My Journey to PureTick.


Well-known member
Just as a start. I am a not yet IT totally done consultant and a not yet again futures trader 😉 A history in the markets going back 18 years, once being an IB (introducing broker), living from speculations some point in the mid of that, too. Fed up with a job where one has to play nice with stupid decisions from idiots in companies I am breaking a word I gave a nice woman years ago to get out of speculation.

This time, I look to stay, and I look for the best possible start 😉

I will be trading with Mirus Futures / Rosenthal Collins group. The account is open, pending funding, which will come when the money for my last months work is arrived, which will move over more or less completely (taking out the taxes).

So, PureTick it is. They have a nice USD 29 introduction offer for 10 days. I signed up yesterday. Not a lot to loose, very disputed here, but again USD 29 for 10 days.

This journal will discuss my experience with them, my trades, their service. It may be good, may be bad - but it will be objectively fair. I have no intention to blame them, no intention to talk them better than they appear to me.

Trading will start today - a first entry follows now, about yesterday, when I Was in the room for some hours setting up my systems etc.

I will be trading all this time with a simulated NinjaTrader based account on the Mirus Demo - something everyone can just do himself.
Ok, yesterday's signup. Lost quite some money following the trades, but that was me. Overtrading (wanted to see how the simulator handles fills when the tape shows low volume) and not following entry / exit points (wanted to try out and get the ATM - Autoamtic Trade Management) set up by their guidelines.

In general I dropped in in the deadzone, took a break in the afternoone as my gf asked for a walk. Again, this was not a trading day for me - but a "play around". Accounts are now balanced and set to USD 10.000. I Will start trading today as if this is a USD 30.000 account, the initial amount I will put in. This means 6 contracts to trade.

In general, I like the room. One HAS to have audio - Alex gives lots of comments on Audio. Basically most of the explanations are there. Without Audio, signals come by surprise. With audio, they are well prepared.

Signals are clar, precise, limits and entries discussed. They are not always easy to follow - fast market moves naturally are fast by their nature, so a sell signal alex executes (and that automatically in the room with a buzzer etc.) may come to a surprise... to those that did not read the "sell signal upcoming" and did not listen to the audio.

Sometimes one may get a worse fill. Sometimes stop entries are prepared. Somtimes, one gets a better fill than Alex on a small pullback. All normal it sounds.

People are - at least now - timid to follow the official trades that area also well defined. Probably due to the (which I missed the start) competition that Alex pays out 1500 USD to anyone who follows ALL official trades ONLY.

On top of that, lot of discussion of the market and also alternative trades is in. SOme may consfuse those, but I had no issue with them - Alex clearly marks the official and his signals. He just answers questions from traders, and thus also discusses other setups.

On the trades. Damn, I really feld confident. Having a senior trader back up, discuss the trade, the tape etc. really gives one a good feel psychologically. We ahda couple of setups I was in (around 3-4trades in total in my period). and all went well. But the main point is all the management that goes on. Clear explanations.

So, now my computer is known to work (Windows 7, 64 bit, 8 gb RAM on a dual 20.2" dell screen with 1600x1200) - and I have 4 screens on my desk (that new one is reserved for trading). The trading room works. The feed works. The demo account is reset. Let the journey begin 😉 9 days ahead, 7 trading days. Where will puretick take me?
"Where will puretick take me?"

Hopefully to where you want to be! Best of luck. 👍

Ok, time for a recap of the day as the market is closing 😉 What a ride.

I followd 7 trades,botching up 2 at the end - one (the last) I simply missed - did not enter market as I should have, then the trade did already run away and never came back. The other one I was in, sadly a "add an add stop" turned into "damn, I closed the position with a 1 stop loss" thanks to a data entry error.

Recap, though - trading a 30.000 USD account, USD 5 comissions entered - the simulator shows 1005 USD profits.

Now, for the room. Probably half of what the official record will say ;(

Whoever has problems following the trade needs to - train. Like I do. Obviosuly. Trades were well announced. WHen one has the rules of the trades ready and does not need to look up or prepare the environment, they are really easy to follow. Trades were well executed. Technically there was not a single bad trade today, and - on top - not a single of those trades were well managed. Alex is really nice in explaining things. Plus people trade their own, and discuss that. Really help developing ones own style.

Lof of lurkers around, obviously - few peopel regularly say something.

And that is it. I got well managed, was forced to look at the market, got more training with the system I use. My conclusion here - valid, well managed, good service. Permanent warnings how to be carefull about the loss, how not to assume but read the market. Very good explanations. Very good mentorship within the limits of a trading room.

Did I make profit? Yes, on the simulator - which is the goal during the trial (I will only switch over after the trial period).
Did I learn? I Think so.
Am I satisfied? Yes.

And tomorrow the journey continues.
Ok, time for a recap of the day as the market is closing 😉 What a ride.

I followd 7 trades,botching up 2 at the end - one (the last) I simply missed - did not enter market as I should have, then the trade did already run away and never came back. The other one I was in, sadly a "add an add stop" turned into "damn, I closed the position with a 1 stop loss" thanks to a data entry error.

Recap, though - trading a 30.000 USD account, USD 5 comissions entered - the simulator shows 1005 USD profits.

Now, for the room. Probably half of what the official record will say ;(

Whoever has problems following the trade needs to - train. Like I do. Obviosuly. Trades were well announced. WHen one has the rules of the trades ready and does not need to look up or prepare the environment, they are really easy to follow. Trades were well executed. Technically there was not a single bad trade today, and - on top - not a single of those trades were well managed. Alex is really nice in explaining things. Plus people trade their own, and discuss that. Really help developing ones own style.

Lof of lurkers around, obviously - few peopel regularly say something.

And that is it. I got well managed, was forced to look at the market, got more training with the system I use. My conclusion here - valid, well managed, good service. Permanent warnings how to be carefull about the loss, how not to assume but read the market. Very good explanations. Very good mentorship within the limits of a trading room.

Did I make profit? Yes, on the simulator - which is the goal during the trial (I will only switch over after the trial period).
Did I learn? I Think so.
Am I satisfied? Yes.

And tomorrow the journey continues.

What happened with your journal? is it fair to assume that it didn't work out for you?