surely at the open it is within 20 pips of the daily low, so at what point do you say yes, it is in 20 pips of the low I can now trade. Do you need to wait until a certain time, do you need a certain range in prices?

The low bar, the red, has to close and the next bar,the green, has to close. Then, if it is within 20 pips of the low, there is opportunity. I haven't used this scalping idea so do not not know how successful it is or, even, whether I am right, or not, but that is how I understand it.

Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo <= 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY

Current price - current daily low is less than 20 pips.


"surely at the open it is within 20 pips of the daily low, so at what point do you say yes, it is in 20 pips of the low I can now trade. Do you need to wait until a certain time, do you need a certain range in prices?"

The low bar, the red, has to close and the next bar,the green, has to close. Then, if it is within 20 pips of the low, there is opportunity. I haven't used this scalping idea so do not not know how successful it is or, even, whether I am right, or not, but that is how I understand it.

I usually trade around the NY Open, so London is also open but Tokyo has closed. Usually, there is more than 40 pips between the current high and current low of the day by that time of day.




This is how you make 2% per day.

The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.



"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.

The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."

P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)

========================= ====================

"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:

1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)

2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)

They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)

They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden


1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low - that is OPPORTUNITY



Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on many forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.

One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, <insert your own adjective>), then why isn't everybody doing it?"

Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!

We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?

We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?

We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?

We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?

The list is almost endless.

As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.

Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.






This is how you make 2% per day.

The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.



Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.

One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, <insert your own adjective>), then why isn't everybody doing it?"

Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!

We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?

We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?

We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?

We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?

The list is almost endless.

As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.

Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.


As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.

Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.


This is very real.
I don't understand this thread, it seems to me you're just trying to get us to google other threads on other forums. Why not just tell us here on THIS forum, or are you trying to get us to click affiliate links on other forums / blogs.

You only need one decent indicator and pivot points, that's how to trade the markets.

Because, he's a same artist, that's why and he has minions doing the work of propagating lies for him on other forums. They are a bunch of light-headed morons who can't see the forest for the trees because they have their heads stuck so far up the rear-end of this shyster.

He takes the conceptual ideas of others, repackages it and then offers it to his minions on, like it was pablum. They eat it up, completely clueless about WHY they are getting whiplashed out of positions - then claiming that all you needed to do was stick around long enough for the RAT to finally reverse.

It should be rather transparent to anyone trader with have a brain and 10% the skill, that this ONLY works in a Horizontal Market, given the Stop levels that this clown talks about using. He like to tell people to "take whatever pips you can." Well, without knowing anything about Magnitude (which he know nothing about, nor how to properly account for it), you cannot tell when "whatever pips" is in play. You simply don't know whether to hold or retire the position, before the whiplash greats your trading account with a loud thump.

He puts up a "method" that has no more than a 50% chance of working out, tells you to "take whatever pips you can," and ONLY posts those charts that show rocket science off the bottom of the market, as if they ALL turn out that way. All the while, offering "Donational Indicators" to those foolish enough to actually think they help, aid or improve trading to any lasting degree.
This is very real.

Yes, it is very real - its called trading the Daily Reversal, lol!

However, without good Magnitude and Directional intelligence, in a Horizontal Market, you get WHIPLASHED by Mathematical Definition, and no amount of posting ONLY the successful trades will change that math.

The FATAL flaw is NOT in the method. In fact, the truth of the matter is that once you have been around this business long enough, you realize that you really only need a moderately intelligent MA to trade with a fundamental degree of consistent confidence. Will you "Drain The Banks" that way? No! But, you can pay the bills with just a simple MA. The HUGE problem with Avery, is NOT his methodology, its the Position Management. He tells you in his Rat Rules, to use a 10 pip stop. He then turns right around and mathematically makes that "10 pip stop" into a potentially massive problem, by telling you: "Take Whatever Profit You Can."

This "Take Whatever Profit You Can Statement," is caused by the fact that he has no idea about the concept of Market Magnitude. Thus, he has no way to calculate the high-density probability for a Target Level that overcomes the statistical significance of being repeatedly stopped out, in a Horizontal Market.

Avery, tells you to do all of this within the Daily bar's initial 20 pip buffer. That's ONE way, but it is NOT the optimal way to approach this method. Each currency pair has its own unique Magnitude Signature, therefore, 20 pips might be closer to "best" on one pair, while being just enough to get you whiplashed into oblivion on other pairs.

Without an in-depth understanding of what Magnitude is and how it functions in the market relative to each specific pair you trade in FX, you will have nothing but randomized success with this method. Once you understand Magnitude, then you will need to cap that off with a deeper understanding of Directional Probability (high-density). And, that my dear friend, simply cannot be understood by a simple minded RAT.

As long as he keeps posting the "winners only" club of charts, it looks extremely good. But, you start examining this up close and in ALL market conditions, you will find that the "Use A 10 Pip Stop" coupled to "Take Whatever Profit You Can," simply won't cut the mustard, or the ketchup and you can forget about it cutting the Beef.

This IS a very good method! Traders should not be confused about what I have posted, here. This is ALSO not new! Successful technical traders are doing this ALL day long, in just about every market you can imagine, but they have other very important tools to use to put their Daily Reversal Candle Trades, into High-Density Probability situations.

Just STOP the madness for just a minute and THINK about what's contained in this thread. How does anyone (I mean any trader) make a profit in the market on their position? They MUST be in a position at a "time" when the market is in Expansion Phase. Unless you are skilled options trader, then you are NOT an ND trader, or a Non-Directional Trader. Therefore, you MUST understand both Magnitude and Direction, before entering any position.

This means, that you need to understand WHEN a market is about to enter its Compression Phase. This is not rocket science, but it does take research. Daily Reversal Candles Trades (which is all this is about) have the greatest potential for success during Expansion Phases, by common sense definition. However, Avery's RAT rules don't mention this, because Avery, does not understand the concept - the bigger picture. And, that is because, Avery, does not believe that markets move with purpose. He thinks they are random and because of this, he established the Fatal Flaw: "Use A 10 Pip Stop" and "Take Whatever Profit You Can Get."

His minions will make a few trades that actually work out - duh! No kidding - 50% of them should work out, but even at 50%, the Position Management is all wrong, given the markets ability to shift gears and head into a Horizontal disposition. Avery, is NOT talking to his minions about Daily Reversal Bar Optimization. Yet, dozens and dozens of other useless TRO Donational Indicators are available for sale.

Why SELL anything, if you belong to the NEVER LOSE AGAIN!! occult? Never Lose Again, means never losing again, so what's the need to recoup on the time spent recoding indicators that other people have coded? It is an MT4 Indicator Modification Surcharge? Is that it.

The useless phrase: "Take Whatever Profit You Can," says absolutely ZERO in the real world of an active trader. Because, in the heat of battle, if you do not have a firm grip on the concepts of Magnitude and Directional Probability, then you have no idea what "Whatever" even looks like in live, real-time trading. However, your arbitrary 10 pip stop, knows precisely where it sits in the market - and so too does your Broker!

School is out.

I told myself I was not coming back to the online trading community because of all the trash that people seem to like to wallow in, but seeing this guys Minion Army of Pirates and Never Lose Again trolls, out lying about what this guys is all about and what others (like myself) have done and have NOT done, with respect to trying to work with this guy on a private development project (coding only), that he wants to just give away (are you NUTS!), I just had to come back and speak my voice on what's really going on over in RATville.

Trading Daily Reversal Bars is nothing new. Trading them with a 10 pip stop and no clearly defined target that scales beyond the probable loss percentage of such a method, is rather priceless. 🙂
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As witness to the above facts, I've posted the "RAT" results from December 16th, 2010. No particular reason for this date, other than the fact that it happened to be the chart that I was doing research on at the time - so I used it for placing "RAT" trades.

It got so bad, that I did not bother to go beyond the 9th trade of the day.

Set-Up: EURUSD w/M5 on standard Candle Chart.

Starting Time: 0000 GMT (MT4/IBFX)
End Time: 0245 GMT (MT4/IBFX)

Number of Trades: 9
Number of Wins: 1 (with caveat: see notes below)
Number of Losses: 8

Trade #1: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #2: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #3: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #4: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #5: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #6: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #7: Stopped Out -10 pips
Trade #8: Continuation +25 pips (see notes)
Trade #9: Stopped Out -10 pips

Total Net Pips: -65
Accuracy Ratio: 11%
Failure Ratio: 88%


Because of the RAT rule "Take Whatever Pips You Can" so prominently displayed throughout this thread, I took the liberty to recapture lost pips, by allowing the position to cascade through six (6) other RAT trades entries. By avoiding these RAT entries (not taking them), the position ran to 0515 GMT (MT4/IBFX) for a total of +25 pips.

This emphasizes the problem with the RAT rules "Use A 10 Pip Stop" coupled to "Take Whatever Pips You Can." It is a recipe for disaster as there is no established RR ratio that ensures a recovery from cascading losses. The minimum RR ratio rule that at least floats in many trading circles, is RR 3:1. However, if you apply RR 3:1 to RAT, you do not achieve routine consistency, which is the Calling Card of successful trader.

In my trading system (which is NOT for sale and never has been, nor will it ever be for sale at any price), I've geared the system's performance output to the revenue model. This produces a real-time (dynamic) RR Ratio. Currently, my revenue model is running at RR 5:1 within a 24 hour entry-to-target window. Right now, the model risks 15 pips for ever 75 pip target, but I have seen it as high as RR 10:1 (max) and as low as RR 2:1 (min). The RR Ratio in my system is dependent upon the systems overall health rating, which right now comes in at 77% (the system health rating is not the system accuracy rating).

Here is the chart of "Results." I suggest that all interested, do the same kind of analysis on their own. Anybody can post pretty pictures of trades that never blow-up. This is the other side of the RAT. The pathological side, where the RAT does not know his rear-end from a hole in the ground. If I had let this run throughout the remainder of the day, the losses would have continued to administer havoc on the accounts bottom line. So, like a good referee would do in a prize fight, I simply stopped the carnage from getting worse at 9 trades.

Red Arrows = Short positions bars, not the precise location.
Green Arrows = Long position bars, not the precise location.
Blue Lines = 20 pip Range requirement according to the RAT rules of play.
Gold Lines = The Fatal "Use A 10 Pip Stop".

The long Red'is line is the caveat Short trade that blew through six (6) other RAT entries.

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i see a few problems with the above chart.

1. youre trading both directions, wrong.
2. youre trading against the H1. wrong again.
3. might wanna use the m15 and then go back and look at those trades.
Trader Number 7, yes most of us know that normal 'sit at home' retail traders, trading FX off 5 min TF's, will get killed, trading off a 5 min, with a ten-fifteen pip stop, is ritual mass Jonestown suicide, but why have you got such a hard on for TRO?..
i see a few problems with the above chart.

1. youre trading both directions, wrong.

This is all you need to understand:



So, who is 'wrong' here - you or TRO?

2. youre trading against the H1. wrong again.

How many green arrows do you see?
How many red arrows do you see?
How on earth can NONE of those arrows be in-line with H1?

So, who is 'wrong again' here, you, or TRO?

3. might wanna use the m15 and then go back and look at those trades.

And, you might wanna go read the RAT rules and stop getting Whiplashed to death in horizontal market segments. Son, you are barking up the wrong tree.

The primary function that makes all financial markets work is the mathematical relationship to Price over Time. That's: Price:Time, or [P:T] in the absolute. If you even THINK about trading against that singular principle, you won't be a trader for long. You just said that all one needs to do is extend the "T" in that proportionality.

You need to learn the distinction between Ratio and Proportionality. Proportionality is derived from Ratio. Simply extended the the "Time," or size of the bar to 15 minutes, does not alter the Proportionality. Only the Ratio changes and that by definition means that you have no way on earth to predict the event horizon of an on-coming Vertical Market. So, you ONLY increase the number and size of your losses. Why? Because of the Mathematics that you and all you other RATS fail to understand: the distinction between Ratio and Proportionality.

If "Use A 10 Pip Stop" is the RAT rule of the day on an M5 bar, then would would your Stop rule need to be, in order to NOT blow-up your RR model using a bar that is TREE TIMES THE SIZE?

Wake Up!

Your Stop now extends to Use a 30 Pip Stop. But, you STILL don't have a properly defined Target Level that is based on Magnitude. So, you only end up chasing your Rat Tail around the market, suffering even more Whiplash, and completely clueless (mathematically ignorant) as to WHY it is happening to you.

But, you say: Hmmmm. I don't change or alter my Stop range when using M15. I still use the rule "Use A 10 Pip Stop." Well, welcome to the world of mathematical impossibilities, because during the Peak of Magnitude Expansion (what I call the OmegaWave Expansion Phase - there are Four (4) OmegaWave Phases), M15 magnitudes will easily be one of the single most causal factors for running your misunderstood 10 pip Stop, thereby, decreasing your overall accuracy per capita number of trades in any singular trading session.

I could easily write a book with what you do not yet understand about this business, so spare me the obvious misinformed correction about what I got "wrong" and "wrong again" on this point of order. Rat Minions, don't know 10% of what they think they know about BOTTOM FISHING.

Maybe you should bone-up and learn something about what you are doing.

There's nothing wrong with "Bottom Fishing," when done right. But, you Rat Minions are blind. You have no idea about what "makes a bottom or a top" side market. Thus, you blindly enter these positions, throwing away 10 pips at rate that you cannot afford. Go get a good, clean back-tester and some good historical data. Run the Rat Rules through a good back-testing engine and post the equity curve in this thread - if you dare.

There is ONLY one way to win at this, given the TRO set-up, but it takes a larger bankroll than what most Retail Traders have and it also takes nerves of steel, given the high delta RR model that you must use. Most traders can't swing it that way, so you end up trying to use conventional RR on a Magnitude-less strategy that in the long-run will get you flattened because you keep running into this guy:

Trader Number 7, yes most of us know that normal 'sit at home' retail traders, trading FX off 5 min TF's, will get killed, trading off a 5 min, with a ten-fifteen pip stop, is ritual mass Jonestown suicide, but why have you got such a hard on for TRO?..

One word sums it up for me personally: Unethical. Both he and Occam's Razor.

"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.

The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."

P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)

========================= ====================

"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:

1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)

2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)

They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)

They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden


1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low - that is OPPORTUNITY



Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.

One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, <insert your own adjective>), then why isn't everybody doing it?"

Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!

We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?

We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?

We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?

We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?

The list is almost endless.

As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.

Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.


Trader Number 7, yes most of us know that normal 'sit at home' retail traders, trading FX off 5 min TF's, will get killed, trading off a 5 min, with a ten-fifteen pip stop, is ritual mass Jonestown suicide, but why have you got such a hard on for TRO?..

Some people can express their ideas and methods and let them stand on their own merits WITHOUT attempting to tear down others. He is NOT one of them.
One word sums it up for me personally: Unethical. Both he and Occam's Razor.

"An ad hominem attack against an intellectual, not against an idea, is highly flattering. It indicates that the person does not have anything intelligent to say about your message."

- Nassim Nicholas Taleb "The Black Swan" P-297

"I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion."

- Dr. S. Sivaraman

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do."

Benjamin Franklin

It is really a pity you spend so much time putting me and others down, when you could take that same time and share the knowledge that you claim to have and help your fellow traders.
Trader Number 7, yes most of us know that normal 'sit at home' retail traders, trading FX off 5 min TF's, will get killed, trading off a 5 min, with a ten-fifteen pip stop, is ritual mass Jonestown suicide, but why have you got such a hard on for TRO?..

Did anyone SEE this post:

We are NOT trading off M5 charts - PRICE IS THE SAME ON ALL CHARTS!!

The entry is based off the proximity of price to the low of the day.
So, who is 'wrong' here - you or TRO?

How many green arrows do you see?
How many red arrows do you see?
How on earth can NONE of those arrows be in-line with H1?

So, who is 'wrong again' here, you, or TRO?

And, you might wanna go read the RAT rules and stop getting Whiplashed to death in horizontal market segments. Son, you are barking up the wrong tree.

The primary function that makes all financial markets work is the mathematical relationship to Price over Time. That's: Price:Time, or [P:T] in the absolute. If you even THINK about trading against that singular principle, you won't be a trader for long. You just said that all one needs to do is extend the "T" in that proportionality.

You need to learn the distinction between Ratio and Proportionality. Proportionality is derived from Ratio. Simply extended the the "Time," or size of the bar to 15 minutes, does not alter the Proportionality. Only the Ratio changes and that by definition means that you have no way on earth to predict the event horizon of an on-coming Vertical Market. So, you ONLY increase the number and size of your losses. Why? Because of the Mathematics that you and all you other RATS fail to understand: the distinction between Ratio and Proportionality.

If "Use A 10 Pip Stop" is the RAT rule of the day on an M5 bar, then would would your Stop rule need to be, in order to NOT blow-up your RR model using a bar that is TREE TIMES THE SIZE?

Wake Up!

Your Stop now extends to Use a 30 Pip Stop. But, you STILL don't have a properly defined Target Level that is based on Magnitude. So, you only end up chasing your Rat Tail around the market, suffering even more Whiplash, and completely clueless (mathematically ignorant) as to WHY it is happening to you.

But, you say: Hmmmm. I don't change or alter my Stop range when using M15. I still use the rule "Use A 10 Pip Stop." Well, welcome to the world of mathematical impossibilities, because during the Peak of Magnitude Expansion (what I call the OmegaWave Expansion Phase - there are Four (4) OmegaWave Phases), M15 magnitudes will easily be one of the single most causal factors for running your misunderstood 10 pip Stop, thereby, decreasing your overall accuracy per capita number of trades in any singular trading session.

I could easily write a book with what you do not yet understand about this business, so spare me the obvious misinformed correction about what I got "wrong" and "wrong again" on this point of order. Rat Minions, don't know 10% of what they think they know about BOTTOM FISHING.

Maybe you should bone-up and learn something about what you are doing.

There's nothing wrong with "Bottom Fishing," when done right. But, you Rat Minions are blind. You have no idea about what "makes a bottom or a top" side market. Thus, you blindly enter these positions, throwing away 10 pips at rate that you cannot afford. Go get a good, clean back-tester and some good historical data. Run the Rat Rules through a good back-testing engine and post the equity curve in this thread - if you dare.

There is ONLY one way to win at this, given the TRO set-up, but it takes a larger bankroll than what most Retail Traders have and it also takes nerves of steel, given the high delta RR model that you must use. Most traders can't swing it that way, so you end up trying to use conventional RR on a Magnitude-less strategy that in the long-run will get you flattened because you keep running into this guy:

of corse there are only a couple of other things you need to do. but it's pretty straight forward. not so complicated that a book needs to be written. because according to you, this stuff is not new, is it? and i know that as well. good luck