New T2W Forex Contest - Starts Sun, 15th May

Just saying that most of the decent traders around here wouldn't bother with trading competitions in general. It makes sense really.
Just saying that most of the decent traders around here wouldn't bother with trading competitions in general. It makes sense really.

that's true, but im sure about 80% of the members on the site wont register for the competition, and I dont think that 80% are successful traders! There's some traders here who people generally assume are successful, but that is only when you take their word for it that they indeed are. Them traders will never enter such competitions as they risk being 'found out' to have just been all talk, lol.
There's some traders here who people generally assume are successful, but that is only when you take their word for it that they indeed are. Them traders will never enter such competitions as they risk being 'found out' to have just been all talk, lol.

That would be a bit short-sighted. If a good trader signs up, trades the week and loses 10% does that mean they're bad at trading? If someone signs up and makes 500% in a week, does that mean they're good at trading and a better trader than the person who lost 10%?
that's true, but im sure about 80% of the members on the site wont register for the competition, and I dont think that 80% are successful traders! There's some traders here who people generally assume are successful, but that is only when you take their word for it that they indeed are. Them traders will never enter such competitions as they risk being 'found out' to have just been all talk, lol.

Too right

A certain somebody not too far from here is on NIL POINTS methinks


can't----won't-----sharn't 😱

there there here's my hanky, now dry yer nose


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My practice account refuses to appear on the dashboard. Tried like 10 times now. Site must be bugged.
We think there's an issue with creating new practice accounts when the markets are closed. I suggest for now waiting until the market opens at 5pm ET this evening, hopefully it should work fine. We'll fix this tomorrow in time for the next competition.
Hey Sharky, trying to figure this metatrader out, where do i find the values for the password and system ID, ?
hi glen, navigate to the trading page and the links are over on the right.

good luck in the comp 🙂

ThankYou ThankYou ThankYOU Lightning McQueen, I knew it was something right there infront of me, Got it now, Thanks for your time, And Great Luck to you also
ok, just made an order thru my metatrader, and closed, but didnt show anything and good FXDesk error 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
ok, i think i got it, just started over again, wont find out till i have a good trade, stay tuned

expert tabs says the monitor is initlized
Now the markets are open, new account creation is working.

GlenGary, it's possible the MT file you downloaded is out of date now. We'll have to wait until tomorrow morning when I can run it past the techies. Thanks for reporting this.
Now the markets are open, new account creation is working.

GlenGary, it's possible the MT file you downloaded is out of date now. We'll have to wait until tomorrow morning when I can run it past the techies. Thanks for reporting this.

OK, no problem, good to get this worked out now, lol
At the moment we're using FXCM's live prices. So there should be no difference compared to direct with the broker.

Yeah I've just checked and there's a problem with creating accounts. I suspect it has something to do with the markets being closed, but I'm chasing up with the dev team. Thanks for reporting and good luck with the comp!

This is my problem, the MT4 im using isnt adjusted with the current price on the ForexDesk platform, we use to enter the trades. So, now i got the platform from FXCM, but I would love this to be MT4.

Man, having problems getting used to Forexdesk, bought USDJPY becasue I thought i set it to EURUSD, because it needs reset each trade, the whole process is sooo slow, especially for a scalper like me.
ok, i found the MT4 platform, but still getting same error, I'll wait till tomorrow, at least im half way there, lol..
Adjusting stops / limits should be up / down toggle buttons. It's 2011 and there should be no need to type in any prices.