more than ever what i want is job balance...decent wage

edit: is there such a government legal body in northern lreland? The GLS seems to just be england and wales
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anyone have anything to say about the government legal service vs private sector ?

Realising more than ever what i want is job balance...decent wage

edit: is there such a government legal body in northern lreland? The GLS seems to just be england and wales

You absolute bender.

Mind you that seems to be the northern irish way, given like 70% of jobs over there are governemnt jobs.

How about doing something with your bloody life rather than going for job security and ****e like that? Jesus.
(p.s. truce offer: undertake, sincerely, to stop trolling and being a nuisance in my chatroom and I will give more constructive reply)

Ok. Be good. I will take you off ignore (I was viewing posts individually in this thread) and will be a far nicer person to you now. So please pay me the same respect. Dont mind you lurking in chatroom or occasional comments, just don't clog it up or redirect people at brevan howard to goatse 🙂

Job security is not something to aim for at your age mate. Basically job security etc is invesrsley proportional to potential rewards... and it should be the latter you're aiming for without a young family or whatever.

I still don't think you should become a financial advisor... not because of anytihing about you, but because it's a disgusting job and you need more self respect.

I suggest you think a lot harder about what you want from a job, and in particular remember that ideally you want to be enjoying it frmo day 1... but that is NOT ESSENTIAL if it means doing something crazy. Have a think eh?
Appologies ahead of time to Attila, who would no doubt be raising cash for French orphans and other victims of the war (1759).

Naturally some form of compensation should also mustered together preferably from existing bankers' bonuses 😛

Nah .... they use it up North in Yorkshire

ey up me duck!!!

One must remember that the Canadians have inherited everything from the Brits once general Wolfe beat French forces in Montreal 😆