New SB Company

Hi there

TwoWaySpreads offers spreadbetting.

TwoWayFutures offers Direct Market Access spreadbetting, where we introduce accounts to F Betting. We are not the same company.

TwoWayTrade is the website we use for CFDs.

We can offer advice but only if the relevant paperwork is in place and to Intermediate Customers only. We cannot give advice to Private Customers.

We are an introducing broker. We have arrangements with many brokers and place our clients with the broker that best suits their needs. We can arrange accounts for spreadbetting, cfds and futures.

I hope this clears it up.

Any questions, please pm me.


Adrian Buthee
wheaters said:
Thanks for your very useful comments, Kevin. I obviously need to widen my scope a bit. I actually had a dispute with CMC so would rather not use them, but I'll work a bit more with my current E*Trade account and also try TWS.

I should clarify, my positive comments related to Capitalspreads. Cmc has shall we say a track record that you will find on these threads. Personally I find Cmc are ok for SB small bets but as soon as you attempt to trade larger amounts thats when the things change generally not in your favour in as much as the spread gets wider because you are referred to a dealer and a less favourable re-quote at least thats what happened in the past.

I have concentrated with CS because they have lived up to what they say they offer. I have not experienced problems with larger amounts save for when the market is trading fast and that is the one downfall with CS you do not get a re-quote but have to place a new order. However on the Dow I have yet to have to consecutive orders declined and unlike CMC you get filled at the price you wanted.

I do not think you will get the complete charting package from a SB company because they will be required to pay a heavy price to the various exchange certainly in the case of Liffe. It is easier for them to provide a disjointed chart such as CS do 7am - 9.15pm or like CMC 24 hrs from 10pm Sun - Fri 9pm.

If you want top quality and without the odd crash when the market moves then you want real time exchange data through a real time charting programme/provider.

I put Finspreads in the same league as CMC and they like the London Capital Group (Capitalspreads, and eTrade SB - service provider for them by Capitalspreads)
are joining forces I think you will find apart from Twowayspreads, you have and ManFinancial SB. All the charts are provided by the same company IT Finance.

As to service well those established SB's who tended to have wider spreads may offer better value such as IgIndex and CityIndex. I think the spreads on the main indexs have caught up with the others but by all accounts there is less problems with these on trading size and sudden market mishaps where the price jumps for some reason. I am told they tend not to stop you out whereas the experience with Finspreads and CMC cannot claim that!
Re Capitalspreads and Finspreads they are not joining together I meant they appear to be forming groups of SB companies.
capitalspreads said:
hello everyone

I can only apologise to the guys at twowayspreads by inferring that they were not 'market professionals'. Sometimes I can get a bit carried away. They appear to have rather more market experience than me! so humble pie is definately being eaten in this quarter.

They actually appeared rather a nice bunch.. so the other positive comments from people who have talked to them can be confirmed by me.


So Simon,
What do you hve to say about your company `Capital Spread`s` price manipulation, running stop losses, slippage, and all the other negative aspects flying about in different forums. They always run out the stops, change price when you buy/sell, what do you have to say about that???

you appear to be mistaking CS for somebody else. In general we have quite a good press for a company that is, after all, on the opposite side to 'the punter'.

We have never 'run stop losses' (that is if I understand what you are talking about). We do not 'manipulate prices' do not 'change buy/sell prices' etc etc...

If we did these things then surely these threads would be full of it with 'real' occasions documented, with screen prints etc. In reality we just cannot have the time to look at individual bets to do this to. We quote 2300 markets and have dealers watching 'risk monitors'. They dont watch market 'prices' except when confirming trades. Their job is to control overall risk levels NOT to watch individual clients or bets.

capitalspreads said:

you appear to be mistaking CS for somebody else. In general we have quite a good press for a company that is, after all, on the opposite side to 'the punter'.

We have never 'run stop losses' (that is if I understand what you are talking about). We do not 'manipulate prices' do not 'change buy/sell prices' etc etc...

If we did these things then surely these threads would be full of it with 'real' occasions documented, with screen prints etc. In reality we just cannot have the time to look at individual bets to do this to. We quote 2300 markets and have dealers watching 'risk monitors'. They dont watch market 'prices' except when confirming trades. Their job is to control overall risk levels NOT to watch individual clients or bets.


I will vouch for that.

I was stopped out on Friday when I didn't think it was correct. I took screen shots from 4 chart suppliers all with different prices. Another member posted a CS chart for the same instrument and it was exactly the same. CS didn't run my stops on purpose, they quoted the same price(s) for someone else, and therefore for everyone else. Totally fair and square, my fault, dealt with it, moved on. Only person to blame was myself (for using too tighter stop) plain and simple.
wasp said:
I will vouch for that.

I was stopped out on Friday when I didn't think it was correct. I took screen shots from 4 chart suppliers all with different prices. Another member posted a CS chart for the same instrument and it was exactly the same. CS didn't run my stops on purpose, they quoted the same price(s) for someone else, and therefore for everyone else. Totally fair and square, my fault, dealt with it, moved on. Only person to blame was myself (for using too tighter stop) plain and simple.

Ok thanks for the info CapitalSpreads and Wasp . Seems like you can never really win with any SB firms. But i will give it another try with CS and see how things go or maybe compare them with others.

Also, isnt MDSspreads Part of Capital Spreads.?
