brian millard channels


Hi, has anybody read or used brian millards books/software. Ive read some of his books and found the them informative. Then I purchased his software but was dissapointed in its performance, which was a shame. The reason I ask is that when looked at these boards, here and else where I never see any mention of him. Ive been interested in getting inolved in shares for a long time and millards was the first books I read so I think this has narrowed my view. Ive invested in sharescope software and bought martin prings introduction to technical analysis. After reading through past messages Im looking to purchase pfscan and maybe when Ive learnt a bit more, look at metastock/aiq. I feel that millard has some good points, particuly the idea that if less than 60% of shares have a rising 201 day average to stay out of the market. Any way Im wondering if anybody else think millards ideas are worth staying with.
Regards Robert
Hi Robert.
I have Profitable Charting Techniques by Millard and found it a very clear summary of common chart patterns and indicators. I haven't used it as any kind of trading strategy - I am useless at pattern recognition IN REAL-TIME, its easy with historic charts in books - and have no channel analysis software that he uses.
I'd be interested to look over any sections you are finding potentially useful (or otherwise).
Brian Millard

Hi Rob,

Brian MIllard is alive and well! Please visit ourt site, His new Channalyze software is to be reviewed in Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities in November. A trial download will be available within a week or so.

You can also email brian on [email protected]

Thanks. A MIllard

Hi, has anybody read or used brian millards books/software. Ive read some of his books and found the them informative. Then I purchased his software but was dissapointed in its performance, which was a shame. The reason I ask is that when looked at these boards, here and else where I never see any mention of him. Ive been interested in getting inolved in shares for a long time and millards was the first books I read so I think this has narrowed my view. Ive invested in sharescope software and bought martin prings introduction to technical analysis. After reading through past messages Im looking to purchase pfscan and maybe when Ive learnt a bit more, look at metastock/aiq. I feel that millard has some good points, particuly the idea that if less than 60% of shares have a rising 201 day average to stay out of the market. Any way Im wondering if anybody else think millards ideas are worth staying with.
Regards Robert
Hi alexa.

It was reading Millard’s books in the 80’s that got me interested in share dealing.
I have had his software in its various forms since 1992. Due to my experience with his software, in 2007 I was asked to beta test Channalyze and found it to be a major development in identifying stable cycles. I have found it easy to use and now use it as my preferable analysis tool.

I have no connection with Millard’s company.