SB Return Rate on IG Index


Hi All,

Been mucking about with the FTSE 100 for 3 years now on IG Index

I was wondering what Return Rate (IG Index term) people are getting trading an index over a longer term. I dont spend a lot of time on it, probably an hour a day in total but its on in the back ground and I jump in if I see an opportunity.

2021 to date - 1.17 Return Ratio - 77% win rate - 4906 Trades
This year - 1.34 Return Ratio - 78% Win rate - 961 Trades

Ive taken my initial stake and im up 645% since 2021 but finding funding costs and lack of vol in the FTSE starting to eat into profit.

I trade momentum and also intraday movements if I see a pattern, very rarely go short and if I do its only 25% of the fund, have been near death a couple of times with Russia and other world issues.

Just a first post to say hi and wonder if im on track or way behind the curve!