New Social Group About Market Timing.

Would you be interested in joining a social group about timing the markets?

  • Total voters
hey HW, be great to get this new group sorted. interested in learning about your method, and Geo' count me in, and lets see what happens on the 26th ey?!
That makes 23.
And interestingly enough one who was so sure he would not like to join he voted no.
We now have about 25 people interested in the new social group.
Some new folks and old timers alike.
Good to see. Now we just have to wait.
Talking of timing, what are we actually waiting for?

Your guess is as good as mine.
I sent the request in a few days ago and am just waiting to hear back from whom ever it is that takes care of these things.
I asked one of the mods if they knew how long it would take and they said they aren't let in on that kind of stuff. BUT he did say that last time a social group forum was requested it took a few weeks to get going.🙁
Not sure.
Oh well that will give me some TIME to get my thread ideas together I guess.
Doesn't have the momentum you'd expect as we cycle through these endless yet repeating posts each which mirrors the other, but on somewhat different scales.