New SB Company

capitalspreads said:
hello everyone

I can only apologise to the guys at twowayspreads by inferring that they were not 'market professionals'. Sometimes I can get a bit carried away. They appear to have rather more market experience than me! so humble pie is definately being eaten in this quarter.

They actually appeared rather a nice bunch.. so the other positive comments from people who have talked to them can be confirmed by me.


Thanks for that Simon, very good of you.

For all those wondering, I am a broker at Twowaytrade/Twowayfutures/Twowayspreads and if any of you want to ask me any questions about our new service then please either PM me or click on the "Live Help" button on the website.

To clear up a few points, Mogul Media Limited (Not Twowayspreads) send out 3 daily newsletters, covering trade recomendations (including suggested stop loss levels) on the major indices and UK and US stocks. To those who want them, we can send out SMS messages, direct to your mobile phone, with trade alerts on all the above when suitable opportunities arise.

I would like to say also, we do not make money from you losing! We make our money from you staying in the game as long as possible, so you can rest assured that we provide our newsletters to give you the edge you need.


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Can anyone clarify is the real time charting of the twoways spreadbetting price or the real market. For what it is worth I prefer to chart the spreadbet price.



Im fed up with spread betting intarday.although C/S offer 5 point.on the Dow It is still a disadvantage, when you looking for 10 point here and there.

I like the look of at Twowayfutures cheap commission and UK based. I be opening an account with you soon.

LION63 said:
I saw an advert for TwoWayFutures a few months ago and decided to call for a brochure and more information. It was a Saturday afternoon and a gentleman answered the phone, he apologised for the background noise and said it was due to the fact that his daughter was having her birthday party and then asked me to call back on the Monday.

Some may view that as being unprofessional and others may consider it a mickey mouse operation but, at least he was honest.

There is nothing mickey mouse with two way trade/futures, they provide an excellent service. If people havent checked the service they provide, they should! my humble unbiased opinion.

I was merely recalling an event that took place. I do not have any problem with the fact that the Company Director chose to attend his daughter's birthday party on a Saturday afternoon and decided to divert calls from the office to his cellphone.

They offer their clients/customers a decent choice and have created a niche in the market, that in itself is praise worthy.
Two way futures introduce to IB and according to TWFthe client pays a "small" additional premium for this service.

Anyone know how much this is?

p.s. Has anyone else experienced naff service from IB? Phoned them this morning, and after waiting ages, was put through to a gruff, pretty unhelpful rep. This alone makes TWF's proposition interesting.


Agree with your post Kevin.

I saw an advert for TwoWayFutures a few months ago and decided to call for a brochure and more information. It was a Saturday afternoon and a gentleman answered the phone, he apologised for the background noise and said it was due to the fact that his daughter was having her birthday party and then asked me to call back on the Monday.
I think this is pretty laudable. Family first I say.
LION63 said:

I was merely recalling an event that took place. I do not have any problem with the fact that the Company Director chose to attend his daughter's birthday party on a Saturday afternoon and decided to divert calls from the office to his cellphone.

They offer their clients/customers a decent choice and have created a niche in the market, that in itself is praise worthy.

couldnt agree more.

Apologies if reply sounded shirty, that was not my intention...January detox-good for the liver, bad for the soul!
Roberto said:
I think it can't be quite as simple as that. I'm absolutely astonished that they could be allowed to. There _must_ be more going on here than meets the eye?

their free advice is probably "yes sir you can sell futures to open aswell as buy to open", or "my free advice sir is that you just send me a cheque now as our spreads are going to take all of your money in the next week or two anyway" :cheesy:
Robertral said:
their free advice is probably "yes sir you can sell futures to open aswell as buy to open", or "my free advice sir is that you just send me a cheque now as our spreads are going to take all of your money in the next week or two anyway" :cheesy:

The interesting thing about twowaytrade/futures/spreads is that if you search this board for any users who have had problems with them.......there arent any!! This is not the case with many other similiar companies.

I am all in favour of giving these companies a bit of stick when they deserve it - how else will they know what to improve in the services they provide.I also believe in giving recognition to companies where it is deserved.Two way trade/futures/spreads provide a service that enables me to trade in a professional manner intra day, whilst being busy doing other things. For that that, I am grateful.

However, as you quite rightly state all these things come with a cost that you must factor into your trades.

London is just down the road (M1) from Milton Keynes. Go and see them, for interest if nothing else. If you are into trading (obviously) its a good day out -and that is the only time you will hear me saying 'a trip to milton Keynes is a good day out!!

Keep trading.
Please forgive my ignorance, I am not in any way trying to be negative about this company....but I have looked over their the only difference between having an account with 2wayspreads & finspreads alone the fact that they offer trading advice ??

Finlayson said:
Please forgive my ignorance, I am not in any way trying to be negative about this company....but I have looked over their the only difference between having an account with 2wayspreads & finspreads alone the fact that they offer trading advice ??


Its more than just the spreadbetting aspects of the company, its the range of other services they provide. I also have cfd and futures accounts with them (IG andIB), dig the trendsignal software(does what it should do and is kind to the eye) and as I spend alot of time travelling then hand held is the way forward.

Check the site for details. The posted results for January are genuine. I was on the receiving end of them and better than I could have done otherwise.

keep trading
So here we are, 18months or so down the line, I've read good things about Twowayfutures on other posts here, but what about Twowayspreads? Do you guys still use them? Do any others? I only recently came across them following links from Twowayfutures and searched these forums. As someone says above, Nobody seems to have anything bad to say about them.
The thing is, this (and another 2 post thread) seems to be the only place where anyone says anything about them full stop.
Come on then, what's your experiences and/or opinions?
laoshi said:
So here we are, 18months or so down the line, I've read good things about Twowayfutures on other posts here, but what about Twowayspreads? Do you guys still use them? Do any others? I only recently came across them following links from Twowayfutures and searched these forums. As someone says above, Nobody seems to have anything bad to say about them.
The thing is, this (and another 2 post thread) seems to be the only place where anyone says anything about them full stop.
Come on then, what's your experiences and/or opinions?

Two way spreads is another name for Finspreads in my opinion,they are based in the same office and use the same platform and same customer services,same for e trade and capital spreads they are in the same grouptogether.
If you check up on fins then you will know what twoway spreads is like.

shameet said:
Hi Guy's

Maybe I can clear things a bit, twowaytrade, twowayfutures, twowayspreads are all the same company and run by a very nice chap called Jerry Miller and a few friends you can open an account for any of the three depending on what you wish to trade,

twowaytrade - CFD's

twowayfutures - Futures

twowayspreads - Spreadbetting

As far as I know they are not owned by finspreads but just use there trading platform, I also have an account with them and trade futures on an IB platform via twowayfutures.

The daily trade signals you are receiving is based on using TrendSignal which is a trading support system designed by a very good trader called Mark Sear you can if you wish purchase this system separately to aid your trading if you wish, it is available on an end of day or intra day bases.

I my self do use TrendSiganl intra day and would highly recommend it, you can view a 1 week trial at

I have no connection with them other then as a client of twowayfutures and Trendsignal and do not gain financially by telling you this apart from making matters more clear.

Should anyone require more information I would be glad to share my experiences concerning the above.

Thanks You

Dear Shameet,
I'm thinking of using TWSpreads (had difficulties with CMC; use E*Trade but am not happy with their charting) and would like any comments you have. You seem more than happy with them. Anything else I should know?
wheaters said:
Dear Shameet,
I'm thinking of using TWSpreads (had difficulties with CMC; use E*Trade but am not happy with their charting) and would like any comments you have. You seem more than happy with them. Anything else I should know?

May I enquire what you did not like about the Etrade spreadbetting charts. I was considering them as an add on account.
I find their charts fairly basic. Very few indicators can be added. That's my only complaint with E*Trade - I like everything else about them - and still have an account with them that I use. I do want to try TwoWaySpreads, though, and if they're better, would use them more exclusively.
wheaters said:
I find their charts fairly basic. Very few indicators can be added. That's my only complaint with E*Trade - I like everything else about them - and still have an account with them that I use. I do want to try TwoWaySpreads, though, and if they're better, would use them more exclusively.

I accept you have to find what you want. However if you find in all other respects the account working to your requirements one alternative that I might consider would be to obtain charts from elsewhere such as real time exchange etc charts etc and use the SB just for the order function if SB is to remain the tool of trading.

Personally speaking I have used both CMC and Capitalspreads and feel you may not find better than these charts from a spreadbetting company. If you want top range then you will probably find you need to go for a charting package. While I accept the SB charts have some drawbacks they are good enough for day trading certain intraday methods IMHO.
Thanks for your very useful comments, Kevin. I obviously need to widen my scope a bit. I actually had a dispute with CMC so would rather not use them, but I'll work a bit more with my current E*Trade account and also try TWS.
wheaters said:
Thanks for your very useful comments, Kevin. I obviously need to widen my scope a bit. I actually had a dispute with CMC so would rather not use them, but I'll work a bit more with my current E*Trade account and also try TWS.
get mixed up with tws and twf and f betting as i think they are the same company. think tws offers sbetting with little margin (bigger spread) twf which offers advice but no trading.
and f betting which offers live futures with commision put in but bigger margins.