I would be willing to bet money that TRO is neither a scalper, or even a trader at all. He is a very clever salesman with a knack for programming, that's all. To take indicators that are available for free from the public domain, repackage them and sell them is scumbag level behavior to begin with. On top of that, though, he promotes his "product" by stringing people along with vague information until they finally give up and decide to see if they can buy the indicators and figure it out on their own. Of course they don't make any money because he doesn't have a method, and the indicators are mostly crap. It's sad that people still believe him after all these years.
Do you even scepticism bro? 😎
Maybe you are right. When you come down to it it is best not to make private contact with anybody. My email box is full of scam mail that I automatically delete without opening.
TRO has done me no harm, though, and I wish him none.