Myers Bruning Associates


Junior member
Has anyone come across Myers Bruning Associates? They are based in Stockholm,
Sweden and one of their guys telephoned me totally out of the blue (no idea where he got my number from) and after some very quick general waffle about the company said that they had picked up some GSK shares cheaply a while ago and that they were looking to move them on at about £10.06 I think he said when they were trading in the market place at around £11 and he then quickly moved on to say that he had £50k worth available and did I want to go ahead. He seemed surprised when I declined and offered me £10k, and then £2k. I thanked him for his kind offer but I felt that I was being asked to take too much on trust from a person who had phoned me out of the blue from a company that I had never heard of with an offer that seemed too good to be true . . . or did I just miss out on a fantastic chance to make some quick money?
The 'broker' missed out on stealing your money.

You missed out on having it stolen it really is as simple as that because you were cold called 100% by conmen.

If they call back again say you're very interested but your financial advisor has banned you from dealing with any finance firm unless they send you their latest AUDITED set of accounts. Believe me that's a reasonable request these days for a broker and the information must be published in the public domain so it he refuses, and he will, say that's a real shame because you have just sold a property and want to have a gamble with £25k - £50k etc.
The 'broker' missed out on stealing your money.

You missed out on having it stolen it really is as simple as that because you were cold called 100% by conmen.

If they call back again say you're very interested but your financial advisor has banned you from dealing with any finance firm unless they send you their latest AUDITED set of accounts. Believe me that's a reasonable request these days for a broker and the information must be published in the public domain so it he refuses, and he will, say that's a real shame because you have just sold a property and want to have a gamble with £25k - £50k etc.

Or you could tell them to f*** off. Who's got time for chatting to bolier-room scammers?
Why would he sell you Glaxo shares at 1006 when he could just dump them in the market even if he had £1m worth he could probably deal about 2p lower....

Good miss
Thanks for all the replies. I hadn't thought of asking to see audited accounts, that's a good one to try if they call again - I did get a second call BTW but cut it short.

The whole thing seemed like a boiler room scam to me, but when I searched T2W for Myers Bruning I could'nt find anything so I thought I would start this thread partly to see if anyone had any experience with them, and partly so that anyone searching for Myers Bruning in the future would find something.
Myers Bruning Associates - watch out they're scammers

Yes, threads get picked up quicly by Google so the fact that we can name these scummy thieving 'companies' the less they can rip people off.

I just hope that everyone realises that google is your best friend when finding out which firms are good and which are bad.

Myers Bruning Associates - watch out they're thieves
Myers Bruning Warning

Has anyone come across Myers Bruning Associates? They are based in Stockholm,
Sweden and one of their guys telephoned me totally out of the blue (no idea where he got my number from) and after some very quick general waffle about the company said that they had picked up some GSK shares cheaply a while ago and that they were looking to move them on at about £10.06 I think he said when they were trading in the market place at around £11 and he then quickly moved on to say that he had £50k worth available and did I want to go ahead. He seemed surprised when I declined and offered me £10k, and then £2k. I thanked him for his kind offer but I felt that I was being asked to take too much on trust from a person who had phoned me out of the blue from a company that I had never heard of with an offer that seemed too good to be true . . . or did I just miss out on a fantastic chance to make some quick money?

I had a telephone call out of the blue from Myers Bruning saying they could dispose of some shares that I stupidly bought in a boiler room scam. They promised they could get a very good price etc. I just needed to open an account with them by buying some shares in Glaxo. I did a search on Google and found that just two days ago the Sweedish finacial authority had issued a warning about this outfit on their site:-
Warning against Myers-Brüning Associates - Finansinspektionen
The warning says this firm is NOT authorized by them and is not entitled to provide financial services.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE that calls you about worthless shares you hold, and sorry don't kid yourself, they are worthless, are scammers, trying to set you up to steal your cash again.

Plus, who do you think are calling you? Yep, it's the same bunch of low-life thieves that stole your cash in the first place.

You're all been warned.......
There was an article on Radio 4's MoneyBox today about boiler rooms and they mentioned an FSA list, so I did a bit of digging on the FSA web site and here is the link:

Unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK

Surprise surprise! Our friends Myers Bruning are on the list. There are also a hell of a lot of other firms - nearly 1,000! This is a useful list to put on your bookmarks in case anyone calls you. There is also an on-line reporting form to let the FSA know about boiler room scams and I urge anyone who has been contacted by one of these firms to do their public duty and report them.
Myers Bruning Associates - watch out they're scammers

Yes, threads get picked up quicly by Google so the fact that we can name these scummy thieving 'companies' the less they can rip people off.

I just hope that everyone realises that google is your best friend when finding out which firms are good and which are bad.

Myers Bruning Associates - watch out they're thieves

lol what they done to you - cant be bothered to read the thread. If any one ever buys stocks whatever from someone they dont know they get what they deserve.