Fyi on my own system

Final Post

As my system is now a pay svc, I can no longer discuss here per tos, with which I agree.

My public track record is at on the mdy board. Anyone with further interest can get the links they would need there.

Good luck and good trades to all, Steve
update on mvp signal system

This system is no longer for sale or commercial in any way. Though it started off fine at, racking up a winner and causing me to collect fees, I looked at the work to reward ratio and realized I was making so much more just trading my own money, why bother. Not to mention already being too busy with two jobs, divorce, daughters and new girfriend.
Anyway, sorry for ramble, point is I will be resum,imng posting as to how this mechanical system is doing. Lastest position is cash as of last week.
The system can be googled as mvp signal system.
Regards, Steve

mr_cassandra said:
As my system is now a pay svc, I can no longer discuss here per tos, with which I agree.

My public track record is at on the mdy board. Anyone with further interest can get the links they would need there.

Good luck and good trades to all, Steve
mr_cassandra said:
This system is no longer for sale or commercial in any way. Though it started off fine at, racking up a winner and causing me to collect fees, I looked at the work to reward ratio and realized I was making so much more just trading my own money, why bother. Not to mention already being too busy with two jobs, divorce, daughters and new girfriend.
Anyway, sorry for ramble, point is I will be resum,imng posting as to how this mechanical system is doing. Lastest position is cash as of last week.
The system can be googled as mvp signal system.
Regards, Steve


I will llook forward to your reports on the systems performance.

All the best.

semi-brief review

Current system status is in cash, from latest sell, which was 11/19/04
Bearing in mind only 2004 is real time, real money, over all system results thru start of bactest to today is
36.1% annualized over the 8.6 year time period.
10k to 140K in 8.6. years (doens't include taxes or commission)
61 trades , 18 of which were losers
Current version is 21F.
Results as stated are from using mdy, profunds enhanced funds would be much more.
8.6 year backtest is done with the exact same code and triggers, no changes anywhere thruout the entire time frame.

System makes trades that last from weeks to months, mainly and they are based on interrelated extremes in vix, put call, mclellan ratios etc. 2 observations I'd like to stress:

1. I know most folks here are shooting for much more return than 36% annual but I was just looking to substantially outgun a real good mutual fund.

2. This system would bore a real trader to tears or worse, its like watching paint dry.

Regards, Steve

the blades said:

I will llook forward to your reports on the systems performance.

All the best.

mr_cassandra said:
Current system status is in cash, from latest sell, which was 11/19/04
Bearing in mind only 2004 is real time, real money, over all system results thru start of bactest to today is
36.1% annualized over the 8.6 year time period.
10k to 140K in 8.6. years (doens't include taxes or commission)
61 trades , 18 of which were losers
Current version is 21F.
Results as stated are from using mdy, profunds enhanced funds would be much more.
8.6 year backtest is done with the exact same code and triggers, no changes anywhere thruout the entire time frame.

System makes trades that last from weeks to months, mainly and they are based on interrelated extremes in vix, put call, mclellan ratios etc. 2 observations I'd like to stress:

1. I know most folks here are shooting for much more return than 36% annual but I was just looking to substantially outgun a real good mutual fund.

2. This system would bore a real trader to tears or worse, its like watching paint dry.

Regards, Steve

I'm interested in a system that may give me indicators as to the direction of the market and as such, the level of punt I take (dictated by a faster system) may be governed by this.

Also, as a momentum investor (with annual expectation around 30 - 35%) I like the idea of a contrarian system to compliment mine, to hopefully reduce drawdown.

It's difficult to know exactly what others achieve / expect but because of the ability to use leverage I'd rather a system that goes up in a straight line at "20%" than an extremely volatile one at "100%".

All the best.

Market direction indicators

You might want to look at charts of $nasi and $nysi at I use them in mine program and they are a key part of trading signals. Its been my experience that its a very bad idea to trade against them. (don't be short when they are bullish and vice-versa)

the blades said:
I'm interested in a system that may give me indicators as to the direction of the market and as such, the level of punt I take (dictated by a faster system) may be governed by this.

Also, as a momentum investor (with annual expectation around 30 - 35%) I like the idea of a contrarian system to compliment mine, to hopefully reduce drawdown.

It's difficult to know exactly what others achieve / expect but because of the ability to use leverage I'd rather a system that goes up in a straight line at "20%" than an extremely volatile one at "100%".

All the best.

ytd results version 21.G

Using umpix for longs and uipix for shorts, these are closed trades for mvp signal system v21.G in 2004 so far

1/29/04 - sell from a rebuy long position +7.8%
3/10/04 - sell from a rebuy long position -.06% (loss)
4/14/04 - sell from an mvp-2-buy long position +3.4%
5/11/04 - close short position (via uIpix) +5.2%
6/15/04 - sell from an mvp-2-buy long position +8.2%
8/18/04 - close short position (via uIpix) +1.4%
9/24/04 - sell from over-ride buy long position +6%
10/11/04 - sell from re-buy long position -3.0% (loss)
11/22/04 - sell from re-buy long position +8.6%
current position is cash.

This would have turned 10,000 into 14,279 this year so far.

Couple notes: these are profunds 2x mdy numbers, my website and spreadsheet are all based on mdy.
Also, I was working on an improvement (LOL) and missed the trade which ended 11/22/04. Threw the improvement out.
YTD results using profunds 2x funds

28% so far. Probably thats it. Volatility (and performance) seems to be coming down as we leave the nasdaq bear further behind.
Still in cash awaiting next signal

Net new lows are increasing, this factor is an excellent accompaniement to an original mvp buy signal (high vxi/pcr spike).
Net new lows may be graphed at as $nyhl:$nytot and $nahl:$natot. By dividing (highs minus lows) by total actives, you get a factored result which is comparable year over year as the markets grow and/or shrink.

mr_cassandra said:
28% so far. Probably thats it. Volatility (and performance) seems to be coming down as we leave the nasdaq bear further behind.
Short signal for sp400 as of 1/13/05 close

mvp signal system v21.G go short signal for the sp400. I will be using UIPIX from profunds for this trade.
mvp signal system sell short signal

Followup information on short signal

This is not intended as investment advice, only documentation of what I'm doing with my own money. You can see the short trades I place at UIPIX board and MDY board.

As of tonite the signal issued was SELL SHORT. Over 8+ years of the data, shorts were best executed (in general) in the morning.

Short signal performance history using mdy as vehicle.
Of the 19 prior short signals, 4 were losers.
Of the remainder 5 were either a wash or very tiny winners. That leaves 10 that were winners, highest 26%.
Annualized mvp 8.6 year results 35.9%
Without short trades it drops to 23.9%
Except last year, this is based on back-testing.

I will be posting a clearstation recommendation on this as well under symbol UIPIX and mdy.

The website which gives a general overview is

This email is not intended as investment advice in any way, it is merely a followup to people who have inquired about this system.