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FAQ Nature Vs Nurture – are Good Traders Born or Made?

Good traders are not by birth they make them self expert in trading with hard work . It is true that some born qualities help us to make successful trading . Such type of people understand trading aspects quickly than other traders. passion, patience and practice with hard work is the necessary item to develop our natural abilities.
Made, although like all things in life, some people have an aptitude, some don't and everybody else sits somewhere in between......

That's heartening for those of us yet to fulfill the higher levels of the art, but makes me wonder if there isn't a way to test aptitude - not just for trading, but for any endeavour.

I presume there must have been at least one attempt in the past to subject professional (successful!) traders to some form of psychological-emotional-cultural-social assessment and determine what, if any, traits the majority had in common.
That's heartening for those of us yet to fulfill the higher levels of the art, but makes me wonder if there isn't a way to test aptitude - not just for trading, but for any endeavour.

I presume there must have been at least one attempt in the past to subject professional (successful!) traders to some form of psychological-emotional-cultural-social assessment and determine what, if any, traits the majority had in common.

Most of the attributes that make for success are counter-intuitive and contrary to normal/socially conventional behaviours. Therefore I believe that success rates are largely a function of (a) will to succeed and (b) ability to change some intrinsic and many learnt behaviours that cause problems.
Nature and Nurture is the two equal factors which endorse your trading abilities. Knowledge is essential part of trading, because lack of it make forex roulette with minimal chances to make profit.
Rubbish .... 80% psychology, 20% mechanics ... without the former you can never succeed. Psychology is an emotional muscle anyone can develop ..... most are however unwilling since it takes a lot of effort and ego often gets in the way.
Anyone can be a trained to be a trader. That said, in order to be good traders some people have to overcome some serious personal shortcomings and negative personality traits affecting their trading habits. That is very much possible, I think, but it depends on how dedicated and stubborn their are. It's not easy, but it's also not impossible.
a lot of depend on how you really want to make money at trading and why you do it. Motivation is everything
Indeed. Motivation and hard work are crucial. You can be born with the aptitude to be a trader, just like you can be born with artistic talent, but any artist will tell you that the majority of their skill comes from years and years of practice. It is the same, I think, with traders - some are born with raw talent, but the really good ones have used that talent as a foundation to build their skills on with a lot of study and practice.
Traders are not born but if you have the traits required to be a successful trader it will make it easier for you.

Trading is a skill which I believe not everyone has the aptitude for no matter how hard they try.
I guess that certainly play a role and abilities, not everyone can do trade, but also study, work on yourself plays an important role. These two things are the main parts for success.
Whilst hotly contested this has been put to the test on more than a couple of occasions. This was of course what inspired Richard Dennis in the 80's with his "Turtles" experiment - he certainly proved that it can be taught in my eyes.

More recently there was also a documentary called million dollar traders (on youtube) which lex van damme and that anton bloke did. Think they lost money overall but they didnt have any prior experience and think they said towards the end that the pro's lost more as it was during the crisis. Well worth a watch in case you havent seen it!
trading is addictive ............as the hotel California song says

you can check out .......but you can never leave
Whilst hotly contested this has been put to the test on more than a couple of occasions. This was of course what inspired Richard Dennis in the 80's with his "Turtles" experiment - he certainly proved that it can be taught in my eyes.

More recently there was also a documentary called million dollar traders (on youtube) which lex van damme and that anton bloke did. Think they lost money overall but they didnt have any prior experience and think they said towards the end that the pro's lost more as it was during the crisis. Well worth a watch in case you havent seen it!

crisis = more money to be made ?........😉

that anton should stick to dancing on BBC's strictly ...........
Ha you're not wrong there! Although he seems to be busy selling his courses at the moment. I got an email the other day talking about a seminar in Australia, and then another in Singapore - that guy gets around! Has anyone here been to one? I also see that lex has a course too, looks like the website has changed recently

Get on your dancing shooooes! 🙂
Good traders are usually psychopaths.

That's a fact. Look it up.

That is true, to some extent -- if you read up on history of really great traders.
Geniuses in every field have very active minds/personalities....that's why they may not seem 'normal'.
I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, as that saying goes. Everything's got a price.

Great traders, like every other field, are naturally made for it...are gifted. it's their Destiny.
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I liked this post showing my respect for a fellow trader. I did point out to him that I think he is a dcki in real life so if I get banned it shows his emotional weakness.

He cannot ban you, however I can but I may just ban Tytus_Barnowl instead.
Well I read Reminiscences of Stock Operator when I was about 12 years old and was immediately hooked on trading. It sounded like an exciting way to earn money.

Unfortuantely I lost a lot of money. I had some nice wins but overall I probably lost. If you add on the expenses of trading I lost my shirt.

I am still around here trying to figure out how to win.

Trading is easy. Winning is my problem.