Real Account
I opened 3 other long positions of which 2 got stopped out already 2 days ago. The
Ca trade was legitimate but was just a losing trade. However, I entered
Me again also. It was a mistake. I was trying to look for a good entry point but it kind of screwed me over. It was rallying up so I thought let's have some patience and enter when it goes down a bit. Except it didn't go down. It kept going up. And each time it went higher and higher I resisted the temptation to enter the trade. I kept my descipline until the 4th time I had the urge to enter it and then I actually entered the trade. Of course it was on the high point, figures lol, but serves me right. It
really is your emotions what makes the difference in the market. Either I should have entered it immediately or not at all.
Also the minimum amount to buy was rather a lot so my stop loss was probably a bit too tight for the volatility but didn't want to risk too much either. Everything about that trade screams extremely bad trade and the worst thing is that I knew it. I told myself that I shouldn't entere because it's a bad trade a couple of times and then I did it anyway. Well I can only learn from it. I should be happy to learn these lessons now that i'm trading with a small amount rather than my full capital.
Anyway the result of that bad trade was € -87,50 rendering me break even if I count my winning trades and the uninevitable (but not necessarily bad) losing trades of this month.
The one other trade I reopened (
Ko) is still in the running making a modest profit. One other position out of my 4 earlier mentioned candidates is
Kon that one is still in the running from the beginning. I didn't talk about that one yet but it's also making a modest profit.
On to the technicals I guess. I will post charts of the
Ca trade and maybe the very bad
Me trade just for fun
As I'm in the process of posting the technicals the market has opened and both my positions are making more profit.
Positions still open:
Long Ko
Amount: 100 shares
Opening rate: 37,11
Opening time: 7/10/2015 9:10:03 AM
Stop loss: 37,14 (re-adjusted twice already)
Amount risked: initially around €80
Current rate: 37.98
Current Net P/L: € +88,88
Long Kon
Amount: 50 shares
Opening rate: 23,78
Opening time: 6/10/2015 10:36:43 AM
Stop loss: 24,18 (re-adjusted twice as well)
Amount risked: initially around €30
Current rate: 24,76
Current Net P/L: € +47,98
Positions closed
Reason = stop loss got hit
Long Me (the bad trade)
Amount: 250 shares
Opening rate: 21,71
Opening time:7/10/2015 11:49:28 AM
Stop loss: near the closing rate of course
Amount risked: near € 87,50
Close rate: 21,36
Close time:7/10/2015 5:07:11 PM
Net P/L: € -87,50
Short term 15 minute chart, green line is where i entered, red is where I exited:
Long term hourly chart:
As you can see, my trade idea was correct but I put a too narrow stop loss because I took too large of a position (couldn't go smaller). If deciding to enter the trade anyway I should have entered where i now exited, afterwards it went back up nicely. I could have made nice profits with this one, but alas
Long Ca
Reason closure = stop loss got hit
Amount: 100 shares
Opening rate: 28,04
Opening time: 7/10/2015 10:01:53 AM
Stop loss: near the closing rate of course
Amount risked: near € 41,80
Close rate: 27,63
Close time: 8/10/2015 11:02:37 AM
Net P/L: € -41,80