new member intro


Hi ,

I've spent the latter half of the year reading through dbphoenix's writings (available at, pretty much at a snail's pace, and with pauses along the way to learn from other sources. I now wish to attempt applying this knowledge.

I wanted to first introduce myself, then begin posting my observations as guided by this material. I also go by this handle (CipherinFool) on the TMF (The Motley Fool) boards.

Here's a brief description on what's motivating me to do this, in case it interests you (skip to the next paragraph if not). I watched a lot of my 401k's worth dwindle between 3Q00-4Q01, ending up with about a tenth of what I started with (I stupidly left it 100% invested in one company's stock index fund). Around 2Q00, I switched jobs but left my old 401k account intact. I've now rolled that into a discount brokerage TIRA (traditional IRA) account. Meanwhile I've accumulated another 4-5 years of 401k at the new job. This 401k (with investments that are more diversified than the earlier snafu) represents most of my accumulated retirement savings. The TIRA account is mine to experiment with. My goal is to take this fixed amount of capital and grow it more aggressively than I might by using the LTBH (long-term buy and hold) strategy promoted by TMF. I also have a taxable account that I'm using for investing in TMF's micro/small-cap newsletter selections, using LTBH.

In general I'll be looking for investing in short-to-intermediate-term long positions by following the order of evaluation described in Db's "Stalking the Wild Equity" file, i.e. identifying an uptrending market, uptrending sectors/industries, and finding stocks that may break out of productive bases under these uptrending conditions. So my first "homework" will be my take on the current market conditions (which I will post shortly). Thanks in advance for any advice/feedback you can give.

Best regards,
Hi babymush,

I retrieved these files as free downloads 6 months or more ago, but starting in November I believe there is a charge for the group of files that this one is a part of (I think $30, but dbphoenix can provide details).

It is my understanding that some of db's files are still free, such as the introductory discussions of demand/supply, accumulation/distribution, bases, etc. These files are useful in and of themselves, but would also help you decide whether you'd like to purchase the others.

However for my yahoo id (millgarten), the "Files" section under that group shows up under "Members Only" and is not available as a hyperlink, so I'm not sure how to tell you to access the freebies. Hopefully Db can help you out here.

CipherinFool said:
However for my yahoo id (millgarten), the "Files" section under that group shows up under "Members Only" and is not available as a hyperlink, so I'm not sure how to tell you to access the freebies. Hopefully Db can help you out here.

Any body can join and gain access to the free stuff, or rejoin, whatever the case may be.
So do you mean that I will have to pay to get that file? 🙂 Thanks

CipherinFool said:
Hi babymush,

I retrieved these files as free downloads 6 months or more ago, but starting in November I believe there is a charge for the group of files that this one is a part of (I think $30, but dbphoenix can provide details).

It is my understanding that some of db's files are still free, such as the introductory discussions of demand/supply, accumulation/distribution, bases, etc. These files are useful in and of themselves, but would also help you decide whether you'd like to purchase the others.

However for my yahoo id (millgarten), the "Files" section under that group shows up under "Members Only" and is not available as a hyperlink, so I'm not sure how to tell you to access the freebies. Hopefully Db can help you out here.

If I may, this is beginning to sound like some sort of ad. Anyone who has any interest in the material available at my website is welcome to PM me and ask about it. I will provide as detailed an answer as I can. However, this does not seem to me to be proper subject matter for a message board. Please do not continue.

Thank you.
Hold on dbp. I for one can confirm your materials (freely given) have been inspirational to me. And I know to many others.

The possibility that you may have chosen to charge for other material is up to you and I don't see any need for you to be concerned about others' reactions to that.

They can either chose to pay up for it or not.

Your integrity is, from where I'm sitting, unimpinged.
I'm glad that the material has been helpful. However, I'm sure that t2w has some sort of policies regarding solicitation, and I'd prefer that these discussions take place privately.

Of course, anyone who thinks that the material is all a waste of time and money is welcome to say so publicly. In the gallery at St Paul's, if they like.

As ever, caveat emptor.