my tradestation code

Please remember this is only one instrument and results are very much smoothed with basket trading.

have you tested that idea? over the last few years asset classes have become much more correlated, its pretty much been one market (although changing recently). rather than smoothing returns diversifying has significantly increased risk and drawdown. just look at the returns of some of the big quant funds that employ these methods
My trading style is very much a fader, or rtm.

I have 6 different settings (systems), which combined smooth my equity curve. I try to look for consistency over everything else.

So when i say results are smoothed by basket trading im also saying they are too smoothed by basket trading in combined strategies.
there is a minimum fund acount size that is required because of the running of these multiple strategies and basket trading and to be honest i still lack the optimum starting bank and why i feel anxious i guess.

I have tried to contact prop firms in the usa so i can trade with more leverage but although i have my series 7, i have failed twice in obtaining a us tax file number. If i could find a way to get more leverage then it would be better for me as tradestation and ib do not offer enough leverage for my account size.

I could start by trading one systems and build up to it but overall performance is better combining the systems together, so you see my dilema. I have systems that are good and ready, im anxious because of account size.

I have thought about using spreadbet but they rape you with the fills and also do not have any of the stocks that i use, if anyone has any suggestions to any remote prop firms where i can get 10-1, 30-1 leverage and do not need a us tax file number then please let me know, thanks.
I would trade any system with positive expectancy.
the main parameters i look is Max Drawdown in terms of Return and in terms of % of equity (no matter the point in time), another parameters are trading principles and time frames.
i can help with leverage, in fact I can help make your system a traded one in a fund with revenue share (no funds on your behalf needed).
i can't help with any tax issue - but maybe you'd have a clear direction after a conversation.

anyway, maybe you could post 3 scenarios of results (the good the bad and the average) for 1 year with daily resolution of trades?
you can PM me for details...

good luck.
i am of course interested but you would not beleive me if i told you how many firms i have met with my approach, i have had 3 offers to trade with various firms but the bottom line is they insist on their way where as i know no one can interfere with the code, it must be left to run. My research and tests have shown there is no extra edge when i over ride the system even if the system is getting its **** kicked.

See i really know my systems and have tweaked it, pulled things that do not add any extra edge, etc etc.

They have offered me 60/40 splits but not sure it would work. I prefer to put up my own cash for some decent leverage.
i am of course interested but you would not beleive me if i told you how many firms i have met with my approach, i have had 3 offers to trade with various firms but the bottom line is they insist on their way where as i know no one can interfere with the code, it must be left to run. My research and tests have shown there is no extra edge when i over ride the system even if the system is getting its **** kicked.

See i really know my systems and have tweaked it, pulled things that do not add any extra edge, etc etc.

They have offered me 60/40 splits but not sure it would work. I prefer to put up my own cash for some decent leverage.

1.surely you can understand that if a firm offers to risk its money (rather than yours) they want to have some sort of control. I'm not talking about changing the model, but in terms of operations (e.g how much money to risk as a whole, in what terms, what stages) etc.. professionals are reasonable. they just have their own reason..
2. it sounds a bit arrogant to the average person when you say:"nothing can be changed, my system is perfect". what if someone gave you an idea that can be implemented with success? don't shun opportunities to learn or grow...
3. when you say - "...offered me to trade", do you mean manually? or automatically?
4. seems to me (please correct me if im wrong), that you have some objections to letting your system(s?) run. you want it for your own trading with your own money. that's ok, of course, but it will take you a lot longer. besides, if a firm doesn't request exclusiveness, you can start by getting revenue share - and then trade your share by yourself.

my offer still stands,
you can email me at [email protected] for more details, or we can talk over skype or MSN if you'd like.
sorry if it sounded arrogent, i will contact you.

I have no ego nor would turn down new ideas, ego has no place in trading.