Finding my passion and trading


For a more realistic view of whos taking the other side of your trade trading with a shop, and how they view you the client, have read through this thread:-

In the sea of cr@p on youtube, Don Millers a fair watch with regards to managing size.

As is Mark Douglas for some understanding of the psych issues.

Should you trade? You simply dont know yet. Give it a try with demo / nano money and see how you do.

For a more realistic view of whos taking the other side of your trade trading with a shop, and how they view you the client, have read through this thread:-

The thread starter may have been sent by the bucket shops , locked threads and nonsense lost my interest in it.😆😆

Not ecverybody is so stupid to believe this!


This thread will remain locked until I can upload all the relevant information. I will then unlock it so that some of you may ask questions. I will not answer anything personal or that could jeopardise my identity.
Oh Quantt I forgot to ask what do you think of Cameron Ross? I believe he said after a year and a half he was a profitable trader.

I bought the Warrior Trading course in Oct 2015 and have all the course materials scanners and mentoring videos upto around Oct 2016. The WT course is pretty good IMHO. However be aware that Ross Cameron's (or Scameron as he is known on own strategy is revolved around trading low float stocks that have news. This is very risky as these stocks can have massive spreads and are prone to huge spikes. Basically this kind of trading is NOT for the beginner. Additionally I suspect there is also an element of pump and dump with Cameron. Have a read of the info on Warrior Trading on but with a pinch of salt as there are a lot of losers on that site.
WT has another educator called Mike who's analysis is top notch - he is very good IMO. I learnt a lot from him. There was also another educatpr called Ed who was also very good but he left.

Cameron is a liar and I wouldn't believe his nonsense that he was a profitable trader after a year. He was an admin in another trading room prior to WT.

Also be aware that the WT courses were valid for a year when I joined but I believe they now only allow you access for THREE months and claim that you will be successful after three months which is nonsense. Basically the site has turned into a money making scam.

I would also not advise signing up to the chat. Its a complete 100% scam. Cameron claims to let you view his screen and scanners but trust me you will not be able to pick up the signals..
Oh Quantt I forgot to ask what do you think of Cameron Ross? I believe he said after a year and a half he was a profitable trader.

He is one of the top scammers, who actually doesn't trade in real life and is using a simulator, you can read more here:

Also the story of his mentor:

They are one of the top scammers and I hope the government will shut them down soon and send them to jail where they belong, just read trough the comments after each article to see how many people they hurt...
He is one of the top scammers, who actually doesn't trade in real life and is using a simulator, you can read more here:

Also the story of his mentor:

They are one of the top scammers and I hope the government will shut them down soon and send them to jail where they belong, just read trough the comments after each article to see how many people they hurt...

He is one of the top scammers, who actually doesn't trade in real life and is using a simulator, you can read more here:

Also the story of his mentor:

They are one of the top scammers and I hope the government will shut them down soon and send them to jail where they belong, just read trough the comments after each article to see how many people they hurt...

Why do you knock known scammers ?The trading industry has 95% of traders who loses , these people can't trade , many of these who can't -- teach others in , masterclass I can't , you can't skills , although these gurus don't take money from traders , they are as bad or worse .You might as well go for the 95% that preach others to lose.
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So I been told recently to find my passion and gone to an advisor and they have told me try a bunch of different stuff but I need to actually see it for my self. I need help because I been stuck on this for years but this last year especially has been stressful. So I know what a passion for something feels like I had it for fixing computers/laptops and stuff, the hardware and software and when I would help someone I used to get this amazing feeling and feel great that I helped them solve a problem. And I could talk about it all day long. But in terms of a job perspective I can't find it. I have been thinking to try check out what being a financial analyst is like but then I think to my self do I want to do this? Do I really want to be constructing financial models, doing complex maths, statistics, etc. The very first thing that comes into my mind is no its too hard and boring and would get extremely fustrated. So is this a clear sign that I should not be a financial analyst? Then comes next in investing real estate which I find interesting its simple to understand and not really that frustrating as compared to being a value investor for example. But can't see it as a career like I don't want to do sales, I don't want to stand there convincing people to buy a product.

I look at day trading and it makes me very exciting just making money on a daily basis. When I did a calculation the stock selling for 0.31 and I buy 72,000 worth so that's 22,320 dollars. And the stock goes to 0.35 and then you do the second last calculation which is 25200-22,320 = 2880 , I think holy crap I can make that much money (I know its before tax and brokerage fee but still you will have a decent chunk of money left over) and just want to jump on trading. Of course I would first educate my self like I have with real estate investing and stock investing.

I am now thinking is day trading something that suits me? They say its a very lonely career that's EASY for me, no doubt in my mind I am pretty much at home all day studying real estate and that and would be no different for day trading. I prefer working by my self I think, I do like the team environment like at my job its fun but that's because we joke around alot, don't think its like that at a more serious work place lol.

Then next I think canI handle losing money? Right now its hard to be honest with my self but I would probably say no, only because I don't have a full time job if I had lets say for example 60-100k income per year I could handle losing the money I think, not that I want to but emotionally I think I could handle it but I could be wrong at the same time.

I know I definitely want to own a business or at least be my own boss, I want to be an entrepreneur I just don't know what I want to do so now I am exploring day trading.

What do you guys think? Should I pursue trading and test with real capital once I have educated my self enough or find another career?

I would say the following :

Trading is the hardest profession to master , successful role models are rare , almost 98 % are likely to lose .The successful role models don't teach , they make millions , so u can't learn from them.Most humans can't do it successfully.The trading industry attracts for gullible people , a simple google search on "95 % lose lose etc " may help you more .I know that the number is likely to be higher.

This person summed it up in this quote
I would say the following :

Trading is the hardest profession to master , successful role models are rare , almost 98 % are likely to lose .The successful role models don't teach , they make millions , so u can't learn from them.Most humans can't do it successfully.The trading industry attracts for gullible people , a simple google search on "95 % lose lose etc " may help you more .I know that the number is likely to be higher.

This person summed it up in this quote

You can't say trading is the hardest career. You haven't even tried 99% of other professions out there so how can you make that claim? You can guess but you will only TRULY know until you perform the actual job. It's possible its the hardest career but you aren't really giving any proper proof.
You can't say trading is the hardest career. You haven't even tried 99% of other professions out there so how can you make that claim? You can guess but you will only TRULY know until you perform the actual job. It's possible its the hardest career but you aren't really giving any proper proof.

You would have to read about 30 psychology threads and listen to about 30 psychology videos , before you realize how difficult it is .The whole subject of trading ,will probably take you several years to understand .How can I explain that to you in a few words?

You have to experience trading psychology , to understand it .You won't learn from books .Trading is the only profession ,that humans are wired to fail in .We as humans are not wired to trade successfully , in all other professions we are wired to perform .How we are wired to perform , is the opposite of what trading requires ,therefore unless you find a method that is compatible to human brain wiring , you will fail.

Most novices carry on losing year after year , until they discover they are wired to lose or they give up , after wasting many years.This process is not easy to change , although the trading industry MERCHANTS may claim it has many cobra/rattle snake oil solutions cures for this wiring.Good luck for the next 10 years , hope you can find the solution.

The proof is "how our ancestral brain is designed".check it out!


Wired To Lose – The Psychology of Trading
Don't mind foroom. He works for the merchants and here to confuse you. If you ignore what the merchants and their stooges are saying, you are guaranteed to win 100%.

Financial markets are in fact very simple and involve only buy low sell high. The complexity comes from the cr*p the merchants place on top of that simplicity. If you ignore what they say, you would have eliminated all the cr*p. However this is by no mean easy. The cr*p have been piled up by the merchants ever since they lived in trees.
Actually, you cannot calculate how much money you can make in the future (unless you have a crystal ball). the only thing you can calculate is how much money you can lose, so if I am you, I would focus on the risk management... And I really wish someone gave my the same advice years ago, when I started - it would have saved me a lot of pain and a lot of money...

Sorry quantt,

That's not actually quite true. As much as you can expect to lose, you would also have an expectancy of what you are to make. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for someone at a desk when asked how much they expect to make that day, week, month or year and the response was 'dunno, but I know how much I can lose'. They'd have their account suspended immediately.

the market is my passion-my mistress i caress her, i hold her, talk to her, yell at her, get mad at her, make luv to her, but mostly..

she makes luv to ME😡
Sorry quantt,

That's not actually quite true. As much as you can expect to lose, you would also have an expectancy of what you are to make. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for someone at a desk when asked how much they expect to make that day, week, month or year and the response was 'dunno, but I know how much I can lose'. They'd have their account suspended immediately.


I am yet to see this kind of methodology that can predict the future...
That's what I am talking about, we cannot predict the whether accurately for tomorrow, let alone the stock market in one year from now...

I don't find a need to predict. I will win when there are opportunities. I don't foresee a time when there are no opportunities. The forex and commodities markets are so diverse, if one of them goes dead, business in others will pick up.