RCG or Dorman FCM with Mirus


Junior member

am thinking of going for an account with mirus futures to trade ES. I am based in the UK.

they offer two clearing houses

Rosenthal Collins Group

any recommendations or info on which would be best/safest?
hi i told them i wanted to trade FTSE100 and the YM and ES and they told me to go with Rosenthal Collins Group.
What about just ES from US? Which clearing house do you recommend, RCG or Dorman with Mirus?
I was with Mirus for 8 months and found their service to be a bit slow and horrible zen fire feed. My ninja/zen fire crashed constantly during my trading hours and when I tried to call mirus to flatten my orders, they put my on hold for 2 min an average.

I finally gave up mirus and decided to try Infinity Futures which offer AT platform. So far, the AT has not crashed and I have no problem getting a hold of my broker.

I hope this help
I have Mirus with RCG since Aug 2008, made more than 5000 trades, never once had a crash, and they answered my calls promptly. I am a happy customer so far, but I can't speak for others.

Took 6 months off from trading to study the markets and paper trade my new systems while I develop and test them, I use Zen-fire datafeed for my realtime test and paper trade and the feed has been rock solid, never a crash and they never give me any hard time for lack of trading activities for more than six months.
Working with Mirus for some months.

Ninja - broken software written by people who obviously never used their own software, at least in some areas it is crap. Has serious performance problems under load. Hope is for NT7 😉

Zen-Fire - the feed, technology - is similar to Rithmic and terrific. I had no problem and no significant delays getting trades and best bid/ask for the complete CME (direct on the Rithmic API)... took complete feed with all bid/ask changes to overload my CPU and that is an identified bug on AMD processors (works fine on Intel, sadly my servers are all AMD).

So, if something lags/crashes.... blame Ninja 😉

I am fully happy with Mirus 😉