My Personal Oil trading System

But the far bigger issue is that T2W staff are defending this system. They see no issues whatsoever with a forum guide making claims of 100% risk free returns per month. In fact, another forum guide has a system where he's claiming returns of 100% per week, and the same T2W member of staff (Timsk) has defended that forum guide too

Those kinds of returns wouldnt look out of place at a forum dedicated to promoting Ponzi schemes. Makes you think doesnt it

Could this be because most of the T2W staff don't trade ?

Could it be they are still looking for grails promising 100% per month ?

Let's face it - double your money every month would be worth a lot more than 149.99. In fact, I am fairly sure I could raise a few million for it without a lot of effort.

Here's me telling start up funds to go screw themselves with their 20% pa on year actual results & 5 years simulated when there's a guy on here that can double your money every month.
Could this be because most of the T2W staff don't trade ?

Could it be they are still looking for grails promising 100% per month ?

Let's face it - double your money every month would be worth a lot more than 149.99. In fact, I am fairly sure I could raise a few million for it without a lot of effort.

Here's me telling start up funds to go screw themselves with their 20% pa on year actual results & 5 years simulated when there's a guy on here that can double your money every month.

If they knew how to trade , would they support it , that is if they supported it?

He gives a discount to t2w members , so can't be 149.Its cheaper to double your bets every year.I must buy this product ,heck if I sell to two other people ,I would double my money straight away.

Thats quality of sellers we get on the net jungle.

I love the deal.
Could this be because most of the T2W staff don't trade ?

Sharky's admitted that he does not trade. You can safely conclude the staff who are paid employees wouldnt need to be reliant on income paid by a trading site if they where trading. You can safely assume anyone who's holding down another job as an employee elsewhere doesnt have what it takes either.

Mr Sharky sets the standards, and it suits his purpose for vendors to promote unrealistic products, because thats what the majority of T2W's 185,000 readers past and current want. Everyone else does what theyre told, or risks losing their job, or their "status"

It provides quality lulz, and for that I'm truly thankful
Sharky's admitted that he does not trade. You can safely conclude the staff who are paid employees wouldnt need to be reliant on income paid by a trading site if they where trading. You can safely assume anyone who's holding down another job as an employee elsewhere doesnt have what it takes either.

Mr Sharky sets the standards, and it suits his purpose for vendors to promote unrealistic products, because thats what the majority of T2W's 185,000 readers past and current want. Everyone else does what theyre told, or risks losing their job, or their "status"

It provides quality lulz, and for that I'm truly thankful

I'll set the scene for you. Guy wearing marrigolds doing the dishes with his wife...

"You know maureen, since the start of the credit crunch we've had nothing but financial trouble. All of our business ventures have fallen flat on thier faces, the dog walking business, the 'odd job' business and even the rug design business have all took money away from us. This time it's all going to be different, now that we've discovered T2W and that 100%/month trading system i think we can safely say our money worries are near an end.

Of course we'll have to join T2W, what shall we call ourselves? What about 'Ritzy Trader' or 'Dragon Trader' (roars at wife) maybe just 'Ronnie and Maureen'?

We'll also need some books, just so we can talk the talk and rub shoulders with the big hitters on T2W. We were made for this opportunity Maureen, let's make the most of this system, we'll be the financial king and queen of Basingstoke this time next year.

Just have a quick look on T2W, see what the next big thing is, we need to be in with the in crowd."
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I'll set the scene for you. Guy wearing marrigolds doing the dishes with his wife...

"You know maureen, since the start of the credit crunch we've had nothing but financial trouble. All of our business ventures have fallen flat on thier faces, the dog walking business, the 'odd job' business and even the rug design business have all took money away from us. This time it's all going to be different, now that we've discovered T2W and that 100%/month trading system i think we can safely say our money worries are near an end.

Of course we'll have to join T2W, what shall we call ourselves? What about 'Ritzy Trader' or 'Dragon Trader' (roars at wife) maybe just 'Ronnie and Maureen'?

We'll also need some books, just so we can talk the talk and rub shoulders with the big hitters on T2W. We were made for this opportunity Maureen, let's make the most of this system, we'll be the financial king and queen of Basingstoke this time next year.

Just have a quick look on T2W, see what the next big thing is, we need to be in with the in crowd."

😆 is that you wearing the marigolds then Paulie...?
Hi guy's, I will probably get shot down in flames for this post.

I want to say that I bought John's system way back in Sept 09 as an introduction to trading in general and had moderate success using it.
Wether it was luck or wether it was the system I can't really say and to be completely honest I don't really use it anymore as I wanted to learn how to trade properly and not rely on someone else's to speak.

The thing that stopped me using it, was having to go out and do the daily grind.
If I can remember correctly John say's that it is best used on the hourly chart and because I am busy during the day going out and making someone else the serious cash I can't really use the system.
I have used it here and there when I've had a day off and that's about it.

In John's defence I don't think he has ever claimed that the system is 100% profitable, he doe's mention in the systems manual that you will have losers.

A couple of months back my PC went on the blink and I had to buy a new one, I lost pretty much all the data on the original PC.....I know....back-up, back- and back-up again...just in case.
So any way I sent John an e-mail explaining what had happened, a day or so later John sent me the link to re-download the system and manual with no problems.

So I do think that he is a decent kind of guy....for a vendor.

Just my 2p's worth.

I haven't looked at this thread for a very long time and I'm amused to see some of the comments!

Anyone who claims a system can make 100% per month is clearly insane - I'm sure I never said that. It has made 100% in a month back in the heady days before the economic collapse but to do so every month is an impossibility.

That would turn your $1,000 starting capital into $2,000,000 in the first year and by the second year you'd have more than the GDP of most countries. And yet thousands of dummies swallow such claims.

It's hardly surprising that 95% of new traders lose all their money when the sad fact is that 95% of all new traders are seriously lacking in common sense.

There's also a load of other rubbish reported about the system which I can't be bothered to correct but it does show how 'whispers' get distorted as they are passed on - and after a while everybody believes something totally unrelated to the truth...
I can't believe Trade2Win allows such blatant advertising by a vendor who's selling a scam. This really puts Trade2Win's credibility into question. I guess they're getting paid to allow this. Sorry guys but don't fall for it, there is no automated system that will make you money. Learn how to trade.
I can't believe Trade2Win allows such blatant advertising by a vendor who's selling a scam. This really puts Trade2Win's credibility into question. I guess they're getting paid to allow this. Sorry guys but don't fall for it, there is no automated system that will make you money. Learn how to trade.

This really is a childish post by a clueless newbie pretending to know what he's talking about...

Not advertising, no money paid, not a scam, not an automated system...

Apart from that, the thread is two years old and no link was ever posted to my website.
This really is a childish post by a clueless newbie pretending to know what he's talking about...

Not advertising, no money paid, not a scam, not an automated system...

Apart from that, the thread is two years old and no link was ever posted to my website.

The fact that you say it's not advertising is proof you're dishonest.

The testimonial from the trader who said you update your site/blog after the trade has already started and say the failed ones shouldn't have been taken and the winning ones should have been taken tells me everything I need to know. I was wondering how you were going to slime out of your outrageous profit claims and I must say this is a very clever way to do it.

Everyone has been warned, if anyone sends you money then they deserve to lose it. so I will leave you alone now.
I have never made any profit claims - this is another example of you newcomers making things up and the truth getting distorted as it's passed down the line. What outrageous profit claims? I've already addressed this lie a few posts up.

When are you people going to realise that the reason 95% fail at trading is due lack of aptitude and intelligence? It's hardly surprising then that so many people are looking to blame everyone but themselves. You wouldn't believe the stupid questions I get on a daily basis that shows people don't have a clue what they're doing and then blame 'the system'.

It is simply untrue that I post comments not to trade after failed trades. To repeat the blatant lie that I do, without any personal experience is ignorant, to say the least. Why are you so keen to attack me in any case?

It's a bit pointless to 'warn everyone' about me when the post is two years old.

My only consolation is that if anyone takes you seriously, they would be too dumb to succeed anyway and it's better they have nothing to do with me. I really couldn't care less if I never sell another system again - I make enough from trading. In fact, many times I've thought of closing it all down so that I wouldn't have to deal with idiots like you.

Just on a common decency point, you really should be sure of your facts before launching an attack.
All right, let's resume this thread.
How is the system working in this strange period?
All right, let's resume this thread.
How is the system working in this strange period?

The Author of the system has recently revamped the package to include trading indicators for gold and oil, as well as forex. I purchased his package and in a few short days, made the money back (i am trading the daily charts with the package) I paid for it. Seems to work well.
Is their anyone on this site with actual experience of trading this system (and the gold and dow version)?
If so, can you tell me if the system delivers the claimed results or not? Is it profitable?
Nice one 🙂. Why not indeed?! Thanks for sharing your strategy (allbeit at a price).

You are one of the few people i MIGHT consider believing. All the same, are you going to have a January sale, 'cos i'm interested?!

A few questions: is this an automated trading system? If so can it be done manually too? Is metatrader required to run this strategy?

How long have you been trading this yourself?

that's all for now


p.s. i agree, oil is a great market to trade

Here is a free system that some one has shared: Oil Trading - Free Oil Trading System