Please forgive me if this has been posted before, but being new to trading and to trade2win, i hope you'll forgive me.
As i said above, i'm fairly new to this game, but it would be my dream to be able to make a living out of trading. I earn around £20000, so if i can earn that trading, thats my dream. Simple eh??
So i posted a thread a couple of weeks back on another site, and got slated. I hust wanted to ask some basic questions, but i think they were a bit too basic for some. So hopefully, i'll post them now, but word them a little different, and fingers crossed, i'll get a nicer reply/replies. 😆
Being new to trading, i as of yet, not developed my own method of making consistent profits trading. Am i right in saying, that if you find a method, wether it be looking at charts, or ema's etc, that gives you more profits than loses, then this is a trading system? Have you just got to find a method?
Also, are there certain days when you could confidently say the Dow is going to go up or down, eg, it may always move down on christmas day for example. (not that it does or anything, just purely an example. Eh, hang on, its closed then isnt it? You know what i mean though 🙄 )
Also, i get hundreds of letters telling me that they have a system i can buy which will make me money, and sucker me always falls for it, ending up with loses! 😢
Is there any one out there who offers advise or shows you there system for free???
Hope someone can help. I dont want to be a millionaire or anything, just make enough extra money to pay for a holiday every year. Am i asking too much??? All i want is my very own trading system, or at least some advice on how to find it.
As i said above, i'm fairly new to this game, but it would be my dream to be able to make a living out of trading. I earn around £20000, so if i can earn that trading, thats my dream. Simple eh??
So i posted a thread a couple of weeks back on another site, and got slated. I hust wanted to ask some basic questions, but i think they were a bit too basic for some. So hopefully, i'll post them now, but word them a little different, and fingers crossed, i'll get a nicer reply/replies. 😆
Being new to trading, i as of yet, not developed my own method of making consistent profits trading. Am i right in saying, that if you find a method, wether it be looking at charts, or ema's etc, that gives you more profits than loses, then this is a trading system? Have you just got to find a method?
Also, are there certain days when you could confidently say the Dow is going to go up or down, eg, it may always move down on christmas day for example. (not that it does or anything, just purely an example. Eh, hang on, its closed then isnt it? You know what i mean though 🙄 )
Also, i get hundreds of letters telling me that they have a system i can buy which will make me money, and sucker me always falls for it, ending up with loses! 😢
Is there any one out there who offers advise or shows you there system for free???
Hope someone can help. I dont want to be a millionaire or anything, just make enough extra money to pay for a holiday every year. Am i asking too much??? All i want is my very own trading system, or at least some advice on how to find it.