Negative return on this years Supperanuation


Junior member
Having reached the ripe old age of 60, I decided to cash out my Supperanuation this week after many years of watching it grow steadily at an average 10%.PA.(newbies note. realistic return PA. not 30% per month).
While standing at the counter having my claim form processed I asked for a printout of this financial years return,month by month.
Guess what, the fund LOST money this year. Less today than 12 months ago.
Thanks to the Sub-Prime mess, and the financial meltdown that followed ,interest increases on my Portfolio Loans (Real Estate,etc,) have risen from 5.5% to 9.5% and I live in Australia.
Just wanted to say thanks America. THANKS FOR NOTHING!😡😈
If you have a Super fund you might want to check out how yours performed this year.
anybody watching.

Having reached the ripe old age of 60, I decided to cash out my Supperanuation this week after many years of watching it grow steadily at an average 10%.PA.(newbies note. realistic return PA. not 30% per month).
While standing at the counter having my claim form processed I asked for a printout of this financial years return,month by month.
Guess what, the fund LOST money this year. Less today than 12 months ago.
Thanks to the Sub-Prime mess, and the financial meltdown that followed ,interest increases on my Portfolio Loans (Real Estate,etc,) have risen from 5.5% to 9.5% and I live in Australia.
Just wanted to say thanks America. THANKS FOR NOTHING!😡😈
If you have a Super fund you might want to check out how yours performed this year.

"Bump"Seems I cashed out just in time.
Amazing, is nobody interested that they are losing money?