New T2W Forex Contest - Starts Sun, 15th May

Why is a trading competition on T2W so bad? Because the noobs may get hurt? Purrrlease...give me a break.

Its not a "bad" thing if it amuses people or if its a source of lulz, but it hypocritical to suggest that the competition is for the benefit of "traders"

Its not a "bad" thing if it amuses people or if its a source of lulz, but it hypocritical to suggest that the competition is for the benefit of "traders"


I think it all depends on how certain individuals approach it, and more impotantly how they fare with thier efforts. For instance, in the future, if it seems like the load up and hope for the best style is winning more than sweating it out with twenty trades a day. Will/can skill actually beat luck/balls on a regular basis? I suppose only time will tell.
Let traders judge for them selves. One could study winning traders entry and exits and take lessons.

I think most people are old enough to judge for them selves.

I don't see anything hypocritical.

Many members (including my self) have been calling for these type of competitions just to make life and competitive banter interesting...

Amazing how big peoples egos are? I shouldn't be as traders pretty much usually have their heads so far up their back sides they can't see daylight. Sometimes one wishes people stop bitching and lecturing - the do gooders that we all are...

And yes I did throw caution to the wind and bet all my capital to come first. 😛 Big deal!

It is a competition and those who come 2nd or last are all losers... :cheesy:

I look forward to next week... 👍
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Its good fun, made the week go by fast, thats for sure.. Personally, I think a small bankroll would have been better, a great trader builds from nothing.

keep rockin it fellas
Like your style!!
I think you're in about 4th or 5th place now. Creeping up. You could be a contender!
Do you always play to win??

Hey Dev! U wanna hear my prediction!? U wanna hear it, Dev!?

If There aint no traders in the zoo, i'll win week 2!
If lady luck wants a piece of me, i'll be No.1 in week three!

I be the biggest score in week 4!
In week five i'll be stayin' alive!

Week 6, this will prove who has the big d!cks!
Week seven, i'll show y'all tradin' heaven!

I got more predictions Dev, U wanna hear 'em, i'm gonna give u dem predictions Dev!
Hey Dev! U wanna hear my prediction!? U wanna hear it, Dev!?

If There aint no traders in the zoo, i'll win week 2!
If lady luck wants a piece of me, i'll be No.1 in week three!

I be the biggest score in week 4!
In week five i'll be stayin' alive!

Week 6, this will prove who has the big d!cks!
Week seven, i'll show y'all tradin' heaven!

I got more predictions Dev, U wanna hear 'em, i'm gonna give u dem predictions Dev!

Before I just thought of you as some brainless sex object, but you've clearly got the skills to pay the bills!
Would you agree that you were very unlucky not to win this weeks contest?
(assuming you dont get 1st place in the next hour and a half)

Keep the predidctions coming, home-slice 😎
We'll announce the finals results of the this week's contest after the competition ends today at 4:00pm ET. :clover:

To enter next week's competition, simply create a new practice account and add the hashtag "#2" to the account name. Trading starts when the markets re-open on Sunday at 5:15pm ET. Any rule changes and next week's prize will be announced over the weekend.

Day 5 Update

Total entrants: 25

Current leaderboard rankings:

1 (14) counter_violentmoves 63,144.00
2 (1) redart 59,468.23
3 (-) kimo'sabby 55,627.00
4 (6) megamuel 54,991.09
5 (2) financier 54,075.79
6 (7) rodcar 53,638.03
7 (9) breadman 52,404.15
8 (8) Pat494 51,065.39
9 (5) EK1 50,430.00
10 (-) Superspurs 50,327.00
11 (-) andycon 50,216.31
12 (10) Trade321 50,116.00
13 (11) c6ackp 49,408.00
14 (3) GlenGary 49,378.47
15 (12) dmt257 49,031.00
16 (4) Sharky 47,703.56
17 (13) Atilla 46,525.24
18 (15) stevenkeay 44,314.00
19 (-) Lightning McQueen 41,884.00
20 (16) steve 41,218.94

NB. Yesterday's ranking are in parentheses.

The following traders have yet to make a trade:

Why do my figures look different to sharky's?
Is that the 'balance' we are judging them by?
I have counterviolent on $59698 ?? (not $63000)

ps - told you he'd win a few days ago 🙂
i'm confused as to the best way to see the #1 winners and losers

Me too.
I am seeing size of account growth not represented by pips won, etc.
Also, I cant see all the trades, as the Stats are showing stuff like XX trades, but the history showing a different number of trades.

Anyway, good start. redart is getting there in nice, small, consistent bites that are all adding up.

CV is bouncing around. He appears to be ahead at the moment, from 14th! (drug-test in the offing for illegal substances, I would suggest)

This kind of comp offering should be taken up by vendors, you would think.
Yeah it's kinda confusing with the current accounts page. We should be showing equity on it, but right now it shows balance (we'll update it next week). In the meantime the figures I've posted are based on P&L + the initial $50,000 deposit. To confuse matters further, P&L doesn't take into account income from rollover, but this tends to be no more than a few hundred dollar, so for the purposes of the leaderboard and ranking it's good enough for now.

Note, these figures are calculated identically to FXCM, and explained to some degree here:
Who is sweatin' like a dog!? Who is makin' all the trades!? Surely the one with the most trades should win!? They put the most effort in, they deserve every cent!
The Rumble In The Jungle! - George Foreman! - Rope A Dope!

Let the scalpers trade away, trade and sweat, then hit them with a quick one-two in the final round!!

Less is more, R U hearing me!? Do U want me to spell it out!?
The following traders have yet to make a trade:


Taking the most liquid FX pair on offer, EUR/USD, there have been clear moves all week. Simply buying the upswings and seling the downswings sequentially would have created excellent results.

It is curious to see that these traders did not see any signals to take a trade. Perhaps not all of the entrants are trading full time.
Wot kinda chump treats a competition like a journal!!? Only moron can't differentiate between competition time and reality!!

I don't know about real traders...this site needs some real people first!!
Taking the most liquid FX pair on offer, EUR/USD, there have been clear moves all week. Simply buying the upswings and seling the downswings sequentially would have created excellent results.

It is curious to see that these traders did not see any signals to take a trade. Perhaps not all of the entrants are trading full time.

Or, perhaps "these traders" ARE trading full-time, and a poxy £100 is neither here nor there.

Considering 90% of traders are losers, (supposedly), I thought it would be funny to be in the Top 10% by simply making NO trades at all.