I want to start trading


Hello folks,

I want to start trading with a capital of $10k, in stocks or options both.
I want to make 70-100$ a day after all the commission cuts, is this possible?

I have a 401k which basically invested in consumer electronics, finance and IT industry. With the financial meltdown, I lost lot of money. So, Iam not playing with my 401k any more. So, decided to plunge in with a new a/c and start playing around.

Please advise if 70-100$ a day income from $10k is feasible in these times of greece GDP fears looming around? Let me know. If feasible, what would be best strategy - majority tech, or Oil, or financial or forex?

Hello folks,

I want to start trading with a capital of $10k, in stocks or options both.
I want to make 70-100$ a day after all the commission cuts, is this possible?

I have a 401k which basically invested in consumer electronics, finance and IT industry. With the financial meltdown, I lost lot of money. So, Iam not playing with my 401k any more. So, decided to plunge in with a new a/c and start playing around.

Please advise if 70-100$ a day income from $10k is feasible in these times of greece GDP fears looming around? Let me know. If feasible, what would be best strategy - majority tech, or Oil, or financial or forex?


Sure it is possible. But you asking the wrong question. You should be asking if your likely to make that from the start. Some advice, be it crude, stick your money in a safe place where you receive a guaranteed return while you learn to trade. Don't go throwing money as something that's going to take it away from you for not knowing what you are doing. Demo demo demo until you get it consistently right over an average of 6 months to a year with manageable drawdown
Sure it is possible. But you asking the wrong question. You should be asking if your likely to make that from the start. Some advice, be it crude, stick your money in a safe place where you receive a guaranteed return while you learn to trade. Don't go throwing money as something that's going to take it away from you for not knowing what you are doing. Demo demo demo until you get it consistently right over an average of 6 months to a year with manageable drawdown

Makes sense Forker, thanks for the advice.
By Demo, do you recommend some good names?
Not for your market as I focus my efforts on currency trading. I am sure if you reach out to members you will find plenty of providers. Demo also gives you a chance to get to know them too
Hi , try Ladbrokes for a demo account, i used that for a few months before embarking on this exciting adventure. You get a £10K account & you can open as many as you want to trial different styles that suit you. Good Luck