pitfalls when buying a trading system


Active member
hey guys

Even though i'm still a rookie I've bought a few trading systems in my short time and there is a couple of things you should know.

1.Testomonials-did you know that the seller can give away free copies in exchange for positive testomonials.Ofcourse testomonails can be genuine but don't belivie that they all are.

2.Money back guarantee-Some money back guarantee's are not worth the paper they are written on.Sometimes when you ask for your guarantee you are conviently ignored.

3.Only three copies left-Come now why would you limit your number of copies.Do you honestly believe that so many people will buy a system that it will become ineffective.If that many people bought your system you will be stinking rich anyway it's just not realistic.

4.Price will go up 2 or 3 times the normal price.Another effective way to get a sale.I've fallen for that one as well and quess what a year later still the same price.

5.Don't automatically dismiss cheap systems.The seller ask what he thinks he can get.If there is not a lot of hype about his system nobody is gonna pay 97$ or more.

6.Due dilegince-how do you seperate a good system from a scam.Google it there should be a couple of reviews and people will talk about it in forums.however with cheaps systems you won't get any reviews so you will just have to look at the information you've got and decide whether it's worth the risk of buying it.

thank you
christiaan,its the way you come accross.You seem to imply that you are very knowledgable but in truth you are new to trading so really shouldnt be giving out advice.
What you wrote is either common sense or a waste of space. The most important thing to do is check what you buy works, and I have yet to come across a purchasable trading system that works on its own.if it did wed all use the same one.:smart: please dont take this the wrong way as I feel you intentions are honourable,unlike a lot on here
ag please so far i'm doing okay with real money thank you i'm not as dumb as you think.Just because i'm new to trading live does not mean new to trading.I'm smart enough to now that just because your method is simplistic does not automatically means it's ineffective.That complicating forex any idiot can do it's simplifying it that's the real trick.

O and the reason why we all don't use the same system is because the internet is vast and finding good indicators is very very hard among all the crap or outright scams out there that's why we swap information

O by the way it's still very early for me but after 4 days one hour a day i need three consective losing trades and a half to breakeven not spectacular I know but for a dumb fellow not that bad.And i've yet to catch a really big trade which my system does very well.
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